Amarillo”where subtle aspects of far-away cultures have taken root.”

We had just been reporting that Amarillo has deep problems with too many refugees to assimilate and educate and feed and house, and now here comes the news about how rewarding all of that is to the taxpayers of Texas. You cowboys, hicks, rednecks or whatever the Left calls you are getting cultural diversity as a reward, and apparently some of you are lapping it up!
Didn’t one of our readers recently report that Texas is standing up against the feds and demanding State’s Rights be respected? No it isn’t, or we wouldn’t have stories like the one we reported just the other day written by a woman involved at Catholic Charities in bringing refugees to Amarillo who says that too many refugees strain the educational system of the city (she also admits that meatpackers have driven the resettlement!).
The US State Department ignored her concerns and sent hundreds there anyway!
Don’t you get it! They are working to turn red states blue and more importantly they are working to plant Islam deep into your neighborhoods.
No, apparently, Texans don’t get it (or not enough of them anyway)!
From AP (hat tip: Robin):
Despite its reputation for anti-immigrant politicians, Texas has led the nation in refugee resettlements for the last four years and continues to attract others who move here on their own, due in large part to a strong economy. Most are settled in large cities, but immigrant populations are also thriving in more remote areas like Amarillo, where subtle aspects of far-away cultures have taken root.

“We’ve just adapted,” Moore County Judge Rowdy Rhoades said. His county, just north of Amarillo, will soon have a third mosque to serve the population of Somalis and people from Myanmar who work at a nearby meat processing plant. “They’re just here to provide for their family, like anyone.”
The U.S. State Department oversees the resettlement program, which annually places tens of thousands of people who have fled their countries in about 190 communities. In a year span that ended in September, Texas became the new home for about 7,200 refugees from more than two dozen countries, the majority from Iraq and Myanmar. Houston led the state with nearly 2,000 resettlements, followed by Dallas, Fort Worth, Austin and San Antonio.
Texas’ smaller cities have been accommodating the rest — including Amarillo, Abilene and Midland. In 2010 alone, Amarillo received 730 refugees, about the same as San Antonio and Austin.
Yet, the constant flow of refugees — hovering in the 400 to 500-person range in each of the last four years — has some of Amarillo’s leaders worried that the city’s resources are being overwhelmed. [Yet a few paragraphs earlier, the reporter says refugees are “thriving,” but I guess the taxpayers aren’t!—ed] Among the biggest concerns are getting students up to speed in schools and addressing the language barrier. Dozens of languages are now spoken in Amarillo, Mayor Paul Harpole said, and 911 calls have sometimes taken nearly 10 minutes.
Resettlement agencies have responded, deciding that refugees would only be placed in Amarillo if they have family ties.
There is more, read it all.
That last line is part of the scam!
Once your city is deemed “welcoming” and the feds (with their contractors***) drop off the “seed community” (their words!), then how can you possibly say no to the extended family without looking like uncaring boobs. You can just imagine how the immigrant community will grow when “only” those with “family ties” move in! And, by the way, the contractor is still paid by the head to bring in the family.
Our archive on over-loaded Amarillo is here.
*** Federal refugee resettlement contractors:
- Church World Service (CWS)
- Ethiopian Community Development Council (ECDC) (secular)
- Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM)
- Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS)
- International Rescue Committee (IRC) (secular)
- US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) (secular)
- Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS)
- United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)
- World Relief Corporation (WR)