Nearly 2,200 immigrants and refugees headed for America have tested positive for tuberculosis under a more-sensitive exam that, before bolstering, would have missed the illnesses, U.S. health officials said Monday.
In 2012 alone, overseas physicians using the tougher screening identified 629 additional cases of TB among people bound for U.S. borders, according to a study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The article does not say they would be prohibited from coming to America at some point in the future.
See our archive on TB,here. And see our Ten Things your town needs to know if considering “welcoming” refugees. Health issues will be a major concern for your local health department (Who will be responsible for monitoring them to assure they stay on their meds?).
Our ‘health issues’ category is here. See 269 previous posts on mental and physical health issues affecting refugees and immigrants.
The gang rapists are alleged to be Somali young men. Leftists say it has nothing to do with who they are—they just need jobs. So, what do you do if there are too many low-skilled immigrant young men in your country who can’t find work, not assimilating and committing crimes? You stop bringing in those young men from Africa and the Middle East and deport those committing crimes! It is a no-brainer!
HELSINKI, March 17 (Xinhua) — Finnish police arrested five young immigrants on suspicion of having raped a young woman outside a suburban railroad station a week ago. The incident has since focused public attention on integration and criminality within immigrant communities in Finland.
It looks like almost every European country has an immigration restriction party that is gaining favor. This is True Finns’s leader Timo Soini.
Finnish media said the five arrested boys, aged between 15 and 18, are of Somali descent. Charges are expected in a month’s time.
A study by the National Research Institute Research of Legal Policy last year indicated higher criminality in some immigrant groups, particularly those with a high ratio of young men.
It is all about income they say, nothing to do with being Somali!
The institute concluded that difference between immigrants and natives was in part explained by the high proportion of young men and low-median income levels.
The institute also said that the criminal involvement of immigrant groups varied considerably. There are groups with crime and victimization rates that are higher than in the majority populations, but other immigrant groups manifest below average offending and victimization risks.
Abdirahim Hussein, a Finnish-Somali candidate for the upcoming parliamentary election, condemned the alleged rape, but rejected the view that the Somali community in Finland would bear even partial responsibility for the actions of five individuals.
News service Uusi Suomi quoted him as saying that the Somali background of the alleged perpetrators was not the real issue. “The lives of the young men simply are not going well,” said Hussein.
While the alleged gang rape took place a month before the general election, political observers are waiting to see how the incident will affect the populist True Finns’s leader Timo Soini.
See our complete archive on Finland here, and our series on the ‘Invasion of Europe,’ here.
I’ve written a short book on refugee resettlement and its role in helping to facilitate the Hijra to America. The Hijra, for new readers, is the migration of Muslims to new lands (or even within countries) in order to expand their territory and ultimately to create an Islamic state or Caliphate as it is often called.
Mohammed told his followers that it is their responsibility to migrate. And, so they are!
To learn more, you might want to read first: ‘Modern Day Trojan Horse: Al-Hijra, the Islamic Doctrine of Immigration, Accepting Freedom or Imposing Islam?’ by Solomon and Al Maqdisi.
I was interested to see this opinion piece titled so provocatively ‘Preventing the Fall of Rome’by James Stavridis in the Washington Post last Friday. Then last evening I heard Father Jonathan Morris speaking about the Pope’s new hardline on ISIS on the Neil Cavuto show.
But, couldn’t we say that this Pope with his welcoming blessing of illegal migrants here in July of 2013helped fuel the ‘Invasion of Europe?’
In 2013 the new Pope welcomed the illegal migrants to Italy on the island of Lampedusa!
And, surely we won’t forget (at least I won’t) Hillary Clinton’s role in the destabilization of Libya, here.
Hereis Stavridis (former allied commander of NATO involved in that very same intervention in Libya):
In 1942, Winston Churchill said that Italy was the “soft underbelly” of Europe and directed Allied invasion efforts there. Today, we are seeing flickers of a similar strategy from the Islamic State.
Following the decapitation of 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians by radical Islamists professing an allegiance to the Islamic State, the Italian government has begun ramping up efforts to defend its territory from attack. How realistic is this threat? And what should Italy do?
First, we should listen to what the Islamic State has to say : Last year, the group’s propaganda magazine Dabiq featured a cover story headlined “Reflections on the Final Crusade,” which was illustrated with an image of a black jihadist flag flying over St. Peter’s Square. “We will conquer your Rome, break your crosses, and enslave your women,” a senior leader of the group was quoted as saying. “If we do not reach that time, then our children and grandchildren will reach it, and they will sell your sons as slaves at the slave market.” Elsewhere, the magazine exhorted, “Every Muslim should get out of his house, find a crusader and kill him. . . . And the Islamic State will remain until its banner flies over Rome.”
Hyperbolic? Of course. Literally possible? Not in the least.*** But should Europeans take these words into account as they think about the possibility of attacks on their homeland? You bet.
As Graeme Wood pointed out in his smart, historically grounded piece in the Atlantic this month, “What ISIS Really Wants,” there is an underlying medieval impetus to the Islamic State’s rhetoric and actions. Beheadings of innocents, burnings of prisoners, crucifixions, the enslavement and sale of women and children, the literal sacking of cities — all of these connote a desire to play on the international stage as though the Crusades were still occurring. Thus we come to the importance of Rome, perhaps the most potent symbol of all that the Islamic State hates.
