Please take every opportunity this month while your members of Congress are home for the August recess to meet with them and urge them to co-sponsor the Refugee Accountability National Security Act of 2015 (HR 3314) introduced by Texas Rep. Brian Babin.
It is critically important that you send a message to your member that this bill is a necessary first step to begin reining-in this out-of-control LEGAL immigration program. It is just as important as the invasion of our southern border if we are to slow the colonization of our towns and cities.
And, remember! Rep. Trey Gowdy is chairman of the subcommittee responsible for the refugee program, he should be urged to hold hearings on the Babin bill!
Since the bill represents a moderate approach to reform, for some members signing on to HR3314 should be an easy decision. We will be watching closely to see who does, and by their absence, who does not, support it!
If you are ‘fortunate’ to live in a key primary state, be sure to also bring this important legislation and your concerns about refugee resettlement to Presidential candidates!
P.S. Take a minute to thank Rep. Babin!