RRW weekly roundup for week ending August 1, 2015

For new readers, we try to report every week on which of our stories garnered the most interest during the previous week.
This week’s number one post is from 2013!  I usually am never able to figure out why some old post, all of a sudden, makes the big time.  This one obviously struck a cord and someone sent it out through social media. Maybe something new happened in Noel, Missouri (where Tyson Foods is destroying the town) that I missed?   I don’t know.
Or, could it be that since Democrat Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders is making sense and saying that immigration DOES HURT AMERICAN WORKERS some people are finding examples of it?  Here is how our Number One post for this week begins:

It is not often I agree with anything from “Progressives,” but when a reader sent me this piece from Progressives for Immigration Reform I couldn’t believe my eyes.  It is more on the report we posted the other day on Noel, Missouri and the poverty the town is experiencing as it is flooded with mostly REFUGEE laborers for Tyson Foods.

How on earth our federal CHURCH contractors can be aiding and abetting this travesty continues to be beyond my understanding.

So here then are the Top Three Posts of the week (Top Daily Posts are in the right hand side bar):

1) Progressives: Tyson Foods exploits immigrant labor, destroys small towns

2) Texas Congressman introduces bill to suspend Refugee Resettlement Program!

3) St. Cloud, MN: AFL-CIO operative using intimidation tactics, stirs racial unrest….

By the way, on #3 here, I think Ms. Jane Conrad is out of step with Democrat candidate Bernie Sanders.  She hasn’t gotten the message yet that American workers (and wages!) are hurt by the flood of immigrant low-skilled labor coming into Minnesota—imported with the help of federal contractors like Lutheran Social Service and Catholic Charities!  I wonder when these union organizers will focus on the big fat salaries of CEOs like the one leading Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota.

Top Ten Countries from which readers arrived at RRW are these (excluding the US):





New Zealand






Youtube video headed to One Million Views!

And on my first Youtube that we are trying to push to 1 million views—-it is up to 878,219 as of this morning!  And, this will give you a laugh, it seems that the federal contractors have an internal document that seeks to rebut each of my points.   They are that concerned that they feel they need to answer what I say!
Don’t miss the video on 65,000 Syrians, it is actually more important than the first video.  See also Jim Simpson’s 5-minute presentation on the Red-Green Axis to erase America, here.
For new readers, please go to a previous weekly round-up here for instructions on how to get the most out of your visits to RRW.

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