Please check out the summary of many polls taken in Western Countries about citizen’s negative views on Islam—here at Citizen Warriorand re-posted at The Counter Jihad Report earlier this week. Hat tip: Judy.
Be sure to open one for the USA,here, and note that Republicans are less “warm” about the Islamic faith than they are about any other religion, however, Democrats rated Mormons lowest on their ‘warmness’ scale. Figures! (Know any Mormons killing and maiming in the name of their religion?)
I’ve been thinking lately that we need other demographic researchers to either back Pew or challenge Pew on its findings on the spread of Islam to the West. I don’t like relying on one organization (related to Pew Charitable Trust that I know for a fact leans Left).
Australian Muslims celebrate EID in Australia.
Ijust now told commenter, FatherJon, that maybe Australia would be alone one day in standing against the Muslim migration (since the government there has been steadfastly turning the illegal alien boats away).
I don’t know why this old news popped up in my alerts today, but since it is before the Abbott government took on the boat people, maybe there is still hope for Australia! Will it be Australia Alone?
After Paris it became clear that Pew and others need to get on the stick and begin revising their out-dated demographic data!
THE number of Muslims in Australia will grow four times more quickly than non-Muslims over the next 20 years as the continued instability in developing Islamic countries in Southeast Asia drives migrants and refugees to these shores.
A major new study by the US-based Pew Research Centre has forecast a global surge in the Muslim population, with Australia and New Zealand among the nations expected to see the biggest rises.
In Australia, the Muslim community will grow from about 399,000 to 714,000 by 2030, an increase of 80 per cent.
In that time the non-Muslim population will increase by about 18 per cent.
This trend is even more dramatic in New Zealand, where there will be a 150 per cent rise in residents who adhere to Islam.
The projections, by the Pew Research Centre’s Forum on Religion and Public Life, have been calculated using fertility, mortality and migration rates.
But while the study confirms the continued spread of the Islamic faith — Muslims will comprise 26.4 per cent of the world’s population of 8.3 billion in 2030 — it anticipates that this growth will level off.
As living standards rise, more Muslims gravitate towards cities and women gain access to education and employment, the fertility rates in these communities will fall.
Bob Birrell, a sociologist and immigration expert from Monash University, said that while Middle East migration had plateaued, the forecast rises were “very plausible”. Family reunion, the refugee program and high levels of net migration would contribute to the growth, especially with the pressures to migrate in countries such as Indonesia, Pakistan and Malaysia, he said.
The Muslim population in Australia would still remain relatively low. At present, Muslims comprise 1.9 per cent of all Australians. That figure will rise to 2.8 per cent.
Don’t get too comfy! My guess is that the tipping point of the ‘civilization jihad’ for a country comes at around 3%—the point where the Muslim population is emboldened and begins to demand shariah compliance.
So it isn’t just our Somali refugees thumbing their noses at the country that gave them a home, now it’s Bosnians in Missouri, Illinois and New York.
Before we report the news, just a reminder that it was the Clinton Administration that admitted tens of thousands of Bosnian Muslims to the US in the wake of his phony-baloney war. Many initially went to Iowa to work for Clinton’s pals in the meat packing industry including Tyson Foods! We learned about the Clinton gift of cheap labor to BIG MEAT here (in an agricultural publication) in 2008.
As Clinton’s Bosnians make the news…refugee contractor Lavinia Limon as she appeared in 1996 when she oversaw the resettlement of tens of thousands of Bosnian Muslims to the US.
Here is the Washington Times on the news that broke yesterday (hat tip: ‘Pungentpeppers’):
ST. LOUIS (AP) – Six Bosnian immigrants have been accused of sending money and equipment to terrorists oversees, including fighters with the Islamic State group and al-Qaida in Iraq, the U.S. attorney’s office announced Friday.
An indictment unsealed Friday in St. Louis said the defendants donated money themselves and in some cases collected funds from others in the U.S. and sent the donations overseas. It says two of the defendants used some of the money to buy U.S. military uniforms, firearms accessories, tactical gear and other equipment, which was shipped to people in Turkey and Saudi Arabia who forwarded the supplies to terrorists.
The supplies and money eventually made their way to fighters in Syria, Iraq and elsewhere, according to the indictment. Money also was sent to support family members of people fighting in Iraq and elsewhere, the indictment says. All of the defendants knew where the money and supplies were going, the indictment says.
The indictment alleges the conspiracy began no later than May 2013 and that the defendants used email, phones and social media websites including Facebook to communicate using coded words, such as “brothers,” ”lions” and “Bosnian brothers.”
