NBC foreign correspondent tells Rachel Maddow that ISIS will infiltrate refugee flow


Maddow learns the cold hard truth! Trump might have a point (of course she would never admit it!)

The story by Jack Coleman at News Busters is entitled: NBC’s Richard Engel Strays From Script of Syrian Refugees as Entirely Harmless. Of course to us (and Donald Trump) that is a no-brainer, but it might be new news to Ms. Maddow.

MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow interviewed Engel from Instanbul, 4:40 a.m. local time, on her show Monday night about the terrorist massacre in Orlando and breaking news of the murder of a French police officer and his wife by another ISIS-inspired jihadist.

With ISIS losing ground in Syria and Iraq, its leaders are urging Islamists to attack Europeans and Americans in their countries rather than joining ISIS fighters on the battlefield in the Middle East, Engel said. Then came an assertion you’re unlikely to hear again on MSNBC —

So, already what we’re seeing a little bit, and French officials have been warning about this, is people trying to leave the battlefield. They don’t want to stay in Raqqa and face the bombings, so they’re trying to get out, come back through Turkey, come back anyway they can. The migrant trail is once again moving, not on the scale that it did last year, but still is underway. And that is also a concern that as you smash them in Iraq and Syria, they spread out. Or, they just inspire the ones like this awful shooter in Orlando who was clearly full of hate.

More here with the video clip itself.

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