Office of Refugee Resettlement’s ‘Year in Review’ is very informative; UACs numbered 58,000 in 2014.

UAC= Unaccompanied Alien Children

ORR Director Eskinder Negash has penned his last ‘Year in Review’ at the federal agency’s website.

Negash, a former refugee, came to the federal job from his previous employment as a federal ‘non-profit’ contractor. I’m guessing he will be replaced with yet another contractor moving from grant recipient to becoming the giver of federal grants and contracts. Photo:

According to Ryan Lovelace writing at National Review Online, Negash resigned his job on the eve of a Congressional hearing on the placement of Unaccompanied Alien Children in the wake of the border surge this past summer.

Here is how Negash’s letter introducing the ‘Year in Review’ begins.  [This will be the first of several posts on the review that I plan to write, starting with this one about the “children.”–ed]

Dear colleagues and friends,

In FY2014, the United States welcomed refugees from 67 countries across the globe, and for the second year in a row, the highest admissions were from refugees from Iraq and Burma, accounting for more than 56,000 (81%) of all arrivals. Iraqi refugees continued to suffer from secondary displacement—and in some cases, tertiary displacement—as the civil war in Syria rages on.

For the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR), two thousand fourteen was a historic year, with a mass influx of unaccompanied children from Central America that totaled close to 58,000 children by year’s end—more than twice the number received in FY2013, and nearly the sum of the previous five years combined.

This influx of children expanded the overall population served by ORR and its partners to approximately 185,000 new arrivals in Fiscal Year 2014, comprised of refugees and asylees, Special Immigrant Visa holders, Cuban/Haitian Entrants and Parolees, victims of Human Trafficking, and Unaccompanied Children (UC).  [See Negash’s previous ‘Year in Review’ and note that we are up 40,000 or so “served” by ORR—ed]

From the more detailed report for 2014 (emphasis is mine):

Unaccompanied Children

In FY2014, the unanticipated rate and referral numbers of Unaccompanied Children (UC) surpassed program planning, physical capacity and staffing, and stretched funding authorization at an historic rate for the United States. In total, ORR placed 57,496 children in 124 facilities across 15 states. In May and June alone, ORR received 19,628 children for placement, representing 34% of the annual total for FY2014.

During the height of the summer influx, ORR coordinated with the Department of Defense (DoD) to utilize three DoD installations (Fort Sill in OK, Port Hueneme Naval Base in Ventura, CA, and Joint Base San Antonio (Lackland) in San Antonio, TX). ORR and its partners worked tirelessly throughout the summer influx, addressing emergent medical issues and implementing protocols to prevent backlogs in placements, to ensure that the children received appropriate medical screening and care. Faced with unprecedented numbers of children arriving at DHS border patrol stations faster than space could be found in the network to accommodate them, the team worked tirelessly and creatively around the clock to clear the backlogs at over-crowded border patrol stations, and move the children quickly and safely into appropriate shelter beds. ORR is grateful for the assistance of HHS, DHS, and the White House, and most importantly, to the Department of Defense which was instrumental in helping ORR attend to the critical protection needs of the children, by providing temporary shelter on the three bases.

In simple numbers,

~two-thirds of children referred to ORR in FY2014 were male

~21% were 12 years of age or younger [79% are teens—ed]

~96% of all referrals came from three countries: Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala

~Overall bed capacity increased by more than 70%

Looking ahead to FY2015, it is difficult to project how many children may arrive, but ORR staff and partners are working diligently to create surge capacity and medical plans; continue streamlining program policies and procedures; reform post-release and home study services; ensure adequate staffing and oversight, and remain flexible to accommodate seasonal patterns of referrals that are subject to change at any time.

Look for future posts on the ‘Review.’

Go here for all of our posts going back several years on ‘unaccompanied minors.’  By the way, first they were ‘unaccompanied minors,’ then ‘unaccompanied alien minors,’ then they became ‘unaccompanied alien children,’ and finally now ‘unaccompanied children’ as the political correctness police dropped the word “alien.”   They are decidedly NOT refugees which is what Obama and the contractors are working really hard to make you believe.

Authorities cancel the usual Monday anti-Islamification rally in Dresden, Germany; say organizers lives at risk

It is Monday morning and one of the first things I did was look for news about how today’s anti-Islamification march by PEGIDA was shaping up.  I’m such a cynic and so this news from NBC yesterday seems (to me) like a very easy way for Chancellor Angela Merkel to shut up those pesky demonstrators—just claim that the government is shutting it down for the ‘Right-wings’ own good (ironically to save their lives from Islamic terrorists or their Left-wing enablers).

Last week 25,000 turned out in Dresden, the highest number so far! Photo:

Actually when you think about it, if Islamic terrorists should (God forbid) kill organizers of the anti-Muslim immigration movement, the civil war might come sooner than it surely will later.

From NBC News (emphasis is mine):

German authorities canceled a march by the anti-Islam PEGIDA movement in Dresden due to a “concrete threat” against the group’s weekly gathering, officials said Sunday.

PEGIDA — or “Patriotic Europeans against the Islamization of the West” — drew 25,000 people at its last rally in eastern Germany. While some of the PEGIDA protesters are believed to be right-wing extremists, the majority are not believed to be. The group’s protests, fueled by fears that the country could be overrun by Muslims and other immigrants, have alarmed German officials.

Dresden Police said in a statement Monday that it had received information relating to a “concrete danger” in connection with PEGIDA’s weekly rally and that it was banning the demonstration and public gatherings in the city for Monday.

“Attackers were called on to intermix with the PEGIDA demonstrators in order to commit a killing of single members of the PEGIDA organizing team,” Dresden police president Dieter Kroll said in a statement. “We have to act on the assumption that there is an immediate danger to the lives of all participants in the demonstration.”

What do you bet another threat is called in next week!

Go here for all of our previous coverage of Dresden.  Our extensive archive going back several years on Germany’s immigration mess is here.

Click here for more on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ generally.

Liberal Bill Maher takes on Muslim assimilation problem: sometimes people don’t melt!

From Breitbart News:

“You don’t have to be a right-wing nut to worry!”

On Friday’s broadcast of his HBO political talk show, comedian Bill Maher channeled Breitbart News on the threat that radical Islam poses to European countries, along with the dangers sharia law represents to Western freedoms.

What follows is a discussion, including about the recent controversy surrounding terror expert Steve Emerson’s exaggeration on Fox News about the Muslim population level in Birmingham, England.

Maher cited these facts, then said, “Sometimes in a melting pot, people don’t melt.”

Maher went on to say, “I don’t want to live in a world where we can’t wear a mini skirt walking down the street… You don’t have to be a right-wing nut to worry” about radical Muslim threats.

“We know that there are some Muslims who want to take over” and eliminate our culture and laws, Maher concluded.

Muslim population levels

On that Birmingham Muslim population question (Maher says Birmingham is 25% Muslim, I’ve seen 20%)….  Last month I wrote an extensive paper (yet to be published) on the refugee program and Muslim immigration and during my research I concluded that the Muslim population of a city or a country only needed to get to about 3% before the Islamic supremacists became emboldened and  began to push their sharia compliance agenda.

If you are wondering, the only really thorough study I could find on Muslim demographic levels was this one from 2010 at Pew Research.

What I realized also is that we really do not have a good handle on how many Muslims are permanent residents of the United States.  Someone must do a very serious and thorough analysis soon!

We are probably around 1% as a country with pockets higher than 3%.  Pew (in 2010) said France was at 7.5%, but all of the recent estimates I’ve seen put their Muslim population at 10%.