I reported here in Decemberthat Burleigh County commissioners held a couple of contentious meetings on the question of whether the county would continue receiving refugees under the President’s new reform plan.
Although their decision was not exactly overwhelming, the fact that this county commission actually held a hearing to take the pulse of the community is very significant. All across the country governors and local elected officials are deciding behind closed doors. Demand public hearings!
Lutheran Social Services recently reported to the commissioners that all was quiet and few refugees were arriving.
The headline from the Bismarck Tribunefocuses on that.
However, read on.
Commissioner Brian Bitner does something rarely seen when the subject of the financial impact refugees have on the community comes up—he called out Lutheran Social Services for providing deceptive information.
Commissioner Brian Bitner, who voted against refugee resettlement, on Wednesday criticized Lutheran Social Services for including information that he said wasn’t appropriate in its proposal to continue resettling refugees.
In its application to the county, Lutheran Social Services included a 2017-18 study from the state Legislature’s Human Services Committee that cited a report provided by New American Economy, a New York-based immigration research nonprofit, in a section on the “Benefits of Refugee Resettlement.” Despite the title, the section cited data on “New Americans” — a term that doesn’t mean just refugees.
Bloomberg’s big bucks buy glossy studies and the media falls for it!
This is Michael Bloomberg’s baby! He wants cheap labor for fat cats!
He and his cohorts have been spreading their Open Borders propaganda for ten years, so you can’t trust his numbers to begin with!
This is what the Left (and rich RINO Rs) do, they publish glossy studies and everyone, including the gullible media, never questions it.
It sure looks like one county commissioner isn’t fooled!
The Bismarck Tribune continues….
“Except where otherwise noted, we define an immigrant as anyone born outside the country to non-U.S. citizen parents who is a resident in the United States,” Nan Wu, New American Economy Deputy Director of Qualitative Research, said in an email about her group’s report. “This includes naturalized citizens, green card holders, temporary visa holders, refugees, asylees, and undocumented immigrants, among others. So refugees are included when we refer to “New Americans” or immigrants in the report.”
The section said “New Americans” in North Dakota paid $36.4 million in state and local taxes, $66.9 million in Social Security taxes and $16.2 million in Medicare taxes, and earned $559.6 million of income.
“The information regarding benefits of that was not information that was relative to refugees, it was information that was pertinent to foreign-born individuals,” Bitner said. “And so I (studied) the source of the information to find out it was census data that they used.”
He added: “And in the census data they were clear that it wasn’t possible to separate out any of the categories of immigration from that information. So the refugee information that was provided to us was not refugee information.”
There are many, many news outlets scrambling to get an answer about how Obama Department of Homeland Security whistleblower Phil Haney died last week. The local sheriff, in Amador County, California where his body was found, quickly said he died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound, but his friends and family say NO WAY!
One of Haney’s friends, Leo Hohmann, posted a masterful piece about his patriot colleague.
As I looked at Hohmann’s post just now and wondered what bit could I snip that would capture how Leo describes his relationship with Haney and what he learned by spending time with him, I settled on this one (below) which is a nugget of wisdom Haney leaves all of you that should give you courage going forward.
However, I urge you to read the entire post at LeoHohmann.com:
Murder of Phil Haney, DHS whistleblower, only strengthens resolve of like-minded patriots
If not for Phil, I would have no knowledge of the concept of fitnah, which is key to understanding the whole Islamist strategy to label and shame those of us who understand what they’re up to.Fitnah is a type of stubborn disbelief on the part of non-Muslims who presented a challenge to the spread of Islam from the time of Muhammad up to today.
If the disbelievers persist, they must be dealt with. How do you do that when you don’t have the majority of a population? You play the victim card and use that to slander your enemies. That’s what Islam does so masterfully to gain leverage in non-Muslim countries like America, where gullible, self-loathing liberals fall easy prey to the fitnah strategy. Even the threat of being called an Islamophobe makes them wilt and run for cover. Islamophobia is nothing but the modern-day application of Islamic fitnah. Thank you Phil Haney for this revelation.
I know many of you met Haney as he traveled the country attempting to wake up America to the threat within and we all mourn his passing.
I’ll update this post when we get some answers we can believe about his death. I’m seeing some suggestions that the Dept. of Justice should launch an investigation. But, ahhhh! the way things are going at the DOJ right now can we even trust them to get it right.