We told you about the Task Force on Saturday in response to a revelation made on the February 26th Mark Levin radio program. See that post by clicking here.

Reader Julia has been doing some digging and has identified one of the many participants in the task force.
Transforming immigrant “seedlings” to Democratic voters!
The New Americans Campaign is an advocacy group which is working in certain areas of the United States to get as many Legal Permanent Residents signed up for US citizenship as they possibly can—new Democrats of course!
I laugh every time I imagine (crazy I know) what would happen to all of these well-funded Open Borders advocacy groups if all of a sudden immigrants were registering to vote Republican! The organization would be shuttered in a heart beat!
They say in their literature:
8.5 million Legal Permanent Residents (LPRs) are eligible to naturalize—but fewer than one million naturalize each year.
With millions in funding they are working to change that!
The New Americans Campaign is part of the Naturalization Working Group, see here, which submitted comments to the Obama Task Force.
Founding partners of the New Americans Campaign include George Soros’ Open Society Foundations:
Six national foundations joined in an unprecedented collaboration to support the nonpartisan New Americans Campaign to help modernize naturalization assistance in the United States and help more legal permanent immigrants become U.S. citizens.
The consortium has so far committed more than $25 million to the project. Founding national funders of the New Americans Campaign are: The Carnegie Corporation of New York; the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation; Evelyn and Walter Haas, Jr. Fund; Grove Foundation; Open Society Foundations and The JPB Foundation. More recently, the Wallace H. Coulter Foundation joined the Campaign as a national funder. Other funders invest locally in individual sites. For a full list of our funders, visit our Partners page.
Less than four years old, the New Americans Campaign is busy, busy, busy in the following locations:
The New Americans Campaign is a diverse national network of legal-service organizations, faith-based organizations, businesses, foundations and community leaders that is paving a better road to citizenship. The Campaign began in the cities of Charlotte, Dallas, Detroit, Houston, Los Angeles, Miami, New York and San Jose. More than 3.3 million citizenship-eligible individuals reside in these eight metropolitan areas, representing more than 40 percent of the pool of citizenship-eligible legal permanent residents in the United States. [Reader Julia wants to know if the Campaign has access to government (personal) records of all those eligible LPRs so they know where/who to target?—ed]
The New Americans Campaign has expanded to include collaborations in the East Bay Area, Napa County, Orange County, San Diego County, and San Francisco; and coalitions in the states of Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, and Washington.
Go here to see all of their partners (many of the ‘non-profits’ listed receive federal funding) including Catholic Legal Immigration Network, International Rescue Committee and Church World Service. The IRC and CWS are of course refugee resettlement contractors.