Many of you have already read our friend James Simpson’s ‘The Red-Green Axis: Refugees, Immigration and the Agenda to Erase America’on kindle, but today the paperback version is available at Amazon, here.
From CSP’spress release:
Washington, D.C.: The Center for Security Policy today released a new paperback version of the monograph by investigative journalist James Simpson: The Red-Green Axis: Refugees, Immigration and the Agenda to Erase America.
This report extensively details the networks of radical left non-profits, foundations, government agencies and the personalities behind them. Unbeknownst to most Americans they are using refugee resettlement as a pretext to import waves of immigrants from third-world nations as a key front in Obama’s strategy of “fundamentally PhotoshopScreenSnapz008transforming” America. These refugees have little interest in assimilating. Many are from Muslim countries, view immigration as “Hijra” i.e. a subversive means to invade a foreign nation, and have demonstrated a willingness to either support or engage in terrorism both in America and abroad.
For our many new readers, you may not know that international Leftists and NO borders advocates are pushing the meme that there are millions of so-called ‘climate refugees’ that must be taken into first world countries as refugees because the climate is changing where they now live.
You are probably laughing at how ridiculous this sounds, but believe me the issue is getting legs especially now that the Vatican is weighing in. Watch for it! The next big hue and cry will be for the US and other first world countries to save climate refugees! Photo here:
Sensibly, New Zealand’s Supreme Court has ruled that, in an important test case, the man claiming that he would suffer harm if returned to the island nation of Kiribati must be deported. He is not a refugee.
Remember the other day, Imentionedthat in order for someone to be alegitimate refugee they must prove they would be PERSECUTEDif returned to their country of origin and that Obama and his minions in the US State Department are working day and night to eviscerate refugee protection programs by deeming the ‘children’ from Central America as refugees when they are no such thing.
Economic migrants, people trying to escape crime or changes in the weather are NOT refugees.
Thankfully, in this case, the New Zealand court is demanding adherence to the long-standing definition of the word “refugee.”
From Sky News:
A Pacific Islander who applied to the New Zealand government to give him status as the world’s first climate refugee has had his appeal turned down.
Ioane Teitiota, 38, argued he should not be sent back to the island nation of Kiribati because it was under threat due to rising seas.
That, he argued, made it unsafe for him and his family.
However, while NZ’s Supreme Court agreed that the tiny nation of about 100,000 people was suffering environmental degradation, it said Mr Teitiota’s application did not meet the legal definition of a refugee because he was not facing persecution.
“While Kiribati undoubtedly faces challenges, Mr Teitiota does not, if returned, face ‘serious harm’,” the Supreme Court said in a ruling released on Monday.
Unfortunately, the court left the door open for a better test case.
In other ‘climate refugee’ news….
* Ireland’s President says we need to save climate refugees,here. This made me laugh because I envisioned some Irishman claiming he was a climate refugee in someplace like Tahiti because it was just too darned cold and rainy in Ireland!
* In a new report, the Leftists in Norway say there were 20 million climate refugees around the world in 2014, here.
* And, finally, a good piece at the Washington Post of all places debunking this as another Leftist scare tactic, here. Love it!
For more of this ridiculousness, see our ‘Climate refugees’ category going back several years, here.
It boggles my mind that all of this horrendous news coming out of Europe rarely makes it to the US media. Only when one of the illegal migrant ships sink do we hear about it. Why is that? Is the media in America afraid to show what uncontrolled immigration is doing to Europe? For God’s sake the European continent is being invaded! Americans need to know! This photo of aliens detained on the Greek island of Kos is from April when 100 migrants were arriving per day. Now we learn the number has risen to 900 to 2000 per day across the islands. Photo and story here:
Here is the latest on Greek islands being overrun by mostly Middle Easterners.
From the International Business Times (emphasis mine):
The camp on the Greek island of Lesvos had been built with room for perhaps 600 people, but more than 3,000 were crammed into the facility on a recent day. Refugees had arrived from Syria, Afghanistan and other nations so rife with violence and poverty that Greece seemed a place of tranquility.
