Tomorrow Obama will nag businesses to give jobs and stuff to refugees

In September Obama and Justin Trudeau will be hosting a refugee shindig at the United Nations and so in advance of that Reuters tells us Obama will be pressuring businesses (starting tomorrow) to give more jobs to refugees, and more goodies too.  I guess he wants to brag at the UN this fall.
But, wait, aren’t we being told ad nauseum that refugees are self-sustaining within months of arrival and boosting the local economy wherever they are placed?  Can’t have it both ways!

Power with O and H
The sooner these three are gone the better off we will be! Power, Obama and Hillary want our borders erased.


The White House will on Thursday rally businesses to give jobs to refugees ahead of a September summit where U.S. President Barack Obama will urge world leaders to boost humanitarian funds by a third and double the number of refugees being resettled.

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, Samantha Power, said on Wednesday that the Obama summit during the annual gathering of world leaders at the United Nations would also aim to get one million refugee children in school and one million more refugees access to legal work in the neighboring countries they fled to.

“The summit is by no means a panacea; even if we hit every target, our response will still not match the scale of the crisis,” Power told the United States Institute of Peace, adding that it would boost the number of countries trying to help.

“We need businesses, big and small, to do more too; which is why tomorrow, the White House is launching a private sector call to action, which will rally companies to do their part, from providing jobs to donating services to refugees,” Power said.

So does that mean some low-skilled Americans will lose their jobs so a refugee from Africa or the Middle East can have it?
I’ll have more to say tomorrow.

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