Here are a pair of stories reported at VDARE yesterday and today that indicate Afghan immigrants may be having a few rough patches in the US.
In the first story reported on VDARE by Brenda Walker an Afghan man in St. Louis threw his wife and daughter out the window—both are hospitalized but alive. No word about motive, but women are expendable in some Muslim households. Heck, it’s pretty easy when you can have many wives to literally throw one away.
Or, you can get a teenage wife and make her a slave as these men in Seattle did recently. Again, at VDARE by James Fulford. (Hat tip: Blulitespecial)
All of those involved in these crimes are probably refugees resettled through the US State Department and their federally contracted volags. From 1983 to 2008 we have resettled over 34,000 refugees from Afghanistan.