The White House tells us that Sec. of State Kerry went to the ADAMS Center (aka Jihad Central) yesterday to celebrate World Refugee Day!
Watch and listen to Kerry praise the “wonderful work” the ADAMS Center does, by clicking here.
I had a good laugh when I saw this press release from the White House tooting the Administration’s own horn about what great things they are doing for (Muslim) refugees and for America. What B.S.!
I don’t get how the obviously planted stories (like this one) about how we ARE NOT going to get to Obama’s and John Kerry’s goal of admitting 85,000 refugees this year meshes with the White House message. And, I especially laughed when I thought of that dreadful Idaho case making the news 3 weeks late, but ironically on World Refugee Day.
Here is Ms. Cecilia Munoz with the horn-tooting message:
Every year, on World Refugee Day, communities across the globe honor the courage and resilience of refugees and celebrate their contributions to the communities where they have started life anew.

As the President highlighted in his World Refugee Day statement, this year’s commemoration comes at an especially challenging time. More people are fleeing persecution and being displaced by violence than at any time on record. That’s why the President has challenged his team – and world leaders – to do even more in response to today’s unprecedented challenge.
At the White House, we are honored to work alongside a deeply committed team that is focused on strengthening our response to the needs of refugees around the world. Our colleagues at the Departments of State and Homeland Security are working hard to meet the President’s goal of admitting 85,000 refugees this year, including at least 10,000 Syrian refugees, and to prepare to resettle even more refugees next year, a process that involves extensive reviews and security screenings. And the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is providing resettled refugees with critical resources to fully integrate and maximize their potential once they arrive.
We are also preparing for the President’s Leaders’ Summit on Refugees, which will take place later this year on the margins of the 71st session of the UN General Assembly. At this global gathering, President Obama and other world leaders are seeking to generate broader and deeper commitments to increase humanitarian aid for refugees, provide refugees in more countries with new resettlement opportunities, and help more children go to school and allow adults to work and support themselves and their families. [How is Obama going to explain to the UN the huge backlash in America against the idea of resettling more Muslim refugees!—-ed]
More confirmation that “interfaith” groups and mosques are using the refugee program to increase the Muslim population of the US:
And later today, Secretary of State John Kerry will meet with interfaith leaders, refugees who have been resettled to the United States, and representatives from refugee resettlement organizations. He will also give remarks as a part of an interfaith iftar at the ADAMS center, a mosque located in Sterling, Virginia, which has a strong history and record of working with interfaith partners to support the resettlement of refugees.
Again, visit Kerry’s remarks at the ADAMS Center. He takes a whack at Trump and you “bigots.”