All six people who are charged are natives of Bosnia who were living in the U.S. legally. Three are naturalized citizens; the other three had either refugee or legal resident status, according to the U.S. attorney’s office. [By the way, when I began writing this blog more than 7 years ago, that ‘r’ word would never be mentioned, they would only be immigrants if even that word was used, times are changing!—ed]
The indictment names Ramiz Zijad Hodzic, 40, his wife, Sedina Unkic Hodzic, 35, and Armin Harcevic, 37, all of St. Louis County; Nihad Rosic, 26 of Utica, New York; Mediha Medy Salkicevic, 34, of Schiller Park, Illinois; and Jasminka Ramic, 42 of Rockford, Illinois. [Utica is the UN-designated Town that Loves Refugees—ed]
All face charges of conspiring to provide material support and resources to terrorists and with providing material support to terrorists. Rosic and Ramiz Hodzic are also charged with conspiring to kill and maim people in a foreign country.
More on how St. Louis has become the largest Bosnian community outside of Bosnia itself!
The International Institute helped make it happen. That is the same refugee contractor that recently made a vow to create in St. Louis the largest ethnic diversified city in the nation by 2020. We told you about thathere.
According to the International Institute of St. Louis, which sponsored the largest early wave of immigrants, about 50,000 people of Bosnian descent – either immigrants or their American-born children – have settled in the St. Louis area.
About the photo and just a little tying-up of loose ends:
The International Institute is a subcontractor of one of the big nine federal refugee contractors—US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI)—which is 99% funded by you, the US taxpayer. Its CEO is Lavinia Limon who (surprise!) headed up Bill Clinton’s federal Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) during the big Bosnian flow into the US. Her former VP at USCRI, Eskinder Negash, has, until his recent resignation, headed the ORR!—-a demonstration of the federal contractor revolving door at its finest!
We have a very large archive growing on St. Louis, click here to learn more.
The number has jumped dramatically as Muslim refugees have entered the US from Somalia, Ethiopia and to a lesser degree Egypt. The horrific practice has been illegal in the US for nearly 20 years!
This map is incredible since it almost state-for-state matches the highest refugee resettlement states in the US!
Nearly 507,000 women and girls in the United States could be at risk of female genital excision, including 57,000 in California, a new study has found.
That is more than twice the number that were thought to be at risk in 2000, the last year for which estimates are available.
Analysts at the Population Reference Bureau, a nonprofit research organization in Washington, attributed the preliminary findings released Friday to an increase in immigration [REFUGEES—ed] from countries where the practice is common, including Egypt, Ethiopia and Somalia.
It is unclear how many families continue the practice after moving to the U.S., but community activists say there is anecdotal evidence of girls being sent back to their parents’ home countries for “vacation cutting” and of traditional cutters traveling to the U.S. to circumcise girls in this country.
To estimate the number who may have undergone the procedure or be at risk, the research group used data collected by the Census Bureau for the 2013 American Community Survey to determine the number of women and girls whose families originate in countries where female genital excision is practiced. It then applied the prevalence rates in those countries to the numbers in the U.S.
The methodology is similar to that used by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in a study that found about 168,000 women and girls were at risk of genital excision in the U.S. in 1990, said Mark Mather, the group’s associate vice president for U.S. programs.
California is the state with the highest at-risk population, followed by New York (48,000) and Minnesota (44,000), the Population Reference Bureau found. [We know that Minnesota has the highest Somali population in the US—ed]
Update! It is not too late, just let them know how you are feeling about all this over the weekend, some of our readers have done so.
Just received this notice from the Office of Refugee Resettlement (we told you about it here previously):
Cecilia Munoz, formerly of La Raza (the race) is in charge of developing the propaganda plan.
Dear Colleagues,
As you all know, in November 2014, the President created a White House Task Force on New Americans. The goal of the Task Force is to develop a federal immigrant and refugee integration strategy that allows new Americans to contribute to society to their fullest potential and bring new Americans together with their receiving communities to strengthen communities.
Yesterday, the White House issued a Blog post highlighting the creation of the Task Force.
Additionally, the blog is intended to serve as a Call For Ideas to help shape the focus of the federal immigration and refugee integration strategy. The White House created a specific email account for gathering stakeholder ideas; Please send your ideas, big or small, to by February 9th, 2015.
In the effort to lift up attention to the blog and the call for new ideas, please consider sharing far and wide with your networks and partners. Thank you!