CAIR and the Southern Poverty Law Center: Yikes the militias are coming!

This is no surprise, Mark Potok (Southern Poverty Law Center) has been peddling a report that appears to be the same old report he has been peddling for some time entitled, “Rage on the Right.”  Now we see CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) has jumpled on the boogeyman bandwagen.  Much quivering and shaking in the boots is going on it seems—of course they are both just whipping up a rightous frenzy and playing to their base.  But, come to think of it maybe it wouldn’t be so bad if they were a bit scared.  Booo!

From a CAIR press release:

WASHINGTON, March 2 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a Washington-based Muslim civil rights and advocacy group, today expressed concern about the reported rise in the number of anti-government and anti-immigrant extremist groups during the past year.

CAIR cited a report released today by the respected Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). That report, titled “Rage on the Right,” states in part:

“Furious anti-immigrant vigilante groups soared by nearly 80%, adding some 136 new groups during 2009. And, most remarkably of all, so-called ‘Patriot’ groups — militias and other organizations that see the federal government as part of a plot to impose ‘one-world government’ on liberty-loving Americans — came roaring back after years out of the limelight…. The ‘tea parties’ and similar groups that have sprung up in recent months cannot fairly be considered extremist groups, but they are shot through with rich veins of radical ideas, conspiracy theories and racism.”

We’ve written a lot about CAIR, an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land terror funding trial, and if you want to see more of their handiwork use our search function. Here is our most recent post about how the FBI is now searching through 12,000 pages of documents that helped inform the authors of “Muslim Mafia” about what CAIR is up to in America.

As for Potok, every time he does another round of media visits peddling his hate-filled “new” studies, we get a whole bunch more visitors to this post I wrote about him last year.

Shush:  Don’t tell Potok and Hooper that it  doesn’t work anymore.

Immigrant food stamp scammers on the rise; Michigan among the worst

We are not talking about the petty stuff—you know like buying some disallowed food or drink item or hiding some of one’s income in order to be eligible.  This is about massive hundreds of thousands of dollars of fraud through the food stamp program and your tax dollars being sent to Africa and elsewhere.

As a matter of fact, I’m wondering if the raid on a halal meat store in Lewiston, Maine last week involved food stamps and money transfers to Somalia.

Also, see the mention in the post I wrote about Muslims attacking Rep. Sue Myrick for her statements warning of Muslim convenience store owners laundering money.  Myrick was right and should have had the facts at her fingertips, like the facts in the following AP story.

From the Oakland Press:

Fraud in the government program that helps the poor has added up to nearly $100 million since 2007, according to the U.S. Agriculture Department. It’s a fraction of the more than $40 billion spent to feed people each year, but the crime has become a brazen way for some small stores to literally swipe cash from the U.S. Treasury, especially in the Detroit area.

There have been at least 122 fraud-related convictions of owners or employees in the five-state Midwest region since 2007, nearly double the number from 2004-06, says USDA, which oversees the welfare program. About half of those have occurred in southeastern Michigan.

Among the latest cases: A store west of downtown Detroit is accused of selling bags of the exotic chewy drug khat in exchange for food-stamp benefits. Agents in another investigation discovered that cash was wired to Somalia and other countries.

The boldest scam works like this: People hungry for cash ask the store to ring up a small food sale or a phony one. An employee agrees to hand over money, maybe $50, but takes a larger amount off the card for a nice profit, sometimes as high as 100 percent.

Taxpayers get stung when money is transferred to a store’s bank account from the U.S. Treasury.


More than 100 stores in Michigan have been kicked out of the program since fall 2007. Nationally, 1,437 were disqualified during the government’s 2009 fiscal year, said Alan Shannon, a Midwest spokesman for USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service.


North American Money Transfer Inc. recently agreed to pay $25,000 and open its books to investigators in a deal to dismiss an indictment that was tied to how it handled money that flowed through an Ypsilanti store, Abbas Phone Card and Grocery.

The government says food-stamp recipients instructed the store to take money off their cards and get it wired to Somalia and other destinations in Europe, the Middle East and Africa. The grocery would charge a 25 percent fee.

We’ve covered many many food stamp scam cases here at RRW, a favorite subject of mine ever since the Pakistani scammer in our county got sent away for a few years.  Use our search function for ‘food stamp fraud’ to learn more. 

But, definitely take a minute and visit this 2008 post I wrote about how the Michigan Attorney Generals Office is so steeped in political correctness they claim they didn’t notice that all the scammers they were prosecuting had similar ethnic names until it was pointed out to them by an Arab publication.  Visit that post and have a chuckle—you know it’s kind of like white biker gangs!

National Security Council’s secret review of the Refugee Resettlement Program

I’ve touched on this topic on a few occasions and wondered why on earth the White House’s National Security Council is “reforming” the Refugee Program of the US State Department?   We already learned that the Obama Administration has doubled payments to the resettlement contractors apparently without Congressional say-so and we hear through the grapevine that the complete review of the program should be done shortly.  They are probably aiming to unveil it for the upcoming 30th Anniversary Shindig for the program.

