The day you get eaten in Kentucky? Image here:
Between 160 and 200 pounds of frozen camel meat goes out the door every week at the Global Food Market, a tiny grocery on Eighth Street downtown.
That is where storekeeper Osman Ibrahim sells the 2-pound tenderloin camel roasts from his freezer case at $6.99 per pound. Store customers, who are largely Somali immigrants in Louisville, stew or slow-braise the camel, he said.
In Somalia, “camel is something you eat every day,” said Ibrahim, who emigrated to the U.S. from Mogadishu and started his ethnic grocery in Louisville eight years ago. [I guess this store is accepts food stamps–ed]
The boneless camel comes frozen from Australia, where the animals are slaughtered according to Halal customs, which are Muslim standards for food preparation, he added.
See a description of Halal slaughter methods in Australia, here. Not so great for the animal in some situations.
Where is PETA? Are they on the Halal slaughter case here in the US? Does anyone know?
How many Somalis were resettled in Kentucky since 2004?
I recently discovered these numbers—1,833! 1,605 of them went to Louisville! I did not think it was going to be that high. And, that number is only those directly resettled there from Africa and elsewhere. It does not include ‘secondary migrants’ who moved to Kentucky after being resettled in another state. I guess this means that there are now enough camel-eaters to make it economically feasible to import Halal camel meat!
By the way, see our recent hot post to learn more about who is doing the resettling in Kentucky.
Kentucky is aWilson-Fish statewhich means the state government of Kentucky has no say over what happens with the program—it is run exclusively by ‘religious’ contractors and the federal government.
I’m told that consideration of a bill by Rep. Robert Aderholt is moving fast, so I urge you to contact your member of Congress today in support of the Aderholtbill.
Thank goodness for Alabama, the home state of Senator Jeff Sessions. How about Sessions for President in 2016!
Republican Rep. Robert Aderholt wants to stop Obama from circumventing the Constitution!
On Tuesday Republican Rep. Martha Roby filed a bill, the “Prevention of Executive Amnesty Act of 2015,” to block President Obama’s unilateral action on immigration. Now, another House Republican has filed another proposal — this one more far-reaching — that would stop the president’s plan to offer quasi-legal status to millions of illegal immigrants.
The new bill, the “Repeal Executive Amnesty Act of 2015,” is from Rep. Robert Aderholt, who, like Roby, is from Alabama. The 44-page measure “not only defunds the president’s actions towards amnesty but also removes the president’s discretion in the ability to grant work permits, Social Security, and other federal benefits that go along with his order,” Aderholt said in a press release Wednesday. In addition, the proposal will “put limits on the president’s future ability to enact such wide-reaching actions that circumvent the Constitution’s separation of powers,” Aderholt said.
Continue reading and learn more about the bills, here. Then this:
Finally, the bill would amend the 2008 law known as the William Wilberforce Trafficking Victims Protection Reauthorization Act, which allowed the relatively quick return of unaccompanied minors*** who enter the United States illegally from Canada or Mexico, but set up elaborate and lengthy procedures for children who come to the U.S. from non-contiguous countries. (Almost none of the children and adults who surged across the U.S. border illegally from Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador last summer have been returned.) Under the Aderholt bill, they could be sent back to their home countries more quickly.
The Aderholt and Roby bills present the House Republican leadership with a choice. Should the GOP propose a limited, specific measure to rescind only the president’s action of last November? Or should it do that and in addition undo more of the damage the president has done to immigration enforcement during his six years in office? Right now, there’s no indication of the leadership’s preference.
Another test for Boehner and the boys!
NumbersUSA is urging action. See what they say here.
Call your Representative, tell your House Member to support the Aderholt Repeal Executive Amnesty Act of 2015!
***See all of our coverage of the ‘unaccompanied minors’ controversy, going back years, here.
Here, at Newsmax, is a report of new findings by the Washington, DC based Center of Immigration Studies. I might argue that the largest threat to America is not the threat of a terrorist attack, but a result of the less visible drip, drip, drip of demands for Shariah compliance which will only increase as the US Muslim population grows, ultimately changing America from within (without a bullet or bomb!).
