The story widely reported in the local media a month ago simply says a “Boise man” was arrested and charged in late May on suspicion of rape and kidnapping.
Here it is at the Idaho Press,but the story is almost the same everywhere else it is published. (Hat tip: Phil):
Boise man arrested on suspicion of December rape
Siyad Matan, 21, is charged with rape and kidnapping, according to online court records.
Police believe on Dec. 27 he sexually assaulted a woman in a parked car, according to Haley Williams, police spokeswoman. Police also believe Matan wouldn’t let the woman leave the car during the course of the incident, which is relevant for the kidnapping charge.
Matan knew the woman, according to Williams. Police investigated the incident, and sent their investigation to the Ada County Prosecutor’s Office. Matan was arrested Tuesday, according to Williams.
Matan appeared in court Wednesday afternoon and a judge set his bail at $50,000, according to online court records. His next court appearance is set for June 3. [I am not seeing any news about what happened with his court appearance now nearly two weeks ago, one more case the media doesn’t want you to know about?—ed]
I want to know if Matan is a refugee resettled in Idaho.
Searching around on the internet I came across the name Siyad Matan who is a Somali refugee track star in Idaho who garnered a lot of attention in the liberal press. See for example this story from 2016.
Is it the same guy? Does anyone know? Are there no curious reporters in the local press? And what happened to the case, the arrest was a month ago? Surely he has appeared in court. Why no follow-up (that I can find)?
Calling all Idaho readers! Let me know if you see anything further or if you can confirm if the track star Siyad Matan (now a student at the College of Southern Idaho) is also the alleged rapist Siyad Matan.
I don’t always post about stories that are getting widespread attention, but figured I better post this one because there are a few too many competing news items these days that might be distracting you.
This is just a reminder that Islamic terrorism is still a scourge on the west.
Libyan Khairi Saadallah arrested in bloody knife attack
Immediately the media is attempting to urge everyone to move along and pay no attention to another atrocity as three human beings are murdered by yet another fake Muslim ‘refugee’ who had been ‘welcomed’ into the UK.
If you want to catch up on the story, the best place to do it is at Jihad Watch.
Robert Spencer was on it immediately with this post(with a little context!),
“When you meet the unbelievers, strike the necks” (Qur’an 47:4).
UK: Muslim stabs random people in the neck, three feared dead, two more in critical condition, “terror-related”
“We Hungarians have a different way of thinking. Instead of just numbers, we want Hungarian children. Migration for us is surrender.”
(Prime Minister Viktor Orbán)
Invasion of Europe news…
Hungary First!
As most of you know, my most admired world leader, Hungary’s Viktor Orban, has launched a pro-family policy for his country that seeks to raise more Hungarian children to be the workers of tomorrow for the country unlike most of its European neighbors which are importing young Africans and Middle Easterners in hopes that they will support the aging Europeans (what a joke!).
Here is some heartening news from Hungary that blocked the mass migration of fake refugees*** that began overwhelming most of the rest of Europe in earnest five years ago (and for many years prior to that!).
Hungary: New data shows pro-family policies continue to increase births and marriages
Fresh data shows that Hungary’s pro-family policies continue to result in steady progress in reversing negative demographic trends in the country, with both the country’s birth and marriage rates increasing, according to new data from Hungarian Central Statistics Office (KSH).
Check out the data. Remix continues….
The government has already pointed to highly positive developments resulting from Hungary’s pro-family policies.
Katalin Novák, State Secretary for Family, Youth, and International Affairs
“The recent demographic figures speak for themselves, the number of marriages is at its 40-year high, the fertility rate at its 20-year high, while the divorces haven’t been as low as last year in the last six decades,” Katalin Novák, State Secretary for Family, Youth, and International Affairs, said in April. She said added that the country has favored policies that grow the country’s population without relying on mass migration seen in many other European countries.
“The Hungarian point of view is that we have to rely on our internal resources, namely supporting families and enabling young couples to have children. The other approach says that there is overpopulation in one half of the world, while there is a population decline in the other, so let’s just simply balance the difference,” Novák said.
“[We] are lectured and stigmatized simply because we took a path that is different from the mainstream… [and] exposed to continuous attacks for years, but facts are facts, our results are clear, and we also enjoy the support of the Hungarian people.”
Faced with decades of falling population numbers, Hungary’s conservative government that came to power in 2010 and has been at the helm of the country since, decided after its second consecutive two-thirds electoral victory to embark on a persistent journey to halt the fall and subsequently increase birth rates.
The decision became especially pertinent during the 2015 migration crisis, when unlike many other western European countries, which saw the migration wave as an opportunity to compensate for their respective demographic declines, Hungary declared that it wants to solve its own similar problem via encouraging families to have more children.
“In all of Europe there are fewer and fewer children, and the answer of the West to this is migration,” Orbán said in 2018. “They want as many migrants to enter as there are missing kids, so that the numbers will add up. We Hungarians have a different way of thinking. Instead of just numbers, we want Hungarian children. Migration for us is surrender.”
