Comment worth noting: Somalis in America have population goal

The other day I told you how wrong the American Community Survey is about the US Somali population, here.   They have way underestimated it.  We have actually brought more Somali refugees to the US in 27 years than this branch of the US Census could find and count.

Reader Nur, sent this comment:

Ann you are very right,our number is more than that,we are wondering where that figure comes from?Our target is to hit 300,000 by 2020.

I am betting they are well into the 200,000s already.

A fishy story: the Columbus, OH pepper spray tale

I saw this story last night, it’s from Tuesday and headlined, ‘Muslim Woman Reports Harassment, Pepper Spray Assault.’   CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) is involved and calling the incident a hate crime.

Here is the story at WBNS-10TV:

COLUMBUS, Ohio — Federal and local authorities are investigating a possible hate crime after a Muslim woman said she was verbally harassed and pepper sprayed on Monday outside of an Islamic center on the city’s west side.

According to a news release issued by the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the attack happened at about 1:30 p.m. near the Abubaker Siddique Islamic Center on Sullivant Avenue.

The woman, 20, who asked not to be identified, told authorities that she first noticed a man who appeared to be watching and following her, 10TV’s Maureen Kocot reported.

“I had a bad feeling about the man while I was driving,” she said. “He looked at me in a very strange way.”

According to the woman, the man followed her to the Abubaker Siddique Islamic Center, where he got out of his vehicle and approached her.

“He just started yelling at me, cursing me out,” she said. “Saying he’s going to kill me, and saying, ‘I’m going to kill all of you, all you guys. Tell the Muslims to go back from wherever they are from.'”

The woman, who was wearing Islamic attire, told 10TV News that the man then used pepper spray on her.

“He took the spray and just sprayed it all over me,” she said. “Like, all over me. My whole eyes, my whole face, everything.”

Fortunately there is a surveillance video posted with the story.  Please watch it!  Clearly she is seen driving very fast into a parking space with another vehicle hot on her tail.  The man blocks her vehicle with his and is seen jumping out and running to the passenger door and shouting at her.  Who knows what he said, maybe she had just cut him off on the highway and this was a road rage incident.

However, this is the questionable part:  WHAT WOMAN IN HER RIGHT MIND WOULD HAVE OPENED THE CAR WINDOW TO ALLOW HIM TO DO ANYTHING TO HER? She was also completely covered with a hajib from head to toe, so that doesn’t jive with her description of him spraying her whole face.  And there didn’t appear to be anything in the man’s hands nor did he make any motion of spraying anything.

CAIR sure got involved fast wouldn’t you say!

Readers, if you see  more on this fishy story please send it my way.

Endnote: It is not clear if the woman was an immigrant, a refugee, or an American convert to Islam.  I was just interested in the story.

Update! Now I see they are saying she is a Somali immigrant.  Please go listen to her speak in the interview in the above story then read this below.

You gotta laugh if you watched the surveillance tape, this is how the story is being told in a Somali publication. They say she was beaten up by men!

A Somali women was attacked by men with pepper spray in COLUMBUS Ohio, on Monday.

The men attacked Ms.Saida Said as she was leaving a Mosque in the city, they used pepper spray while they were beatening her up, say eyewitnesses.

It is not yet known the reason behind the attack on the 20 years old female from Somalia.

The mosque officials reported the assualt and provided security camera recordings to the police.


Human Rights Watch blasts Saudi Arabia over Somali deportations

We’ve been reporting (most recently here) about the so-called Muslim charity as demonstrated by wealthy Saudi Arabia as it thumbs its nose at the UN and deports fellow Muslim Somalis to Mogadishu.  At least Human Rights Watch has the guts to stand up to Saudi Arabia, something most world leaders are scared to do.

From AFP:

RIYADH — Saudi Arabia has deported thousands of Somali illegal immigrants including children directly into the war zone of Mogadishu, Human Rights Watch said on Wednesday, branding the policy “inhumane.”

HRW said about 2,000 Somalis were believed to have been sent back to Mogadishu in June and July, and it cited press reports as saying another 150 were sent to the war-torn east African coastal city on December 17.

“Deporting anyone to a war zone like Mogadishu is inhumane, but returning children is beyond comprehension,” HRW’s Africa director Rona Peligal said in a statement.

“The Saudi authorities should immediately stop these deportations and ensure that Somalis in Saudi Arabia are not returned to their country.”

Wahhhh! We want more government money!

Look who is talking—federal refugee resettlement contractors who were apparently expecting a windfall in the big pork bill that went down in flames this past week, that’s who.  The so-called Omnibus bill was laden with more money for refugee resettlement.  Lamenting that the 80,000 refugees arriving in the US this year would be strapped for cash —what no unemployment payments for them—not one resettlement contractor ever says maybe we shouldn’t bring so many refugees to your town until the economy improves!

From the Huffington Post:

WASHINGTON — The Senate’s decision last week to fund the government through a continuing resolution instead of an omnibus appropriations bill could have implications for refugees, eliminating an 18.5-percent increase in funding for refugee resettlement programs that would help refugees from Iraq, Burma, and other troubled regions, to settle in the United States.

Programs for refugee resettlement are strapped for funds, particularly as the number of refugees admitted to the U.S. creeps upward. The United States is authorized to admit up to 80,000 refugees for the fiscal year 2011 — only a small fraction of those seeking aid worldwide.

For refugees who are accepted into the United States, the omnibus spending bill would have allowed for better social services and a stronger safety net for those who are taken from war-torn countries and expected to find work in the U.S. within three months.

“It takes longer to find jobs for refugees,” Bob Carey, vice president of International Rescue Fund, told HuffPost. “

They’re particularly vulnerable to unemployment. A lot of the refugees we’re seeing are coming with medical issues. They’ve been tortured or have injuries, or some haven’t had medical treatment because of the war.”

The omnibus bill could have provided these refugees with unemployment aid, job training, and an emergency housing support fund for those behind on rent or utilities payments.

Look who is crying for money! The International Rescue Committee (not Fund) is a $282 million dollar a year organization.  It received $175 million dollars in 2008 from the American taxpayer according to its Form 990 here.

CEO, Charles Rupp made $429,705 in salary and compensation that year.  And, they are crying for more of your money.  Maybe all their 6-figure-salaried employees could give up a little of their dough and help out the refugees they lobby Congress and the White House to bring to America.

And, by the way, the IRC was the resettlement contractor that brought the refugees to Abilene which I just mentioned this morning, here.

A food stamp fraud bust in New Haven, CT

It’s not much of a story, but interesting that it’s in Connecticut. We don’t see too many busts in New England.   Also the story doesn’t tell us how much he ripped off the taxpayer for, or whether the money went to his buddies abroad (don’t want to frighten Connecticut liberals I’m guessing), but it must have been a pretty big heist for him to get the possibility of twenty years behind bars.

From the New Haven Register:

NEW HAVEN — The former owner of a Ferry Street market pleaded guilty today to food stamp fraud, federal authorities said in statement.

Talib Jawad Kadhim, 55, of Forbes Place, East Haven, faces up to 20 years in prison and up to a $250,000 fine when he is sentenced on one count of food stamp [fraud] on March 11, the statement said.

Search RRW for ‘food stamp fraud’ and read dozens of posts about this scam where immigrant owners and managers of convenience stores trade cash for food stamps at usually fifty cents on the dollar.