Editor’s note: I am away at meetings today. Last night’s post brought out some commenters and since we screen our comments, don’t be surprised if yours isn’t posted right away. I will get to it when I return. Just remember, no foul language or personal threats!
A new study shows that the number of immigrants in the United States jumped 3 percent in three years — to a record 41.3 million in 2013 — and that the nearly 300,000 who came from Muslim countries pose a major national security threat, the report’s co-author told Newsmax on Thursday.
The UNHCR has selected 9,000-10,000 Syrians for resettlement to the US this year. UN camps are primarily populated by Muslims.
“All of that does raise national security concerns, and I don’t think there has been any consideration of that,” said Steven Camarota, research director for the Center for Immigration Studies.
The Washington-based nonprofit organization released the study on Thursday. It is based on an analysis of Census data from 2010 to last year. Camarota conducted the study and co-authored it with CIS demographer Karen Zeigler.
“The primary threat from a group like ISIS to the homeland is through our immigration system,” Camarota said, referring to the Islamic State terrorist group that has beheaded three Westerners in recent weeks.
According to the study, the Middle Eastern population grew by 207,758 in the period, or 13 percent, to more than 1.8 million last year. That compared with 1.6 million in 2010 and 1.1 million in 2000.
Leading the growth from that region was Saudi Arabia, with 43,878 immigrants — nearly double the number who were in the U.S. in 2010. The analysis shows that 88,894 Saudis lived in this country last year. [I would like to know under which program we are taking Saudis, clearly they are not “refugees.”]
Iraq was next, with about 41,094 immigrants, for a 26 percent increase to a total of 200,894.
But the total number of immigrants from predominantly Muslim countries totaled 295,743 in the period, according to the CIS study. That was up by 13.5 percent.
The total number of immigrants from primarily Muslim countries in the U.S. was more than 2.4 million last year, compared with 2.1 million in 2010 and 1.5 million in 2000.
Camarota attributed the rise in Mideast immigration to myriad U.S. policies, whether they granted asylum or refugee status to people from the region or involved the nation’s defense forces.
About the Syrians in the photo: According to statistics I’ve received, 88% of the small number of Syrians who have (so far) arrived in the US as refugees (since 2010) are Muslims.
35,000 attend Paris vigil for slain writers.
Thousands also gathered in Trafalgar Square in London to show solidarity with France and to stand up for freedom of speech in the wake of the horrific terror attack in the heart of Paris earlier today. Demonstrators held pens aloft to proclaim their defiance against those who would snuff out our western values.
However, the spontaneous vigils are not the “shocking” response we refer to in our headline, it is what the Arab world is saying that is shocking! RRW guest writer ‘Pungentpeppers’ read Al Jazeera’s Arabic language facebook page today and has compiled the following eye-opening report about the view taken by Middle Eastern commenters.
How are Middle Easterners – some of whom are living in Western countries – reacting to news of the attacks in France?
Westerners are often taken aback when they finally hear the true Middle Eastern spin on terrorist attacks. Although our Western media dutifully repeats the now tiresome phrase “terrorism is not Islam” and reports that Muslims condemn such attacks, that is not the complete story. Do you know why Muslims condemn such attacks? The extent of their self-deception will stun you.
First, if you have not heard yet, the terrorists who launched the attack on the magazine “Charlie Hebdo” were yelling the already familiar Islamic victory cry of joy: “Allahu Akbar”. But more importantly, they also shouted – in fluent French – “nous avons vengé le Prophète!” or “we have avenged the Prophet”. These attackers meant that they got revenge for the magazine having published cartoons depicting the Prophet Mohamed. Their mastery of French indicates they may be French citizens.
I visited Al Jazeera’s Arabic language Facebook page and checked the “top comments” to an early story that came out about the attack.
Keep in mind that, similar to story comments in the U.S., you’ll find the typical disturbed people and fools spouting nonsense. However, the number of likes received gives you a sense of whether a person is an outlier or represents an opinion supported by many other people.
The most popular comment, with over 500 likes, was made by Salim Mansour of Algeria. He said the Jews masterminded the attack in order to punish France for having recognized the State of Palestine and for voting in support of the State of Palestine in the Security Council. He added “And God only knows what the Jews are planning in the coming days”. Later, replying to his own comment, and garnering 16 additional votes, he stated that since the attack was done so quickly and professionally, it had to be the work of French and Jewish intelligence agencies and it was designed to foment hatred and increase Islamophobia.
