Syrians coming to Amish country (Lancaster County, PA)

Most people are very surprised to learn that Church World Service (one of nine federal resettlement contractors) has been busy for years flooding Lancaster, PA with third worlders.  Here we learn that the next big batch will be Syrians—Syrians who don’t speak English and who will need mental health counseling!

Lancaster Sheila
Sheila Mastropietro of CWS: Counseling is an area of concern. You betcha! Sure hope Lancaster has lots of good FREE counseling services. BTW, your tax dollars pay for 20 staff people in Mastropietro’s office!

And, big surprise (not!) they will work in factories and warehouses (jobs Americans won’t do for slave wages?).  Please explain to me why a ‘church’ group is acting as head hunter for businesses looking for cheap labor?
From WITF:

About 60 Syrian refugees already live in Lancaster County, and another 60 are expected to re-settle there in the next year.

Church groups secure and furnish apartments for the families, who also get help in finding work and staying healthy.

English classes will be available, and kids will go to schools in the county.

Speaking on WITF’s Smart Talk, Sheila Mastropietro with Church World Service in Lancaster also says counseling is an area of concern because many refugees have seen death and destruction in Syria.

“So it’s difficult but we do what we can and we certainly have interpretation services. And we expect that some people are going to need at least some counseling in the beginning at least,” she says.

Mastropietro says she expects the Syrians to find work quickly in a warehouse or factory.

Go here to listen to the Smart Talk interview.
And, if you didn’t know Church World Service is part of the National Council of Churches which has historical roots in the Communist movement of the 1950s.  They are hard Leftists in their political view.
See our archive on Lancaster by clicking here.
It was in Lancaster, in 2013, that I first heard about “pockets of resistance” (towns trying to stop the flow of refugees their way) and the Office of Refugee Resettlement’s new hire—‘Welcoming America.’
An afterthought:  I should have added this—over 90% of the Syrians we are taking are Muslims.

World Refugee Day protest: Most citizens of Slovakia do not want Muslim refugees

The latest ‘Invasion of Europe’ news….

One of the largest protests in recent Slovak history turned violent. Photo: The Slovak Spectator

We’ve told you before about the plan by the European Commission to distribute mostly Muslim refugees (Syrians would make up a large portion of them) to all countries of Europe via a quota system.  In Bratislava on Saturday the people said NO loud and clear.
From The Slovak Spectator:

A PUBLIC protest against immigration held in Bratislava on June 20 that led to violence against both police officers and bystanders showed the power of extremists in Slovakia who have declared their intention to become members of parliament in next year’s election. Observers point out that the protesters were nourished by mass hysteria and fears of Muslim immigrants arriving in Slovakia. [As if their fears were unfounded!—ed]

We love maps! Another RRW geography lesson!


The European Commission presented a new quota-based strategy for dealing with the massive wave of immigrants coming to Europe on May 13. The EC plan counted on Slovakia accepting 785 individuals. The proposal met with wide criticism in Slovakia and a June survey conducted by the Polis agency indicated that 70.1 percent of 1,469 respondents said they disagreed with Slovakia accepting more refugees.

The protest on June 20 was one of the largest in recent Slovak history, shutting down traffic in some Bratislava squares and keeping hundreds of police officers busy. The police officers detained about 76 people suspected of riotous conduct with 41 of those detained coming from the Czech Republic. The police filed criminal complaints against 19 Czechs and 13 Slovaks according to Bratislava police spokesperson Tatiana Kurucová.

Violence in Bratislava streets

Thousands of protesters chanting “This is our home” and “Treason!” set out from Bratislava’s main railway station towards SNP Square.

There is much more, continue reading here…..
See all of our reports on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ here.
And, don’t forget!  Today the US House Homeland Security Committee hears testimony about the security issues surrounding the resettlement of Syrians in America.  The NO borders agitators want us to take 65,000 before Obama leaves office.

The only way to save Europe is to stop the boats

More Invasion of Europe news…..
David Frum writing in The Atlantic about the invasion of Europe, wraps up an insightful (longish) piece by endorsing the policy of the Abbott government in Australia which has stopped the illegal migration of phony asylum seekers to the country by stopping the boats!

NEW Germans, NEW Italians, NEW Frenchmen aboard!

Is it any surprise that if you let them come, more will come?

The lesson applies to America as well…..
From The Atlantic (Closing European Harbors).  Emphasis is mine:

 Contrast this with the recent experience of Australia. After the Labor government of Prime Minister Kevin Rudd announced a newly permissive policy toward asylum-seekers in 2008, their numbers, unsurprisingly, soared. As holding facilities filled, Labor leaders moved to reintroduce stricter controls, but public opinion had already turned against them: the party lost the 2013 federal election to Tony Abbott, a conservative who had, among other campaign promises, vowed to crack down on asylum-seekers arriving by boat. Under Abbott’s policy, no unapproved boats would be allowed to land. Period. Boats apprehended at sea would be turned back to their point of origin or towed to uncongenial places like Papua New Guinea for processing of passengers. The government used social media to communicate the new policy throughout Southeast Asia. A YouTube video released in many of the region’s languages warned: “If you travel by boat without a visa, you will not make Australia home.” Since then, illegal boat migration has virtually disappeared.