I have lots of questions.  Why isn’t a review being spear-headed at the State Department?  By doing it out of the National Security Council are they implying there are national security concerns with the program (we think there should be concerns!)?  Isn’t it the duty of Congress to update the Refugee Act of 1980?  Or, is the White House planning to take its reform needs to Congress so that there will be PUBLIC HEARINGS FOR ALL TO PARTICIPATE IN?  I sure hope so because as far as I can tell this law has never been reauthorized.

State Refugee coordinators have submitted their reform ideas. I see that for the State coordinators it’s all about money, money, give us more money!   I don’t think they want real reform as much as they want more money!  For instance right now, refugees need to have jobs and be on their own in anywhere from 3-8 months (the program varies even within cities!)  The State coordinators want the federal taxpayer to take care of all refugee needs for 18 months among other things!  If you want to see the report, write to me at it is a pdf file.  

I wonder who else of the so-called ‘stakeholders’ (agencies which have skin, read money, in the game) have commented? 

Where is the vaunted Obama Administration transparency?   Why isn’t this whole initiative widely advertised?

I have some reform ideas! 

* First, there should be open public debate on how many refugees we bring to the US each year depending on economic circumstances and from what countries we take them.  Countries that produce Islamic terrorists (or any other kind of terrorist) should be omitted from the program.

* Second, there needs to be an economic and social impact statement prepared (similar to the federally mandated Environmental Impact Statement) which addresses the ability of a given locale to economically and socially absorb refugees and what number that would be for each town or city.  The EIS process under the National Environmental Policy Act, requires PUBLIC HEARINGS IN ADVANCE OF FEDERAL ACTION and that same requirement should be put in play for the federal government sending refugees to communities.   For communities with existing refugee populations the document would need to be updated as cities become potentially overloaded.

Citizens in a community have a right to know every aspect of the refugee program and what it might mean for their community.  If the volags and the federal government can’t sell the program on its merits, with all facts on the table, then there is a problem.

Presently there is a legal requirement that local governments be informed of upcoming resettlement to cities and towns, but that is very often not happening.  

* Third, there needs to be a financial audit (not a program audit) of all government grant and contract recipients on a regular basis and whenever the public alerts the lead federal agency that there may be financial malfeasance occurring.  That audit requirement would include all major federal contractors (volags), their subcontractors and the Ethnic Community Based Organizations. (Update: here is an example of why their needs to be regular and frequent financial audits.)

Of course my greatest wish is that these middlemen government contractors be removed completely from the resettlement process.   The program could be run from state offices and the “churches” and other non-profits could VOLUNTEER and do their charitable good deeds for free!  But, this has become so entrenched and we have whole church denominations being kept afloat with taxpayer money that it frankly would be near impossible to pull them off the federal teat?

* There needs to be established within the State Department a hotline for refugees and citizen refugee advocates to report abuse of refugees by resettlement contractors.  Right now there is no direct line to the State Department and surely a local resettlement agency isn’t going to blow the whistle on itself!  And, hey State Department, just think you wouldn’t have to be reading all those news stories of refugee neglect!  You might actually know ahead of time who is screwing up!

I could go on and on with reform suggestions but the Obama Administration doesn’t want to hear them, maybe Congress will.  After all, the responsibility for real review and reform rests with Congress—the White House is just grabbing more power here (and in lots of other areas too!).

Endnote:  I see that Friends of Refugees has prepared 19 pages or so of reform recommendations based on their extensive research and documentation on the failings of many of the federal refugee contractors to properly carry out their contractual duties. Update:  FOR has more recommendations, here.

P.S. If any readers have reform suggestions, please comment and I’ll post them prominently (no bad language please!).  Or, you can send your reform ideas directly to:

Scott Busby

Director for Human Rights

Office of Multilateral Affairs and Human Rights

National Security Council

The White House

Washington, DC 20504

Britain finally gets around to designating Al-Shabaab a terrorist group

It’s about time.  From the Voice of America:

The British government says it is banning the Somali militant group, al-Shabab and designating it a terrorist organization.

The British Home Office said the move to ban al-Shabab is necessary.

Al-Shabab is a militant Islamic group fighting for control of Somalia against the country’s transitional government. The group has pledged its allegiance to al-Qaida and has vowed to set up a strict Islamic state in Somalia.

Roger Middleton is a Horn of Africa analyst with London’s Chatham House research center. He tells VOA even though few reliable details are known about al-Shabab, its top leadership clearly talks about global jihad.

I think they have done more than just talk, but nevertheless, here is a sample of their talk!   I think the UK falls in there somewhere!

“We want to inform Bush and our rivals about our real intentions. We will establish Islamic rule from Alaska and Chile to South Africa, and from Japan to Russia. Beware, we are coming.”


“Our objectives, by the grace of God, are to see the return of the Islamic Caliphate, the last of which was the Ottoman empire that collapsed in the 1920s. We want to bring that system back and govern the world with God’s law.

Homegrown terrorists: Which is the bigger threat, Muslims or right-wingers?

