18 US Mayors tell Obama: We want MORE Syrian (Muslim) refugees!

This story is from Syracuse, NY, but it is all about a letter 18 mayors sent to Obama telling him that they want MORE Syrian refugees now!
Remember Syracuse is the city that saw a beautiful Catholic Church become a mosque.  I’m guessing the mayor wants to see more of that because the majority of the Syrians to be admitted to the US through the UN are Sunni Muslims.   Kind of ironic that they penned this letter when the Pope was here.  Does he want more Muslims to take over more Catholic Churches worldwide?
Clearly Catholic Charities and Mayor Miner of Syracuse do!
From Syracuse.com:

SYRACUSE, N.Y. — Mayor Stephanie Miner is one of 18 mayors encouraging President Barack Obama to accept additional Syrian refugees into the United States.

miner and Obama
Mayor Stephanie Miner: “[I]…urge you to increase still further the number of Syrian refugees the United States will accept for resettlement.” Photo: http://www.syracuse.com/news/index.ssf/2012/10/syracuse_mayor_stephanie_miner_30.html

Miner signed a letter, sent to Obama, that calls for an increase of the number of refugees the U.S. will accept in the next two years. Obama has already pledged to take 10,000 Syrian refugees and increase the overall refugee allowance to 100,000 by 2017.

“Our cities have been transformed by the skills and the spirit of those who come to us from around the world,” the letter reads. “The drive and enterprise of immigrants and refugees have helped build our economies, enliven our arts and culture, and enrich our neighborhoods.”

All 18 mayors are members of Cities United for Immigration Action, a coalition pushing for immigration reform. Along with Miner, mayors from Los Angeles, New York City, Pittsburgh, Boston and Chicago signed the letter. [I bet if you dug into this group, you would find it another George Soros-funded group.—ed]

Syracuse currently accepts between 1,100 and 1,200 refugees each year. Two organizations — Catholic Charities of Onondaga County and Interfaith Works CNY — resettle refugees in Syracuse.

“We have taken in refugees, and will help make room for thousands more,” the letter reads.”

See the letter at Syracuse.com.  And here are the 18 cities which need new mayors!

Ed Pawlowski, Mayor of Allentown, PA
Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, Mayor of Baltimore, MD
Martin J. Walsh, Mayor of Boston, MA
James Diossa, Mayor of Central Falls, RI
Mark Kleinschmidt, Mayor of Chapel Hill, NC
Rahm Emanuel, Mayor of Chicago, IL
Edward Terry, Mayor of Clarkston, GA
Nan Whaley, Mayor of Dayton, OH
Domenick Stampone, Mayor of Haledon, NJ
Pedro E. Segarra, Mayor of Hartford, CT
Eric Garcetti, Mayor of Los Angeles, CA
Betsy Hodges, Mayor of Minneapolis, MN
Bill de Blasio, Mayor of New York City, NY
Jose Torres, Mayor of Paterson, NJ
William Peduto, Mayor of Pittsburgh, PA
Javier Gonzales, Mayor of Santa Fe, NM
Francis G. Slay, Mayor of St. Louis, MO
Stephanie A. Miner, Mayor of Syracuse, NY

Be sure to check out the hundreds of comments this story generated.  I skimmed some and it sure looks like Mayor Miner’s constituents aren’t too thrilled by her invitation.
If you live in any of those 18 cities be sure the citizens there know what their mayor is doing.
Addendum:  I just remembered, you can go to this post from a few days ago to see if your city is already getting Syrian Muslims. Note to Catholic Charities, of the 1,700 plus Syrians who were admitted to the US so far, 43 were Christians and there was 1 (one!) Catholic in the bunch.

Drilling down on federal contractors that launder your money to local agencies—Twin Falls again

The spotlight in the Twin Falls, Idaho controversy shifts from the big business interests we mentioned in our previous post, to the major federal contractor that is really calling the shots — not the local College of Southern Idaho Refugee Program.
The federal resettlement contractor, located in Arlington, Virginia is known in the refugee industry as USCRI (US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants) which passes your tax dollars through to their local affiliate—CSI.

Lavinia Limon again
Learn more about Lavinia here: http://thehispanicblog.com/2012/04/14/who-is-lavinia-limon-meet-the-ceo-of-the-u-s-committee-for-refugees-immigrants/

We continue to be perplexed why there is no federal Form 990 available for CSI’s refugee program and would like to see the College’s financials to see exactly how much is coming in through their books for the refugee program.
However, we get some idea by having a look at the most recently available Form 990 for USCRI.
First, the best page of recent Form 990s is page 9.  I say recent because when I first looked at Form 990s years ago these numbers were more prominently presented on page 1.

In 2013, USCRI had an income stream as follows (in red are your tax dollars).  Numbers are rounded to save me work!

