Yesterday I got a call from Fox asking me to appear on Fox & Friends today and I agreed. It was a first for me. I realized how hard it is to say much in a few minutes. Here is the clip of my interview (thanks to our friend Brenda Walker at Limits to Growthwho posted it).
Asked what my biggest problem with the expansion is, this is what I said:
My biggest problem is the lawlessness coming from the White House on this particular issue. I followed the refugee program for the last seven years; this is a major jump in expansion of the program. I also think that immigration is our existential threat in this country, both the numbers and who we are bringing in.
We previously reported on the Obama Administration’s expansion of the refugee program, by magically transforming poor kids in three Central American countries into “persecuted” refugees, here and here.
Tomorrow we promise to be back to our normal posting schedule.
Before I report the latest news from poor Malta, let’s remember exactly where the blame lies for the deterioration of Libya—it falls squarely on the United Nations and Obama’s “humanitarian Vulcans”***—Hillary Clinton, Samantha Power and Susan Rice—as I reported here in 2011 and more recently, here.
The three reasons (Rice, Clinton, Power) Libya is an Islamic hellhole that could easily become the newest ISIS acquisition! Photo:
(To our US readers, I will get back to refugee news from America, but Europe’s death spiral is rapidly speeding up at the moment and we must report on it.)
The local representative of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Jon Hoisaeter has urged Malta to prepare for a potential upsurge in migrant departures from Libya as the situation in that country deteriorates.
Malta, the European country being targeted by the invaders from Libya.
Speaking before the Social Affairs Committee, he said the situation in Libya could see Libyans escaping from that country, and not just migrants.
Talks about the evolving scenario were being held at various levels with the Ministry of Home Affairs. However, there was no comprehensive discussion on any contingency plan for the various scenarios which may emerge.
He did not wish to be alarmist, he said, but the UNHCR wished to help the Maltese government in planning for potential future scenarios such as massive movements across the sea as the worsening situation in Libya led to more people leaving that country – not just third country nationals in Libya, but also Libyans.
This was something which needed to be high on everyone’s agenda and Malta should also be discussing what support it could receive from the EU and what it could plan, with Italy, for example.
“We need to be ready for a potentially difficult year, a potential year of record arrivals in Malta. I am not being alarmist, I am not saying this is necessarily the most likely outcome, but it is something we should discuss now, not in the summer when the focus will be on the immediate response, not planning,” he said.
Editor: Little did I know when I posted a short news storyabout the ‘invasion of Hungary’ last evening that the situation in Kosovo has become untenable and a mass exodus was so advanced. ‘Pungentpeppers’ has again pulled many threads together to give us the big picture of what is happening in Eastern Europe. Is the US responsible? An Austrian political leader says so!
Mass exodus from Muslim Kosovo into Europe
~150,000 or more Kosovars on the move since summer
~Hungarian Police catch 1,000 Kosovars daily – a small fraction of the total
~Hungarian mayor calls for fence as Kosovars overwhelm village
~Austrian politician blames America for Kosovar march into Austria
~Kosovar Muslim extremists active in the U.S., Germany and Iraq
~Kosovar culture is Albanian. Many follow the “Kanun”, Code of Honor and Blood Feuds
~Future of Europe: Kosovization and Jihadization?
Map and story:
Kosovo is witnessing an exodus of Biblical proportions.
Since the beginning of the year an estimated 50,000 people have left the Muslim state. This current surge is on top of an estimated additional 100,000 Kosovars who departed for Europe as of the middle of last year.
Kosovar migrants – young adults, families, and young teens – are fleeing neither famine, nor war. Their quest is employment and “a better life” in European countries. More than half of able-bodied Kosovars are unemployed in a country where only the right connections can guarantee a job.
Every night busloads full of Kosovars cross the Serbian countryside and stop just outside Hungary.
After a rest, the travelers form groups to cross the Hungarian border on foot.
During a recent six-day period, nearly 8,000 Kosovars were detained at the Hungarian border after trying to illegally enter the country. The police estimate they catch only 20% of them.
The mayor of a Hungarian village is calling for a fence as migrants overwhelm his village.
“Many [migrants] have smart phones and follow their progress by GPS. Few of my constituents, whose doors they knock on in the middle of the night, can afford phones like those.
On the road to Hungary and ultimately to Germany and Austria. BBC story and photo:
“I cannot understand why in mid-winter they set out to walk tens of kilometres in freezing conditions. Every week we have to call the ambulances to fight for the lives of babies with hypothermia.” (The BBC).
“There are so many migrants on the buses from here to Szeged that our own residents are unable to get to their jobs on time,” Toroczkai said. (
The Kosovars don’t want to stay in Hungary. Most of them will head towards Germany, Austria and other European countries.
U.S. needs to accept responsibility!
