Syrian 'refugees' going home, thought they were going to be cared for in Europe

But, the problem now is how to make the reverse trek back to Turkey and ultimately home to Syria.
Invasion of Europe news…

El Dorado
They did not find El Dorado and now want to go home to Syria!

When I saw this story I was reminded of a story we reported in August of 2015 where a Syrian born woman said that Syrians are not “refugees” but opportunists.  You might want to read it (here), before this latest news.
This is what she said:

They left homes and cars and possessions here in order to take up the offer of FREE money and housing in Europe. They had been sure that once in Europe they will be given free medical, education, housing, food and provided for in every way forever. They think of Europe as “El Dorado”. There is also a large dose of jealousy involved, as they saw their neighbors going and they didn’t want to be left behind. Syrian hate to see someone else get a good deal, and not get a piece of the pie themselves.

Now here is the news from AP at One News Now:

…dozens of Syrian refugees are risking their lives again but in the opposite direction — paying smugglers to take them back to Turkey, and heading home.

Rather than brave the often treacherous waves of the Aegean again, they face the dangerous currents of the Evros River, which runs along the Greek-Turkish border.

Each night, groups of migrants and refugees huddle at the railway station of the small border town of Didimoticho, about 3 kilometers from the frontier, setting up small tents and waiting for their chance to cross.

Stuck in Greece…..

Al Jassem and his family stayed for months in Idomeni, a sprawling impromptu refugee camp that sprang up on the Greek-Macedonian border.

Authorities evacuated the camp last month, and the family were moved to an official camp with thousands of others.
But months of living rough had sapped their morale and their resolve.

They gave up the dream of a life in Germany.

“We did not expect we were going to be treated as such in Europe,” said Al Jassem.

“We thought they will be humane, looking after us and after our children, protect our children. We though we will be helped, but we found the opposite. Europe has no feeling for us at all.”

Continue reading here.
We also told you earlier this month about Syrians who made it to Germany and now want out!
It is really quite shameful that the UN and the IOM can’t figure out how to safely return these people to their homeland and are thus leaving them in the hands of smugglers.
Our complete archive on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ is here.

How many Syrians forced to work in American meatpacking plants or in hotels cleaning bathrooms are going to want to go home too a year from now? 

Set up that repatriation fund, it will be cheaper than keeping them on welfare!

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