Most of those who replied to his comment concurred. A woman from North Africa who lives in the U.S. wrote, “it is a point of view that cannot be ignored” and wished the commenter well. An Iraqi who lives in Germany wrote his words are logical since Israel hates Muslims and hates France after its vote, so Israel hit two birds with one stone. A few people, however, recognized the attack for what it was and dissented, saying it was religiously motivated. One man from Gaza demonstrated a typical Middle Eastern way of handling contradictory thoughts: he agreed, “that’s how people are thinking”, but added that if the dead defamed the prophet they should go to hell, but if they were innocent the attack is a crime. (Make up your mind whodunit – Israel or Islamists?!)
The next most popular comment, with over 230 likes, was made by Rachid Dzair of Algeria. His comment was “Your redemption, O Prophet of God.” I.e., the attack was religiously motivated to redeem the honor of the Muslim prophet, Mohammed. This comment stimulated the most replies, over 40. One woman’s reply, receiving 20 likes, said that they kill thousands of Muslims but when 11 of theirs dies, it’s a big deal. One man’s reply (also with 20 likes) said these are brutal, inhuman, terrorist acts. [Of course, it’s easy to condemn if you believe Israelis did it!] A man from Jordan picked up 5 votes for his reply that terrorism is a mental disease and has nothing to do with religion, reason or humanity. One worrying comment from a Syrian living in Sweden (security risk?) has a smiley face and said “Yes, your redemption, O Prophet of God. Good answer.”
Now I’ll pick some other popular comments.
A Moroccan got 100 votes for again presenting the theory that the Jews did it in response to France’s recognition of the State of Palestine and said the attack is an attempt to distort the image of Islam in France and Europe.
An Egyptian got close to 60 votes for saying that this is a political game for the purpose of targeting and persecuting Muslims in Europe.
A Tunisian living in France got 40 votes for his comment. He strongly criticized the attack, said (among other things) the terrorists are beasts and enemies of real Muslims and Islam, and that Islamic peoples must condemn them and tighten the noose around them or they will not stop until they send us all back to prehistoric times. The other Arabs were divided as to how they should disagree with his obviously “wrong” point of view: Two settled on the theory of the French vote on Palestine; two decided to say it was the cartoons; and a few questioned the Tunisian living in France along the lines of “Who told you it was Islamists who carried out the attacks?” [i.e., Don’t believe Western media!]
How do you feel after reading this? Are you disappointed – and worried? I’ll bet you didn’t know that that’s how many Middle Easterners think? Every time you hear on the news that Muslims condemn the attacks, pause and remember those Middle Eastern twists and spins.
Just a reminder! One year ago: “Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), and Ranking Member of the Judiciary Committee Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), were all present at the hearing and unanimously expressed support for opening up the U.S. to more Syrian Refugees.”
France has learned the hard way, as is most of Europe now—they let in the invaders!
It’s too early to say whether America might be getting the message, and certainly my small but growing readership couldn’t possibly be definitive, but I can at least say there is something happening, some encouraging movement happening.
I can also say, and in this case, unequivocally! that without the Refugee Resettlement Program in the US, we would be in a much better position to fend off the Islamisation (the Hijra, the Jihad) from within.
Just recently I came across some numbers you should know. We resettled 79,266 Somali Muslims in the US since 2004. We also resettled 71,187 Muslim Iraqis (40,000 of that number are Sunni Muslims) since 2004. And, much to my great surprise, we dropped off in your towns 11,451 Burmese Muslims in 11 years! There are others, from other countries, but those are just three of the big ones.
Only a tiny number of those ethnic/religious groups would have gotten here (found their way here!) without the UN and the US State Department working together to facilitate their migration to America.
Asst. Secretary of State for Population, Refugees and Migration, Anne Richard, has announced we will take approximately 10,000 Syrians. Most will be selected by the UN and will thus come from UN camps which house mostly Muslims.
Everyone with concerns, must now contact your US Senators and Members of Congress! In truth we do need to do much more, but no one is taking a lead!
By the way, the state receiving the most refugees is Texas! So, at minimum let Ted Cruz know what you think!