They had trekked 40 miles from the northern port where ships land to the city of Mytilene, after enduring dangerous sea crossings that often end in death or coast guard rescue. Some were now sleeping in an old army camp that had been turned into a makeshift shelter. Some lay on sidewalks outside. The camp lacked sufficient food and clean water due to the sheer numbers of people arriving. Aid workers with the United Nations worked the cobblestone streets, picking up litter in an effort to keep the situation tolerable. They worried that if anyone fell ill, disease would spread like wildfire.
“Unless there is a change very rapidly in capital control, we are afraid we will see an increase in the deterioration of the situation,” said Eugenio Imbrosi of the International Organization of Migration.
This dire situation will likely worsen as the Greek government contends with own crisis — an economic unraveling — and as regional conflagrations sends a widening volume of migrants and asylum seekers to Greek shores. Estimates for daily arrivals range from 900 to 2000 per day across the islands, according to municipal mayors and the Red Cross. Greece has overtaken Italy as the European country with the most new migrants arriving per day.
Why Greece now? Because there is no money for border security!
Europeans watching Greece’s economic catastrophe might struggle to imagine why anyone would risk his or her life to get to Greece. Yet the economic crisis gripping Greece is precisely what makes it so appealing to refugees: in the face of national budget cuts, every government agency including border control has been diminished, making landfall for refugees less risky than before.The greater the numbers of people arriving, the greater the economic burden on cash-strapped small towns that house refugees.
Middle Easterners bring their centuries-old conflicts with them!
Near the end of a long article we learn this!
Due to suffocating conditions, riots have broken out in some of the refugee camps between Syrians and Afghans. In the past six months, riots started between the two groups because of political and historic tensions. Some Syrians considered the Afghans as part of a Taliban population. The Afghans often don’t speak Arabic and were offended by a perceived superiority complex in the Syrians. “So we’re having the same war right here right now,” said Andriotis, comparing it to the situation that caused these refugees to flee their home countries.
Read it allhere.
It is only a matter of time before we see these same tensions in the US as we are resettling, in the case of the Iraqis for instance, almost an equal number of Shiite Muslims and Sunni Muslims.
For our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive,click here.
Belgium, a country already struggling with a large Muslim migrant population, initiated a rescue of 250 Syrian Christians and has now been charged with participating in a publicity stunt.
I’m not holding my breath waiting for the day when US Christian and Jewish non-profits who contract with the federal government to resettle refugees say—WE WANT TO SAVE THE CHRISTIANS FIRST! Unbelievable! Playing politics with Christian lives? “Brigitte Hermans, an expert from the Catholic NGO Pax Christi, worries that the rescue will only embolden Bashar al-Assad’s claims that ISIS, rather than his regime, is the true threat to the Syrian people.” Those ‘Christian’ and ‘Jewish’ ‘charities’ I’m talking about are the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, Episcopal Migration Ministries, Church World Service, World Relief (Evangelicals) and the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society.
96% of the Syrian refugees being resettled by US Christian and Jewish charities are Syrian Muslims (mostly Sunni Muslims).
Why are they afraid to tell the UN and the Obama State Department NO! Obviously some in Belgium have guts!
From Worldcrunch:
BRUSSELS — Moved by the dramatic situation of the Christian population in Aleppo, Syria’s largest city, a group of Belgian activists, with support from the government, orchestrated a remarkable rescue operation to save nearly 250 Syrian Christians.
In Aleppo, the Christians were under continuous assault by ISIS, the al-Qaeda-aligned al-Nusra front and the Assad regime. Now they’re set to receive refugee status in Belgium and join the approximately 5,500 Syrian refugees already in the country.
Aleppo had 160,000 Christians before the war. Belgian authorities estimate there are only 55,000 left now.
Certain observers have harshly criticized the Michel administration, calling the rescue a public relations stunt. The government had been facing criticism in the past for its lackluster response to the refugee crisis in Europe, and still has not specified how many asylum seekers it will accept from the rest of the EU. Echoing the concerns of other EU members, Brussels opposes the proposals for a mandatory quota system but has yet to indicate whether it will host part of the 64,000 people who need to be resettled.
There is more here.
About the photo, apparently this publication has spelled Ms. Herremans’ name wrong, here. Herremans has written with a pro-Palestinian bias for Pax Christi (the International Catholic Peace Movement), here.