Obama and his girls (Hillary, Susan Rice and Samantha Power) sure blundered when they joined the pack to bring down Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi.
I wonder if the media will one day point a finger at this bunch for destabilizing North Africa just as they do now at George W. Bush for bringing down Saddam Hussein and destabilizing Iraq (I won’t hold my breath).
Here Time magazine reports that trafficking in migrants is part of the new business model used by ISIS to fund their operations.
Migrants pay thousands of dollars to armed groups in Africa and the Middle East on their journey to Europe.

The movement of migrants across the Middle East and Africa towards Europe has generated up to $323 million for the Islamic State in Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) and other jihadist groups, a new report has revealed.
Many of the migrants embark from Libya on unseaworthy boats which have foundered with thousands drowning and thousands being rescued by European navies. At least 170,000 refugees made the sea journey last year, and that number looks likely to increase this year, according to the European Union’s border-surveillance organization Frontex.
European Union and African officials are scrambling to find ways to stop the migration. On Wednesday the Guardian revealed a 19-page E.U. strategy report to crack down on the smugglers, which included air strikes on boats and possibly the use of troops in Libya.
But while E.U. officials anguish over the plight of people crossing the Mediterranean to get to Europe, the migration has proved an invaluable business opportunity for groups like ISIS. So valuable that international crime experts believe ISIS might have launched some attacks specifically in order to drive people to flee, and then profit from their flight.
Just a reminder! US readers this affects you!
We are bringing some of those illegal boat people to America as REFUGEES and sending them to your towns and cities. I just checked State Department data bases and see that as of April 30th we had admitted 331 of Malta’s illegal aliens to the US in 300 refugee cases this fiscal year alone. That means that the majority coming to America are not in family groups and are most likely single young men.
We told you here that some aliens from Malta ended up in South Carolina.
Go here for our ‘Invasion of Europe’ series and here for our extensive Malta archive.