CAIR joins the gang to celebrate Immigrant Heritage Month (to change America by changing the people?)

CAIR logoBefore you read CAIR’s press release check out the gang at  Some of CAIR’s partners include:  LaRaza, Welcoming America, SEIU, International Rescue Committee and facebook There are also colleges, public libraries and Chambers of Commerce in the group.
They are gathering immigrant “stories.”  If you haven’t noticed, leftwing community organizers love telling heartwarming STORIES.  The stories are central to their media campaign.  They are masters at this storytelling and have boatloads of money from rich foundations to do it.
There is no doubt that some immigrants shaped America in a positive way, but that was then and this is now and the numbers are too great and some of the ethnic groups we are inviting now have no intention of ever assimilating. They are here to change America!
It is our job to balance the news, to make sure the public knows the not-so-heartwarming stories as well and to speak for the average American citizen and worker who sees his or her job and unique American culture being lost!
Here is what CAIR says (hat tip: Robin):

(WASHINGTON, D.C., 5/28/15) – Today the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the nation’s largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization, announced its support of the second-annual Immigrant Heritage Month, an initiative to partner community organizations, elected officials, corporations, artists, and thought leaders to gather and share inspirational stories of American immigrants.

Immigrant-Heritage-Month“While nearly eight in ten American Muslims are immigrants, the history of United States Muslim immigration goes back more than 400 years. As the most racially-diverse religious group in the U.S., we celebrate the diversity of the American Muslim immigrant experience and encourage community members to participate in Immigrant Heritage Month and share their story of how they came to be U.S. citizens,” said CAIR Government Affairs Manager Robert McCaw.

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg is on the same team as CAIR/Hamas!

“America is a nation of immigrants. This is – and always has been – a source of incredible strength that unifies us all,” said Todd Schulte, President of “The strength, sacrifice, and contributions of the Muslim immigrant community helped build this great nation. To honor that, our goal with Immigrant Heritage Month this June is to highlight the intersections our immigrant experience and illuminate how each individual journey has been instrumental to the formation, foundation, and ongoing strength of the United States of America.”

Supporters are encouraged to connect with Immigrant Heritage Month through social media or events in their city and share their own unique immigration story.

Visit ‘’ for more information on how to share your story and learn more about our nationwide effort.

About, a non-profit organization, is dedicated to celebrating a United States that is fueled by immigrants from around the world. Immigrant Heritage Month honors the ways in which America and the immigrants who have built our country are linked in a shared, productive history.

CAIR is America’s largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.

Temporary Protected Status for Yemeni nationals
While I visited CAIR’s website, I noticed they, and many other Arab-American groups, petitioned the US Department of Homeland Security for Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for Yemenis in the US.  I am mentioning this to remind you that there are many other legal immigration programs that must be reformed or abolished!  TPS is a scam!

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