They are ethnic supremacist groups using your tax dollars to get government goodies to THEIR people and getting those same people politically involved.
Note below that the feds only talk now about “integration.” “Assimilation” is banned from the lingo.
This morning I wrote about Mayor Sarno and Springfield Massachusetts’ refugee overload and the local Ethnic Community Based Organization (ECBO) was mentioned. It’s my view that taxpayer-funded ECBOs represent the very worst in unfair and wasteful government spending. (I did not find government funding going to the Springfield group/one-man project—yet).
ECBOs are like ACORN except they are organized around certain ethnic groups. Before the critics jump in here, people in America can form, and associate with, any private group they wish (unless it’s a criminal activity of course). But, when groups are funded by the taxpayer and then engage in really what amounts to ethnic-supremacist practices and political organizing they become an abomination.
Simply put groups with such names as Somali Community Center, Iraqi Mutual Aid Society and Burmese Advocacy Center Corporation are doing a couple of things—finding all the social services they can find for THEIR people and then using those people for their political advocacy. That is the ACORN model! And, it’s ‘community organizing 101!’ How this helps them “assimilate” (oops! integrate) is beyond me, except that they learn how to take advantage of the people who pay taxes.
Most importantly these politically-active groups could not survive without your tax dollars!
Here is the Office of Refugee Resettlement (Health and Human Services) description of their (your!) ETHNIC COMMUNITY SELF HELP program (they stopped using the ECBO label at some point a few years ago).
This program provides assistance to refugee community based organizations and other groups that address community building, facilitate cultural adjustment and integration of refugees, and deliver mutually supportive functions such as information exchange, civic participation, resource enhancement, orientation and support to newly arriving refugees (and other refugees that maybe in need of such assistance regardless of their resettlement date) and public education to the larger community on the background, needs and potential of refugees. In short, the purpose is to promote community organizing that builds bridges between newcomer refugee communities and community resources.
LOL! Not bridges between the newcomers and Americans but bridges between newcomer refugee and resources (code for public assistance)!
Do you have federally-funded ECBOs in your city?
Check out the 2011 Ethnic community organizing grantees here. 2012 is here. If you find some in your home town, you need to begin to follow their activities and take every chance you get to spread the word that they are taxpayer-funded mini-ACORNS.
The galling thing is that when one of these ECBOs blasts critics by calling them “racists” they are doing it with the financial funding of the critics (aka racists)!