Update: Leo Hohmann has more on the governors here at WND.
The White House is making fun of the governors by offering them information that is readily available to the public already!
I had barely posted this earlier post today, when reader Joanne alerted me to this news.
In a laughable bow to governors’ demands that they be told who is coming to their states and where they will be placed, it appears the magnanimous and transparent (sarcasm alert) White House is going to teach governors how to access the Refugee Processing Center data base (we just used it here in our previous post) so they can know AFTER THE FACT who has been brought into the state by a non-profit group.
Here is the news at KnoxNews (hat tip: Joanne):
WASHINGTON — The White House sought Monday to ease concerns among the nation’s governors about Syrian refugees entering the United States by proposing a new program that would provide regular data on refugees who have settled in their states.
In a letter to Gov. Bill Haslam and other governors, White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough defended the refugee vetting process as “extraordinarily thorough and comprehensive.” But McDonough said the administration would be willing to work through the National Governors Association to set up a new system to provide governors with more information about the refugees in their states.
Under the new program, once the State Department receives a governor’s request for data on refugees, it would compile a report tailored to that individual state. The data would include information on refugees resettled in the state during the prior month and the fiscal year to date.
That information is already available to anyone wishing to take the time to access it!
As I said earlier, the governors should be able to call the US State Department every week, as the decisions are being made. It is outrageous to think that some unelected non-profit group employee is making decisions for state taxpayers.
The US State Department and un-elected non-profits are making the decisions!
Representatives of the nine contractors*** sit down in the DC area every week and make the decision with the US State Department about where to send refugees!
Go here (official US State Dept. website) if you don’t believe me! Maybe the governors should demand to have representatives in those meetings as they divvy-up the cases!
Every week, representatives of each of these nine agencies meet to review the biographic information and other case records sent by the overseas Resettlement Support Centers (RSC) to determine where a refugee will be resettled in the United States.
So to re-cap!
David Miliband (former British Foreign Secretary) and now CEO of the International Rescue Committee knows who is coming to your state in advance, the governor is not permitted to know!
Lavinia Limon of USCRI knows in advance, but the governors don’t know.
Erol Kekic and the Rev. McCullough of Church World Service know in advance, but the governors don’t know.
Tsehaye Teferra of the Ethiopian Development Council knows (your governor isn’t permitted to know).
Linda Hartke of the Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service knows in advance, but the governors don’t!
Mark Hetfield of the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society knows in advance, but your governors don’t know.
That is enough, you get the idea!
You didn’t elect these people who are determining the demographic and economic future of your towns and cities!
Be sure to read the whole article, apparently the issue of the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program will be on the agenda of the Winter Meeting of the National Governors Association in Washington, DC, February 20-23.
***The nine federal contractors running the show, as Don Barnett said here in the Washington Times on Sunday!
- Church World Service (CWS)
- Ethiopian Community Development Council (ECDC)
- Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM)
- Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS)
- International Rescue Committee (IRC)
- US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI)
- Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS)
- United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)
- World Relief Corporation (WR)
Action Alert: Call your members of the House and Senate at 202-224-3121 and ask them to vigorously oppose the Refugee Resettlement funding contained in the Omnibus Spending Bill that will be voted on by 12-11-15! Please call by this Friday, Dec. 4th.