'Germany loves refugees' say demonstrators…..

……but the Dutch and the Finns are not so thrilled.  My suggestion: send them all to Germany where we are told 60% of Germans welcome the migrants.

Invasion of Europe news…..

From The Guardian:

Dresden demo
Demonstrators in Dresden on Saturday—come on in! Germany is rich! Photo: The Guardian

Thousands of people took to the streets of the German city of Dresden on Saturday to send a message of welcome to refugees after a string of violent anti-migrant protests in the region.

Led by protesters holding a huge banner that read “Prevent the pogroms of tomorrow today”, the crowds marched peacefully through the eastern city under the watch of police in riot gear.

“Say it loud, say it clear, refugees are welcome here,” they chanted.

Police said 1,000 people took part in the protest, which was called by the Anti-Nazi Alliance, while organisers put the numbers at 5,000.


Public opinion is largely behind her [Chancellor Angela Merkel–ed] with 60% of Germans polled by public broadcaster ZDF saying that Europe’s biggest economy is capable of hosting the asylum seekers.

Maybe Merkel isn’t mad, maybe a majority of Germans are!
Now see what is happening in the Netherlands, here and in Finland here.  Load up the buses and send them to Germany!
BTW, the EU has called an emergency meeting for mid-September to discuss the migrant crisis, here.
Our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here.

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