Government Grants:   $35.4 million

Other contributions: $247,000

IOM Collection Fees:  $1.7 million (Refugees are loaned tax dollars via the International Organization for Migration, another contractor, for their airfare and must return the loan, however the resettlement contractors get to keep a portion of any money they can wring out of the poor refugees. This is USCRI’s share for that year.  It really should have been all returned to the US Treasury.)

Interpreters:  $1.2 million  (This is probably mostly local tax dollars as the contractors are now in the business of providing their workers and refugees for interpretive services needed in the health care system and criminal justice system to name just two).

Childcare Service:  $350,000 (will give them the benefit of the doubt that this is private income???)

Misc. small stuff

Total income:  $39.2 million  or about 98% funded by tax dollars!

BTW, CEO Lavinia Limon earned a cool $289,192 according to this Form 990 and another Limon (relative?) earned $139,869. These salaries are in the mid-range for CEOs and employees in the humanitarian business.  One of them, in another non-profit, makes close to $500,000 a year.

Limon had served as Bill Clinton’s Director of the federal Office of Refugee Resettlement having revolved in and out of government as did her right hand man Eskinder Negash (you saw him here the other day leading the charge for 100,000 Syrians to be admitted to the US this coming year).
Anyway, back to Twin Falls.  On Page 10 of the Form 990 you will see that Limon passed $22.3 million of their income (from you) to subcontractors working for them around the country.  I was going to list the Top Ten recipients of the money that one could say USCRI launders to subordinates (Does anyone in the federal government follow the money to be sure it is used properly?  Are there federal audits?), but I am too lazy.  Check the dollar figures yourself in Schedule I.
On their list of grantees is the College of Southern Idaho which received $807,380 (passed to them by USCRI).  If they had other income (gifts, fundraiser income, etc.) we have no idea because there is no Form 990 for CSI Refugee Program.
I did check to see if some of the other USCRI beneficiaries have filed separate Form 990s and the answer is yes!
So where is CSI’s?  This arrangement with the College of Southern Idaho is a strange one!
We have many posts on Ms. Limon, click here for our archive.
Note to the New York Times reporter who was in Twin Falls on Tuesday evening.  I hope you are doing your homework! The finances!  The secrecy! The revolving door! The big business interests!  The lobbying push by USCRI and others for 100,000 Syrian ‘clients’ for them! All of it!

Big business drives refugee resettlement in America: Could Chobani Yogurt be behind the drive in Twin Falls?

Called the largest yogurt plant in the world, Hamdi Ulukaya opened the Chobani plant in Twin Falls, Idaho in 2012. It is financially involved with the College of Southern Idaho which coincidentally houses the refugee resettlement office there run by the Virginia-based US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, a federal resettlement contractor. How many refugee employees does Chobani want in Twin Falls?

For years we have chronicled the involvement of BIG business in pushing for cheap immigrant labor.
We’ve told you about meatpacking plants and hotel chains. Large agri-business concerns, including dairy farming conglomerates/egg producers, claim they need immigrant labor.  Most recently someone told me that a Lutheran nursing home chain was hiring refugee labor.  Here is one of many posts we have written on the subject of meatpackers changing small town America.
Indeed, why else would the Chamber of Commerce have played a major role in pushing the ‘Gang of Eight’ amnesty bill a few years ago—cheap labor for their big business members of course!
And, you Lefties wonder why wages are so low!
(Americans would do the work if wages weren’t artificially kept low by a glut of immigrant labor (both legal and illegal)).
I’ve even suggested that the nine major resettlement contractors (which are selecting your towns for resettlement) and the US State Department act as ‘head hunters’ for large corporate interests all the while wearing their humanitarian do-gooder hats!
We know why Democrats want the immigrant influx (voting power), but, why do you think that RINO Republicans, as well as Republican governors, keep their mouths shut about the refugee program even in the face of vocal resistance in communities suffering the financial and cultural impact (and possibly a threat to security) of dozens of nationalities of third worlders in their towns?
Money! Money! Money! (That is why they don’t listen to you!)
Chobani Turk
Is Kurdish-American Hamdi Ulukaya behind the drive to bring Syrian refugees to Twin Falls? Just wondering!

Great business model!

This morning I see news that the Kurdish-American owner of Chobani Yogurt has hired 600 refugees for his New York yogurt plant and that he is spending millions to help refugees.
Spending millions where the refugees live in Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon, Iraq etc. is a wonderful thing and he deserves praise for that, but if he is using his financial power to bring Syrian refugees to small town America we have a right to be informed!
Refugees are here legally and make a better supply of cheap labor because they cannot go home!
Here we learn about Hamdi Ulukaya, CEO of Chobani Greek Yogurt at the New York Daily News:

A Turkish yogurt executive is putting his money where his mouth is, hiring Syrian refugees and donating millions to the cause.