Italy is the gateway to Europe!
Just as Churchill saw Italy as a relatively easy gateway to Europe, the Islamic State has geographic, political and symbolic interests in sailing to Italy. We must do all we can to help Italy prepare. [Like what? Is Obama going to send troops to protect the Pope from Muslims?—ed]
*** Maybe not with military force, but with the inexorable flow of Muslim migrants into Europe and the squishy multicultural-worshiping so-called European leaders in power now. They seem to have run out of Churchills haven’t they?
Refugee resettlement contractor CEO Angela Bovill in 2013: “This is a business!”
This story is one I had hoped to get to before going awaylast weekend. Obviously there have been problems in overloaded Worcester and now the resettlement contractor is getting more grant money to help refugees access “services” which is code for welfare and other types of special treatment for this special class of immigrant.
I had to laugh (I know it isn’t funny!), but here we have Obama’s seeding program already being put into action. And, the buzzword “integration” is front and center. This is not a plan for the refugees to “assimilate” better. The extra grant is now to further smooth the way for refugees to get theirservices—the ultimate goal of Obama’s integration/colonizing scheme.
From theTelegram earlier this month. Don’t miss the comments, all critical and some reporting that the city is a “dumping ground.”
WORCESTER — Refugees by the thousands have found a welcoming environment in Worcester, as low-cost housing, public transportation and available jobs provide the required building blocks sought by the U.S. State Department.
But integrating refugees into the community remains a struggle, with gaps in various services, fragmented integration of others and outdated procedures that don’t reflect the current influx, officials said this week.
Armed with a $170,722 grant from the Health Foundation of Central Massachusetts, Ascentria Care Alliance hopes to reshape the integration template.
Pay attention to this next line. When the bill that was being spearheaded by Senator Ted Kennedy, that ultimately became the Refugee Act of 1980, critics in Congress wanted assurance that the bill would not just be a pipeline of foreign poverty into American cities, so “self-sufficiency” in a brief period of time was promised. But, you and I both know that ‘refugees’ with little education and job skills are not getting jobs very quickly so with this ‘reshaping template’ contractors and the State Department are trying to get away from the original expectation (to effectively change the law without Congress!) that refugees would be self-sufficient quickly and off the welfare rolls ASAP.
The planning grant, announced this week, will fund a yearlong effort to create a collaborative integration model — one that focuses on resettled refugees’ overall well-being and not just employment and self-sufficiency. [What a bunch of gobbledegook! —ed]
Angela Bovill, CEO of Ascentria Care Alliance. The agency was originally known as Lutheran Social Services of New England. I think they change names just to make it more difficult for the average American to figure out who they are. Or, did they get in some sort of trouble under their old name? under
“How do we unify services around these people?” said Angela B. Bovill, president and chief executive officer of Ascentria, formerly Lutheran Social Services of New England***, a $59 million human service agency. “There are gaps and fragments and pressures that are not being met.”
Worcester is the largest site for refugee resettlement in Massachusetts, with more than 1,600 refugees resettled in the city in the past five years, including Bhutanese, Burundians, Congolese, Liberians, Iraqis, Russians, Somalis and Vietnamese. Over the past three years, the majority (51 percent) have come from Iraq, with Bhutan second at 28 percent.
The State Department normally provides about eight months of assistance to refugees, with the major emphasis on securing a job and finding a place to live.
But many refugees arrive with many health and social needs because of years spent in crowded refugee camps, separation from families and unfamiliarity with the English language.
Building a framework that assesses and connects the refugee population to those services will be a focus of the planning grant, which usually turns into multiyear support totaling about $2 million.
“This issue has bubbled up a couple of times,” said Janice B. Yost, president of the Health Foundation. “Worcester has the opportunity to be an excellent pilot for the rest of the U.S. to follow.”
The planning grant will build relationships with the city of Worcester, the state Office of Refugees and Immigrants, Community Legal Aid, Family Continuity, the Edward M. Kennedy Community Health Center, Quinsigamond Community College and Worcester Public Schools.
It is probably too late for Worcester as the resettlement agency is well-entrenched and likely now bringing the extended family members of all the first ‘refugees’ they brought in. But, it is not too late for places like Spartanburg, SC. Everytown America is a potential resettlement site, so please check out Ten Things your town needs to know!
This is a business—a very complicated business!
We reported on Angela Bovill’s comments in 2013 as she was taking over the reins of then Lutheran Social Services of New England:
Angela Bovill
The Worcester Business Journalinterviewed LSS’s CEO Angela Bovill just this past June and here are a few things she said.
When asked if her previous experience in business helps LSS, she responded:
This is a business. Yes it is a nonprofit, but (in) a nonprofit, it’s even more critical that you understand how to manage it like it needs to be managed. We have 1,600 employees across six states.It’s a very complicated business, so if you don’t have the business background to run it, I’m not sure how you could succeed.
Note to residents of Worcester: Two “pockets of resistance” have formed in Massachusetts—both Springfield and Lynn mayors are trying to get the spigot closed on the refugee pipeline!
***See our previous posts on problems with Lutheran Social Services New England.