Like the rest of the western world, Hungary’s economy has declined due to the Chinese virus, but the government there has come up with a creative way to support young workers by enlisting them in the military.
Not a government handout!
Young people have a paying job for 6 months as they train as new recruits and at the end of their training, they can decide if the military is for them.
Hungary enlists army in fight against virus joblessness
Gyor (Hungary) (AFP) – As Hungary’s coronavirus-hit economy shrinks and unemployment soars, thousands of Hungarians are seeking to join the army, attracted by job stability and a government scheme that fast-tracks recruits toward a military career.
Military service is also one of the Hungarian government’s weapons to keep a lid on joblessness.
Hungarian Army recruits in training session. I love it!
“Since the crisis began the number of applicants has risen by 100 percent,” Major Tamas Durgo, head of military recruitment, told AFP at an army office in Budapest.
“We have loosened the admission procedure, that doesn’t mean it’s easier to get in now, just faster,” said Durgo in front of an advertisement for military careers.
After a simplified medical test, applicants can sign up for six months of paid training after which they can either return to civilian life or — if they make the grade — embark on a career path in the army.
Apart from traditional military careers, the army also has jobs for engineers and IT experts, drivers and catering staff, said Durgo.
And besides defending the country’s borders, or taking part in foreign missions, soldiers also help out during emergencies like floods and epidemics, he said.
Nationalist Prime Minister Viktor Orban has long underlined the importance of beefing up the military.
And, you know if COVID was rampaging like “wildfire” through CROWDED camps housing millions of “vulnerable” refugees the “carnage” would make headlines worldwide today!
Try as I might, I could find no new stories about my personal petri dish—the huge camp at Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh where we are told a million Muslim Rohingya live cheek by jowl in huts with no way to social distance.
I’ve been following the dire warnings on the expected crisis in the camps for months.
The first death at Cox’s Bazar was reported on June 3, here. That is over two weeks ago. We know of one more, so where is the carnage?
Here is a short video from the UN High Commissioner on Refugees and the World Health Organizationapparently in time for World Refugee Day today!
The UNHCR says this (not exactly what the Leftwing media is going to trumpet):
We have not seen, or not seen yet I should say, major outbreaks where we feared the most in large concentrations, in refugee camps.
Watch it:
But, see here that the international humanitarian industry has moved on to link the Chinese virus to hunger and is warning of a double whammy of starvation and death by COVID.
Here is one thing they say you can do!
Write to Congress and tell them to send more of your tax dollars (borrowed from China) to feed the world.
You can save lives by being an advocate for the hungry, especially the refugees. Bread for the World encourages citizens to write letters to Congress urging them to make global food aid a priority in the budget.
I will be watching and continue to report when (if!) the virus crisis does impact the world’s migrant populations—a real test of the value, or lack of value, of social distancing, or mask-wearing for that matter!
You may remember that in mid-March the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) and its partner the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the entity that processes refugee travel, announced that due to the Chinese Virus crisis refugees would not be traveling to a new country. This was to protect the refugees from picking up the virus.
Joint Statement: UN refugee chief Grandi and IOM’s Vitorino announce resumption of resettlement travel for refugees
The temporary hold on resettlement travel, which was necessitated by disruptions and restrictions to international air travel caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, delayed the departures of some 10,000 refugees to resettlement countries. Throughout this period, UNHCR, IOM and partners continued to process and counsel refugees and resettled scores of emergency and urgent cases.
If you see a bag like this at your local airport, know that a new refugee is arriving (that is, assuming you are traveling at all!).
In addition, numerous resettlement countries established or expanded their capacities to apply flexible processing modalities, to adapt and ensure the continuity of their resettlement programs in unpredictable circumstances.
Although many travel restrictions still remain in place, as these begin to lift in many resettlement countries more refugee departures can be anticipated. UNHCR and IOM will continue to work with our government partners and other stakeholders around the world to move towards a return to normal operations as swiftly as the situation allows in each country.”
There was no moratorium!
During the supposed halt in refugee travel, the US admitted 523 (emergency) refugees that were distributed to 33 states.
Using data from the Refugee Processing Center, here is where the 523 who came in during the height of the virus crisis in the US, from March 17th, when the spigot was supposedly closed, to today.
Top ten states ‘welcoming’ refugees are: Texas (always number one!), Illinois, Massachusetts, Maryland, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, New York, California, Georgia, Idaho/Utah (tied for tenth place).
The primary sending countries were the DR Congo (as usual), Burma, Pakistan, El Salvador, Iran and Syria.
I was very surprised to see that 194 of the 523 emergency refugees we admitted are Muslims (37%) of some stripe, included are 13 Somalis. 45 of 65 from Burma are Rohingya Muslims. No Christians from Syria out of 23 arrivals were among them, and only 4 of 17 from Iraq are Christians. So much for saving the Christians of Syria and Iraq!
I will be watching and let you know when I see the floodgates fully open!