White House task force on NEW Americans wants to hear from you!

Yes, you got that right!

Munoz stood by her man…. Photo and story: http://www.thedailybeast.com/articles/2013/07/28/cecilia-munoz-quarterback-of-obama-s-immigration-reform-efforts.html

The task force was created in November, here it is.  Now they are getting to work under the guidance of none-other than former La Raza (“the race”) agitator Cecilia Muñoz and the Director of USCIS León Rodríguez.

Titled, Call for Ideas: Help Shape a Federal Immigrant and Refugee Integration Strategy, here is what the White House put out today in its call (hat tip: Joanne).

You have until February 9th to help Obama with your ideas!

[skipped the first couple of paragraphs of today’s press release]

We are, and will continue to be, a nation of immigrants. On average, the United States welcomes approximately 1 million lawful permanent residents and more than 700,000 newly naturalized citizens each year. These new Americans contribute significantly to our economy. In fact, while foreign-born residents make up 13 percent of the population, they represent over 16 percent of the labor force and start 28 percent of all new businesses creating jobs for millions of Americans.

The goal of the Task Force is to develop a federal immigrant integration strategy that allows new Americans to contribute to society to their fullest potential and bring new Americans together with their receiving communities to strengthen communities.

By March 2015, the Task Force will submit a plan to the President that includes recommendations for federal actions to promote the integration of new Americans. In developing this plan, we need to hear from you. You know best what is working to support immigrant integration in your community. Send us input on promising practices and examples of model programs that help immigrants and refugees to contribute to your communities and our economy.

We also need your input to ensure that federal programs and policies continue to reflect our ongoing commitment to welcoming and integrating newcomers into the fabric of our country.

Please send your ideas and examples to NewAmericans@who.eop.gov by February 9, 2015.

Take the opportunity to tell them what is really going on!

LOL!  I had to laugh at how well they got all their buzz words and phrases in there:  “welcoming,” “newcomers,” “nation of immigrants,” “fabric of our country,” “receiving communities,” “new Americans,” and the winner is “integration” which was used six times not including in the title!

Readers, if you haven’t noticed, the word “assimilation” is verboten!   Assimilation implies that the refugees and immigrants will become like Americans (speak English, learn our history, appreciate our culture and take on aspects of it themselves) while integration suggests, at least in my mind, just your basic polite tolerance for each others cultures producing the least friction as possible between the old Americans and the “new” ones and placing American culture on equal footing with all the others.

Letter: Why aren’t we taking care of our own poor people first?

If there is one question people new to the whole refugee process in America ask, it is that sensible, logical question.  Below is a letter to the editor from the New Hampshire Concord Monitor from someone who is apparently helping the homeless with a true charitable spirit and not as a paid refugee resettlement contractor.

Veteran homelessness explodes in NH: http://dailycaller.com/2014/12/15/report-veteran-homelessness-explodes-in-new-hampshire/

Hat tip: ‘Pungentpeppers’ (emphasis below is mine).

To the editor:

We have been avidly following the series of articles on the homeless population in Concord.

Living in close proximity and volunteering within the community serving both the homeless and the refugees, it has become sadly apparent that our homeless population consists predominantly of American citizens. Many of them veterans and many without benefits.

Without a valid address or residence, one does not qualify within our system for food stamps or assistance. Why is it that we seem to continue to encourage and subsidize the constant influx of immigrants and refugees for whom we seem to always find living and housing accommodations for? Our food pantries are overwhelmed, supplies are diminished and dwindling.

Thank heavens for our local churches for stepping up to the plate, and providing both food and warm, safe shelter to our most needy, particularly during our cold and harsh winters.

As we continue to not only exist, work and volunteer within the capital city of Concord, we wonder why it is disturbingly apparent and profoundly troubling that the homeless population consists of American citizens.

We have yet to see a refugee sleeping in a tent or under the railroad tracks. Why is that?



Concord is a federal “preferred community” for refugee resettlement.  I bet most Concord residents did not know they merited that distinction!

Readers ask me all the time what they can do, this is one thing that is easy enough and you should do it while we still have free speech in America—write letters to the editor!

Swiss People’s Party leader calls for ban on more Muslim refugees to Switzerland

Of course their are howls of outrage from the Socialist Leftwingers calling it “discriminatory!”

Our ‘Invasion of Europe’ series continues…..

From OnIslam:

Wobmann was behind the successful campaign to prohibit the construction of minarets in Switzerland. http://islamizationwatch.blogspot.com/2009/11/switzerland-surprise-yes-to-ban.html

 CAIRO – Calls by a far-right politician for banning Muslim refugees in Switzerland have been criticized by several politicians, who considered his approach “discriminatory”.

“It’s discriminatory, resolves nothing and contributes to an atmosphere of hate and witch hunting,” Martine Brunschwig Graf, head of the federal commission against racism, was quoted as saying by the Tribune de Genève.

According to an online report from Blick, Walter Wobmann, Swiss People’s Party (SVP) MP from Solothurn, has called for banning refugees from Syria and Iraq.


The SVP member, who was behind the successful campaign to prohibit the construction of minarets in Switzerland, warned that the government’s approach towards asylum seekers may foster extremism in the European country.

The politician’s anti Muslim comments were seen “unacceptable” by Carlo Sommaruga, federal MP from Geneva and a member of the socialist party.


According to the CIA Factbook, Switzerland is home to some 400,000 Muslims, representing 5 percent of the country’s nearly eight million people.

By the way, in my analysis when a country passes the 3% mark there is almost no time left.  The Muslim population is emboldened well before 5%.  The US Muslim population is estimated to still be at or below the 1% mark, but some individual cities are well above that and much more demographic analysis is needed in the US.