The policy has been expensive: the government has reportedly spent about $1 billion Australian a year to detain migrants at facilities in other countries. That is a relatively small sum, however, compared with the high social and economic costs over many years—and multiple generations—of allowing large-scale migration by very low-skilled people.

The ocean around Australia is much wider than the sea between Libya and Europe. Yet Australia’s example is promising. Migration follows opportunity. Remove opportunity, and migration will cease. Migrants who attempt to force their way into Europe are, quite understandably, seeking a better life. But the peoples of the countries they wish to enter similarly have a right to do what is best for themselves.

Making a success of the migration that has already occurred will demand tremendous wisdom, generosity, and policy creativity from Europe’s leaders. That challenge will become only more daunting if migrant numbers continue to grow unchecked, thanks to an immigration policy that prides itself on being compassionate, but that in practice perpetuates the darkest and most dangerous tendencies of Europeans, old and new alike.

Read it all here.
Go here for our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive.  I’ve been writing a lot about the invasion this week, one more post coming up.

PJ Media: In the Netherlands, Muslim refugees bully the non-Muslims

Invasion of Europe news……
Earlier today we posted news from Germany about Germans taking to the streets to proclaim their welcome of Muslim migrants to the country.  In the Netherlands it is an entirely different story.

Christian Union MP Joël Voordewind: …radical Muslims take over refugee centers and bully all those who hold different religious beliefs.

Here is Michael van der Galien writing at PJ Media (hat tip: Joanne).

A Pakistani Christian, who has fled to the Netherlands, has made a video of life in a refugee center and uploaded it to YouTube. The video has received national attention in the Netherlands because the refugee says he’s regularly bullied and threatened by other refugees, most of whom are Muslim.

He explains:

I am a refugee and live in the refugee center at Gilze en Rijen. There are a lot of Syrian Muslims here who fled the war in their own country. These Muslims have made life impossible for us [red.: for Christian refugees]. I fled from my own country because I thought I’d be safe and welcome here. But I still have to hide here. I contacted the government agency that deals with refugees, but they refuse to intervene. I’ve arrived at a point at which I don’t know what to do.

ChristianUnion MP Joël Voordewind commented after watching the video that this isn’t the first time Christian refugees have complained about Muslim refugees. It happens very often, he says, that radical Muslims take over refugee centers and bully all those who hold different religious beliefs. At the same time, however, they appeal to the Dutch government to get a residence permit, saying they aren’t safe in their own countries because of… wait for it: radical Islamic violence.


The video and appeal for help have caused a firestorm in the Netherlands, where increasingly more people are worried about the effects of mass-immigration from Muslim countries. Many of these immigrants call themselves refugees, but refuse to assimilate. They’re also, more often than not, fundamentalists themselves who have zero tolerance for people of other faiths.

Visit PJ Media for more and to watch the video.
We live in incredible times as we watch what I think will be the end of a Judeo/Christian Europe.
Think bullying couldn’t happen here?   Didn’t we hear that it happened in WELCOMING Twin Falls, Idaho recently?  Except it wasn’t Christians being harassed. It was Jews:

Harry Turner, an attorney, said he received a call from a refugee couple who’s Jewish and have been harassed in Twin Falls by Muslims.

Aackk!  I stole a line from!
Go here for our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive.

House Homeland Security Subcommittee to hold hearing tomorrow on Syrian refugee threat

Update June 24th:  The Center for Security Policy filed this report of the hearing.
This is a rescheduled hearing we had been waiting for, here, several weeks ago.

David Gartenstein-Ross of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies will testify tomorrow.

Rep. Peter King (R-NY) will preside over the hearing in the Subcommittee on Counterterrorism and Intelligence.  Those testifying about the security risk involved with admitting thousands of Syrians with little documentation include:

Dr. Seth Jones
International Security and Defense Policy Center
RAND Corporation

Mr. Thomas Fuentes
FBI Assistant Director (Retired)

Dr. Daveed Gartenstein-Ross
Senior Fellow
Foundation for Defense of Democracies

It is disappointing that there is no present representative of the FBI as there was in an earlier hearing in February.   The FBI testified then that it was impossible to screen Syrians for security because there were no available records on who they really are.
Members of the Subcommittee are as follows.  If one of these is your representative in Washington, please contact him or her today and tomorrow and tell them no migration of Syrians (they are mostly Muslims) to your towns and cities should be permitted.
(To see where they have been resettled so far this year, go here. And, be sure to see our Youtube video here on the plan to admit 65,000 in the next 18 months or so!)
Members of the Subcommittee:


Peter T. King, New York, Chairman

Candice Miller, Michigan

Lou Barletta, Pennsylvania*

John Katko, New York

Will Hurd, Texas


Brian Higgins, New York, Ranking Member

William R. Keating, Massachusetts

Filemon Vela, Texas

* Barletta is an especially good immigration control advocate.

I know many of you think that 65,000 Syrians admitted to the US before Obama leaves office is a pipe dream of the federal refugee contractors , the Senate Jihad Caucus, and the UN/US State Department, but it isn’t.  It could happen, so you must speak up often and loudly!

You know all that low-income housing they are building in middle class American towns, and we are told masses of trailers are being spotted in rural communities—well, what else could they need all that government housing for?  Just saying!
Obama is surely planning to go out with a final blow to America!  And, he knows Congress is a toothless tiger!  This could be it!