The Homegrown-Terrorist Threat, by James Kirchick, is a great article on this pressing issue. It was in the February issue of Commentary, but I didn’t see it until Ron Radosh brought it to my attention. Some highlights:

Of the 30-odd attempted terrorist plots against the United States or American installations abroad that have been foiled since 9/11, roughly a third have been uncovered in the past year alone. What is new, and particularly frightening, about these recent attempts is that the budding perpetrators were initially indoctrinated inside the United States, with help from extremist websites or Islamic preachers. It was only after they had been brought some ways along the road to holy war that at least some of these would-be jihadists sought training and logistical support from al-Qaeda and others overseas.

This development has come as a surprise. It had become accepted wisdom that the openness of the United States and its acceptance of minority faiths and communities had helped to prevent the spread of the kind of Islamic radicalism that has gripped Western Europe over the past decade. Whereas European Muslims, many of them descendants of manual laborers imported from North Africa and the Middle East, comprise a ghettoized underclass and face great difficulty adapting to the rigid notions of European national identities, Muslims in the United States are, on average, better educated than most Americans and earn about the same amount.

In 2005, Spencer Ackermanof the New Republic trumpeted the seeming inoculation of American Muslims to jihadist enticement, concluding that “if the United States is looking for a way to win the hearts and minds of Muslims worldwide, it ought to first look at what it has accomplished at home.” Five years ago, Ackerman’s assessment seemed accurate. Today it seems complacent. Radicalization, we now know for a certainty, is happening here.

He goes on to describe an important report about the radicalization process from a few years ago.  Remember it? I do, vaguely. It wasn’t given much publicity.

In August 2007, the New York City Police Department released a report on the process of radicalization that leads to terrorist attacks. The study described an intricate four-step progression by which individuals, most likely to be Muslim men between the ages of 15 and 35, are led from their status as “unremarkable” citizens to would-be perpetrators of atrocities.

Here are the four steps.

The process begins at a stage of “pre-radicalization” during which they are initially exposed to Salafism, an extremist form of Sunni Islam that commits its followers to the murder of infidels or those Muslims deemed insufficiently devout (Shiites, for example).

Next follows “self-identification,” a period in which the potential terrorist, usually catalyzed by a specific event, begins to disavow previously held worldviews and embraces the legitimacy of violent jihad. The third step is “indoctrination,” when, with the support of radicals in his ambit (usually imams or extremist peers), the individual becomes estranged from his former life and fully accepts Salafist ideology as his guiding purpose. Finally comes “Jihadization,” the operational phase of the process, when the budding terrorist takes part in training activities and the actual planning of terrorist attacks against specific targets. An Islamic upbringing or even prior knowledge of Islam is not necessary; indeed, most terrorists begin their lives with next to no Islamic identity whatsoever.

Kirchick points out that such homegrown terrorists don’t need to be connected to an international group to carry out their attacks. And they are the more effective for being loners, since they are harder to identify. So, what to do?

How to combat the homegrown terrorism threat? The first step is to recognize the problem. And it is this condition that may prove most difficult. “It would be a shame—as great a tragedy as this was—it would be a shame if our diversity became a casualty as well,” General George Casey, the Army chief of staff, said in response to the Fort Hood massacre.

…. The logic of this analysis—that America now faces a homegrown terrorism threat and that Homeland Security may have to increase its surveillance of American Muslims—has proved to be too onerous for many to bear.

Many on the left would prefer that the U.S. change its foreign policy instead. It’s our fault, you see.  And then Kirchick discusses the  ominous and suicidal trend on the left:

One would think that the increase in successful and near successful domestic-terrorism plots over the past year would engender some sort of recognition on the part of people who think and write about current events that a very real threat exists. And, to be sure, reading the mainstream press and listening to elite pundits over the past year, it is clear that the peril of domestic terrorism does occupy their thoughts. But it is decidedly not Islamist terrorism that they consider to be the great danger facing the country but rather violent extremism of an altogether different sort: “right-wing” extremism.

 The Department of Homeland Security issues a report last spring on the right-wing threat. We posted about it here. That got plenty of publicity, of course — fingering the “right wing” is a lot safer than examining what Muslims are doing. The article has a lot of commentary about this red herring, but I’m skipping to the conclusion of the article:

Ultimately, there is little more that the United States can do to prevent homegrown terrorism, other than maintain the counter-terrorism policies enacted by the Bush administration in the aftermath of 9/11, policies that proved so successful in preventing another terrorist attack on American soil. Given the rhetoric and actions of the present administration, which wants to shut down the detention center at Guantanamo Bay, prosecute CIA officers for using interrogation techniques disfavored by the American Civil Liberties Union, and generally approach the war on Islamic supremacism as a legalistic exercise, it is hardly certain that such a course will be followed. But the least we can ask of our nation’s political and intellectual elite is that they stop wailing about the phantom menace of “right-wing” terrorism and start paying more attention to the genuine article.

Some of our previous posts on homegrown terrorism are here, here, and here. The last is on the Somali young men who were recruited into the jihad and went to Somalia — the poster boys for the homegrown phenomenon. The linked article includes Ann’s links to many updates that tell the story over time.