The NGO’s role in the Left’s “purification” movement

There is a thought-provoking piece by Andrew Thomas on American Thinker today that attempts to explain to Conservatives what the Left is aiming for—-a borderless world where everything is filled with love and all sorts of  “justice” and there are no bad (US) Capitalists or evil Zionists.  The big question is, is this the new totalitarianism?

This is how it begins, but you really must read the whole article.

A comprehensive and enlightening treatise on this topic was recently published in Orbis, the Foreign Policy Research Institute’s journal of world affairs, written by University of Buffalo professor Ernest Sternberg. The article is titled, “Purifying the World: What the New Radical Ideology Stands For”. It will open your eyes and scare you to death.

In Steinberg’s analysis, from the historical ashes of failed fascist and communist regimes a new totalitarian ideology is emerging:

Though a mouthful, world purificationism would do well in expressing what the movement wants. It wants to achieve a grand historical vision: the anticipated defeat of imperial capitalist power in favor of a global network of beneficent culture-communities, which will empower themselves through grassroots participatory democracy, and maintain consistency across movements through the rectifying power of NGOs (Non-Governmental Organizations), thereby bringing into being a new era of global social justice and sustainable development, in which the diverse communities can harmoniously share an earth that has been saved from destruction and remade pristine.

The sworn enemy of the purifiers is simply referred to as “Empire” (preceding it with “the Evil” is not necessary, apparently). Empire’s evil manifestations are capitalism and Zionism. The geographical focus of purificationism’s hatred is the United States and Israel.


The purificationist dream is a world without borders, governed by a global network of NGO’s. Almost all current activist organizations containing the words “green”, “justice”, “peace”, or “solidarity” would find a position in the ruling structure. These NGO’s would gravitate toward forming a totalitarian regime since, as Steinberg points out, they are “unaccountable to an electorate and escape political checks and balances…”

So what does this have to do with us and refugees.  I’ve said repeatedly that the reason we continue to pour refugees into the US even when the proof is so obvious that the refugees themselves are often neglected and suffering culture shock, is that they are here as part of a larger political agenda—all wrapped up in cuddly humanitarian verbiage to sell it to the public.

If you don’t think the American Thinker piece I’m noting has relevance, then check out this section of the Steinberg treatise about a 2007 meeting if “purificationists” in Atlanta.

A representative domestic gathering took place when 10,000 activists
met in Atlanta in 2007. As is typical, many agendas converged: urban
community organizing, prison abolition, food faddism, Palestine, immigrant
rights, refugee rights,
street theater, something called transformative justice,
feminism, environmental activism, and hybrid causes such as Queers for
Environmental Justice. A correspondent for the Nation magazine reported
that the ‘‘event is building a left that is grassroots and democratic,’’ full of ideas
‘‘for a radical remaking of this country,’’ though the remaking is by no means
assured, since the meeting’s only memorable outcome, aside from the networking,
was the slogan ‘‘Another US is Necessary.’’

The Purificationists and the Muslims

So why does the Left think they can join with Muslim fanatics to bring about this purification?  Thomas addresses that too, so be sure to read the whole American Thinker piece.  But, here is a line to encourage you to do that!


To me, this sounds like a coalition between factory chickens and poultry butchers.

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