You will need to go to the NY Daily News link to watch the video where they brag about hiring 600 refugees for the New York plant.
By the way, there is a new large meatpacking plant opening soon near Boise, Idaho—are they going to be looking for the cheap refugee labor too?
Since these industries pay low wages, you lucky taxpayers get to supplement the refugee families through the welfare system.  Great business model isn’t it!
See all of our coverage of the conflict on-going in Twin Falls, Idaho, here.  See especially our initial report on the public meeting held earlier this week.
Incidentally, my research of a data base kept by the US State Department indicates that refugee resettlement to Twin Falls was slow up until Obama took office when the numbers going to Magic Valley Idaho ticked upward dramatically (so no wonder citizens began to notice changes in the community).

Hungarian foreign minister: Mass migration is the beginning of a new world order

Invasion of Europe news….

TOPSHOTS Migrants walk through the countryside after crossing the Hungarian-Croatian border near the Hungarian village of Zakany to continue their trip to the north on September 21, 2015. Croatia and Hungary have traded barbs on a national level, each pointing the finger at the other over their responses to Europe's escalating migrant crisis. AFP PHOTO / ATTILA KISBENEDEKATTILA KISBENEDEK/AFP/Getty Images
Look closely! What do you see? I see an army of invading young men, only a few women among them. Migrants walk through the countryside after crossing the Hungarian-Croatian border near the Hungarian village of Zakany AFP PHOTO / ATTILA KISBENEDEKATTILA KISBENEDEK/AFP/Getty Images

You probably know already that the EU voted to shove migrants (many are economic migrants, not legitimate refugees) down the throats of countries that object strongly to adding impoverished, mostly Muslim, third worlders to their populations.
There is a detailed description of what happened in Brussels this week at the UK Telegraph.
I’ve snipped a bit about what the Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said.  He is exactly right when he says it is “unfeasible, unrealisable and nonsense” because today it’s 120,000 they are distributing and next month it’s another 100,000 (who are at this minute packing their bags throughout the Middle East and North Africa).  This plan does nothing to stop the flow.

The EU migrant quota plan to relocate thousands of migrants across the continent is “unfeasible, unrealisable and nonsense”, Hungary’s foreign minister said, as Europe’s east-west division was laid bare on Wednesday.

As EU leaders meet in Brussels on Wednesday to approve a plan to relocate 120,000 attacked by eastern European countries, Péter Szijjártó called the quota scheme a waste of time.

Romania, Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary voted against the plan to take in refugees and migrants from Italy and Greece but it was forced through on Tuesday.

Under the European Commission president Jean-Claude Juncker’s plan, Hungary would receive 1,294 of the 120,000 to be shared by the EU countries.

Close the borders and build camps to discourage new arrivals.  It makes enormous sense to me—the camp dwellers can then go home when the civil war is over (and will be less likely to come if a refugee camp awaits them).
The Telegraph continues…..

But instead, the Hungarian government supports a pan-EU Greek border protection initiative which would deploy helicopters and infrared cameras to catch migrants, with Frontex and Greece setting numbers on troops and border guards.

Budapest suggested that the EU should then fund refugee camps for Syrians and finance new camps if required.

The Camp of the Saints

Mr Szijjártó described the plan as a waste of time and said: “The plan is unfeasible, unrealisable and nonsense.”
He added:

“This is the beginning of a new world order; we are not talking about a refugee crisis, but about a wave of mass migration.”

Continue reading here.

Read Jared Taylor at American Renaissance:  Is this the Death of Europe? 

He begins (and ends) his very thorough examination of refugee law and how it impacts Europe with a discussion about the prescient decades-old novel by Jean Raspail, The Camp of the Saints. If you have not read it, you must.  But, be prepared to feel physically ill (mentally ill goes without saying).
Taylor explains more clearly than I can how we got to this point—to the point where we are asking this question—Is this the Death of Europe?   The next question of course is, so what about America?
Taylor closes his tutorial with this:

As Jean Raspail wrote in 1985:

[T]he West is empty, even if it has not yet become really aware of it. An extraordinarily inventive civilization, surely the only one capable of meeting the challenges of the third millennium, the West has no soul left.

He put it even more pithily in The Camp of the Saints: “The white race was nothing more than a million sheep.”

See our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive by clicking here.  We have been watching it unfold for years!

Brigitte Gabriel on refugees: They are coming to your neighborhood…

One of our readers alerted me to this excellent interview on Newsmax TV of Brigitte Gabriel, ACT for America president and founder, who discusses the refugee resettlement crisis that America faces on the Steve Malzberg show with guest host Dennis Michael Lynch.
Many of our readers are familiar with the work of Dennis Michael Lynch because he traveled around the country a few years ago with his shocking documentary film They come to America.’
Watch the interview below.  The working group she mentions is here.