Austrian politician Johann Gudenus: “The Austrian boat is full.” Time for US to take Kosovar refugees.
An Austrian politician, named Johann Gudenus, says the U.S. needs to accept responsibility for the influx (here).
“Now it is clear that Kosovo’s secession from Serbia, as well as its hasty recognition as an independent state, was a mistake. The current wave of refugees confirms that Kosovo cannot endure as a state,” Gudenus said.
He recalled that the creation of “the state of Kosovo” was the wish of the United States, adding that international law was not respected during the process of gaining independence because there was no referendum, and that is why the U.S. must take responsibility.
He also said that Austria’s reception capacities are packed, adding that if the country continues to accept economic refugees, “it will not be able to accept those who need protection.”
Gudenus said it is also necessary to ask why there is “a striking number of Muslims” among immigrants in Austria lately, and named Chechens, Afghans, “Kosovars,” and others.
Worries About Extremism: A Sampling of Terror Plots Involving Islamic Radicals From Kosovo
In 2014, a Kosovar (who had previously worked at Camp Bondsteel, a U.S. military base) took part in a suicide attack that killed 52 Iraqi soldiers. (
In 2013, in Raleigh, NC, a Kosovar was sentenced to life for a beheading plot. He was one of several other Kosovars involved in the Triangle Terror group that plotted to attack the Marine base at Quantico, Va., and other targets overseas. (
In 2012. The terrorist who plotted to blow up bridges in Tampa, Florida, was a Kosovar. (Tampa Bay Times)
In 2011, two American airmen in Germany were murdered by a Kosovar who shouted “Allahu Akbar” when he opened fire on a military bus. (ABC News)
Old Traditions, Such as Blood Feuds, Sometimes Travel With Them
Kosovars are ethnically Albanian, and thus share with Albanians the same traditions regarding honor and blood feuds. For example, a Kosovar family in Ireland has asked for asylum on the basis of a blood feud. (Irish Times)
The blood feuds travel – as the Swedes have discovered. The attempted brutal murder of a 12-year-old boy in Borås, Sweden, on New Year’s Eve, 2013, was linked to an Albanian Blood Feud that migrated to Sweden. The boy survived, but spent six weeks in the hospital recovering – and bears many scars. (
Future of Europe: Kosovization and Jihadization?
Dr. Vladislav B. Sotirovic, a professor at Mykolas Romeris University, Vilnius, Lithuania, warns that Europe is in danger of “Kosovization” and “Jihadization” and draws on the Kosovo experience:
In 1455, Kosovo was only 2% Albanian. The Albanian percentage of the total population grew to 30% by 1878, 50% by 1913, 70% by 1945, 90% by 1991, and today Albanians are the vast majority in Kosovo at 97% of the population. (In Serbia)
Back in 1878, the idea of a Muslim Albanian majority in the traditional Serb homeland of Kosovo may have sounded preposterous. However, the Albanian population grew due to high birth rates. As the Albanians’ numbers increased, they allied themselves with other Albanians outside Kosovo, and forced Serbs out of the region. As a result, Kosovo – once overwhelming Serb – is now an almost 100% ethnic Albanian state.
Because all Muslims, whatever their ethnic background, are taught to consider themselves as one “Ummah” – or one Islamic Nation – Europe is in danger of suffering a Kosovo-like fate.
Those who don’t learn from the past, are condemned to repeat it.
Editor’s note: For more on the US role with Kosovar refugees see one of the most outrageous chapters of the Clinton Administration’s refugee program history (during Clinton’s phony-baloney war in the region)—we told you about it here in 2012. The contractors wanted warm bodies to resettle and Clinton and Gore wanted a “humanitarian” photo op!
Christian Tybring-Gjedde believes immigration policy to be the single most important political issue facing Norwegian society.
Here is the news this week at The Local. I will leave it to interested readers to sort out the machinations of the various political factions in Norway, but I wanted our readers to know this invasion of the ‘children’ that is plaguing America (see our archive on ‘unaccompanied minors here) is also threatening Europe.
There is no question in my mind that this world-wide phenomenon–‘poor’ children flooding to Western countries—is being ginned-up by the international Marxist/Communist Left.
A senior figure in Norway’s anti-immigrant Progress Party has warned that a no-confidence motion against Justice Minister Anders Anundsen over refugee children, if carried out, would “automatically” cause the ruling right-wing coalition to collapse.
Christian Tybring-Gjedde, one of the most outspoken anti-immigration figures in Norwegian politics, issued his threat on Monday in an article published in the left-wing Klasskampen newspaper.
“If they submit a no-confidence motion against the Justice Minister it will automatically cause the whole government to collapse,” he warned. “If the Liberals keep harassing him in this way, there will not be a government sitting for much longer.”
Our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive ishere. Click here for our previous posts on Norway.