Of course they won’t, not while Obama is President anyway—the IRS works for him. This article that Judy just sent from American Thinker reminded me that I needed to tell you that Eric P. Schwartz, Assistant Secretary of State for Populations, Refugees and Migration is part of the Tides network having been director of Connect US Fund a spinoff of the Tides Foundation which receives staff support from the Tides Center.
Here we have the Tides Center announcing Schwartz’s appointment to the Asst. Secretary job.
Quoting liberally from ActivistCash.com, American Thinker author Clarice Feldman reports on the Tides Foundation and how it operates differently then other Far Left foundations (Rockefeller, Pew and so forth). It pulls together secret sources of funds and distributes them to groups they basically incubate. Feldman concludes:
It’s way past time that the IRS thoroughly investigates this sham operation and Congress end the practice of allowing such money laundering.
Consider this then Part II of my initial report on one-worlder Eric P. Schwartz.
Connect US Fund which Schwartz directed before coming to the State Department is a Tides Foundation creation, that itself funds projects using this money first laundered by Tides. Consider it kind of a second wash. Before Obama’s election, Connect US Fund was busy influencing Obama’s foreign policy positions and they probably still are!
By the way, I wrote about the Tides Foundation here last June. I noted that the International Rescue Committee (one of nine federal refugee contractors) has received some of the freshly washed money flowing out of Tides.
Hail, Hail, the gang’s all here.
Now check out Muckety and the connections between Drummond Pike (Tides Foundation head honcho), George Soros, the Center for American Progress (here the CAP wants to airlift 100,000 Iraqis to the US), the International Crisis Group and the rest of the extensive tangled web of advocates of a borderless world and one-world government.
Pushing for more refugees and immigrants to come to America is all about politics for this gang and that is why we see little interest in complaints from us and others around the country that their pawns (the refugees) are living in deplorable conditions. It is not about the individual human beings—the refugees are expendable afterall. It is about the war of the “have-nots” against the “haves” (see bring us your poor and angry, here). They need to keep their pawns poor and angry and that is why we are seeing no reduction in the numbers of refugees resettled in the US this year when there are no jobs and no hope for them.