The word Islamophobe was of course coined by the Islamists and their friends on the political left as a way to mock and silence anyone who fears Islam. But, there is much to fear as we saw in Orlando yesterday.
Just a few minutes ago I turned on CNN and watched news commentators twist themselves into pretzels trying to decide if the Orlando slaughter of 50 members of the gay community by an avowed ISIS supporter was a hate crime or an act of Islamic terror. It is both of course because Islam hates homosexuals.
Not too long ago I wrote a post at my other blog about how each of you must educate yourselves about Islam and make sure those around you are educated. Please take time to do that if you haven’t already.
If you have read even the bare minimum about the ‘faith’ you would see why this killer of Afghan heritage picked a gay club to unleash his Islamic-inspired hatred.
So, how did this particular family of Islamic supremacists come to live in America? I don’t think we know yet (maybe we do, but I haven’t read anything yet this morning).
The killer himself was born here and we do know he was given all the opportunities America offers (the family probably initially got gobs of government welfare as well), which once again highlights the fact that we can screen new Muslim immigrants until the cows come home, but we aren’t able to keep the next generation from becoming radicalized (Boston bombers, Memphis killer, Somalis from Minneapolis).
We do know that the Dad is a Taliban supporter and perhaps unhinged as we saw yesterday in a video reported by the Washington Post and that the killer himself is a registered Democrat who killed large numbers of blacks and Hispanics (no right wingers anywhere in this whole sad story). (The WaPo has modified its story since yesterday and now leads with some mushy stuff from the Dad before you get to the Dad-is-a-nut portion of the article.)
And, hint to Obama, Orlando has nothing to do with poverty and lack of opportunity. Face it! There is only one common thread—Islam!
By the way, one of the best articles I saw yesterday on the killer and his family is this one by Julia Hahn at Breitbart.
Send me links if you see definitive stories on how this family got in here. There is no ‘line’ to get in from Afghanistan. Most Afghans are here as refugees, successful asylum seekers, special immigrant visa holders, diversity visa lottery winners or illegal aliens.
Oh, and one more thing! Did you see CAIR run to the microphone to say this has nothing to do with Islam. They must be peeing in their pants because CAIR’s plan is to take over America by increasing the Muslim population (the hijra) and using our political process to do it. Every time there is an Islamic terror attack more Islamophobes are born!