UN to help Somali government evacuate Somalis from unstable countries

But, the question this short piece doesn’t answer is where are they going to evacuate the Somalis to—back to Somalia?  If so, does that mean Somalis are ready to go back and get their own country straightened out?  Or is this just one more of those exercises, paid for with the help of the US taxpayer, to move people around the globe?

From Mareeg Online:

MOGADISHU (Mareeg) – The transitional federal government of Somalia said the United Nations is to help the evacuation of Somalis in troubled and unstable countries in the Middle East and North African countries.

In an exclusive interview with Shabelle radio, Osman Mohammed Adam, the general director of Somalia’s foreign ministry said they are planning to evacuate Somali nationals from unstable nations like Yemen with the help of the UN agencies concerning refugees’ issues.

Mr. Adam disclosed before doing any step the ministry of foreign affairs will hold discussions with the Somali embassies in those countries.

He spelled out the government is committed to destitute Somali refugees in middle east and north African countries where violent protests still going on.

In the past, Somalis in Yemen started to return home after the situation has exacerbated.

UN refugee agency controlling European borders

Gradually the UNHCR, and its NGO buddies are telling sovereign countries in the European Union who they must admit across their borders.

Here is a little article from the UNHCR’s blog that I found interesting and am posting because I want to save it for future reference (beware USA):

Budapest, Hungary/Lyubimets, Bulgaria, June 9 (UNHCR) – “Crossing a border irregularly, is not a crime for a refugee”, explains UNHCR´s Regional Protection Officer Igor Ciobanu.

He is one of the speakers at the International Border Police Conference that brought together hundreds of border guards and experts in Budapest from 8 to 10 June. Ciobanu was not speaking about how to best control a border. “This is a perfectly legitimate concern of the States”, he says, “but there are not only economic migrants and smugglers entering countries irregularly. There are also people seeking asylum, and it is crucial that the border guards can handle their claims according to international standards.” Therefore, he explained in his presentation to the plenary in the Hungarian capital, “we as UN Refugee Agency do not leave border guards alone. Through training and constant cooperation we and non-governmental organizations can help them identify asylum seekers and help them get access to the asylum procedure”. Also victims of human trafficking or torture, women at risk, elderly refugees or unaccompanied minors deserved their special attention, stressed the UNHCR expert.

All this is coming to a head now as thousands escape Muslim countries in turmoil (including Obama’s war in Libya) and are looking to get to the West.

Feds cracking down on immigration lawyer fraudsters for conning illegal immigrants…

…But what about all the US citizens these lawyers have ripped off through their work?  Isn’t it entirely possible that they also used fraud to acquire legal status for some who didn’t deserve it?

 One such alleged scammer is in Baltimore!  [Readers, this is cross-posted from my Maryland blog, thus the focus on Baltimore.]

On Thursday the Federal government announced a major initiative to protect the poor and “vulnerable” immigrant from immigration lawyers who are conning them and ultimately leading some to deportation proceedings.

From the New York Times:

Immigration officials are teaming up with federal and state prosecutors, the Federal Trade Commission, lawyers’ groups and immigrant advocate organizations in a new nationwide effort to combat an epidemic of schemes by people posing as immigration lawyers.

The campaign, which will begin in Washington on Thursday, is an effort by the Obama administration to step up one form of assistance to immigrant communities, which have intensified their criticism of President Obama as they have faced a record pace of deportations in the last two years.

Officials say this is the first time a crackdown on fake immigration lawyers has been coordinated broadly among federal and state agencies and local immigrant aid organizations. Federal appeals courts in New York, California and other regions with major immigrant populations have been deluged with cases of immigrants who sought legal status through the courts, but ended up in labyrinths leading to deportation because of incompetent or fraudulent lawyers.


Since January of last year, the immigration agency has tested the program in pilots in New York, Los Angeles, San Antonio and four other cities.

The Associated Press* tells us that BALTIMORE is one of the seven target cities identified by federal authorities where immigration fraud is rampant!

The nationwide effort will focus initially on seven cities where the problem of immigration fraud has been particularly troublesome: Atlanta, Baltimore, Detroit, Fresno, Calif., Los Angeles, New York, and San Antonio.

In fact, in conjunction with this same story I see the Feds have already nabbed one con-artist that had been operating in Baltimore for ten years.  My first thought is which Baltimore City politicians knew about Loma International, and when did they know it!

From Fox 45 Baltimore:

Loma International operated for more than 10 years in downtown Baltimore, scamming on immigrants.

Federal agents cracked down on the scam artist who held out as a lawyer, targeting immigrants and offering to process paperwork so they could get their temporary protected status. Officials say, tens of thousands of dollars were involved.

A new coalition is cracking down on scams that prey on immigrants. Greg Collett says they are working to educate the community on immigration law.

Prey on immigrants?  What about all the cases this phony law firm did manage to process that may well have been fraudulent for other reasons—to the benefit of the illegal alien?

And, note that it is the TEMPORARY PROTECTED STATUS program that was involved.  (See my post last week where I reported that the program itself is a scam!  Readers, I have so much more material on TPS in Maryland and nationally that I will have to make a new category here entitled “Immigration fraud” to keep the information in one place as I post it.)

So why is this happening NOW?  Why are the feds cracking down at this particular time?

Because immigration is a “divisive force” in American politics and it will be a major factor in the 2012 elections!

Those of us involved in the Maryland petition drive for a referendum to halt in-state tuition for illegal aliens have some idea of the answer!  We don’t need to read Joshua Green in the Boston Globe or Adam Martin in the Atlantic Wire, we know from talking to people on the street that immigration is going to be a major issue in the 2012 elections.

Joshua Green writing in the Boston Globe:

….illegal immigration has become a central and divisive force in American politics, and could have major implications for the next election.

Adam Martin (discussing Green’s piece):

….immigration is gearing up to be a major issue in the 2012 elections.

In his column in the Boston Globe today. Joshua Green writes that, while immigration rarely takes the spotlight in Washington’s political debate, it “has become a central and divisive force in American politics, and could have major implications for the next election.” He points out that census data shows a fast-growing legal immigrant population, with the country set to become “majority-minority” by 2040.


….. Green points out that after the recent recession, “Whites are far more pessimistic about their prospects and their children’s prospects–and many mistakenly believe that illegal immigrants are the primary culprit.” And the lack of public conversation in Washington, he says, exacerbates that. “The aftershocks of the immigration debate, which was never really resolved, but still permeates how people look at the economy and the future of the country; and the bad economy… has made whites feel particularly pessimistic and sharpened these attitudes.”

It’s impossible to say definitively whether the federal crackdown on immigration abuses stems from some political savvy going on behind U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. But if immigration does emerge as a major issue in the next round of elections, President Barack Obama will be glad to be able to show his agencies are up to speed in handling their enforcement duties.

As I said, it only takes talking to people on the street to know that immigration is a major issue for 2012, and if Obama thinks that cracking down on some con-artists preying on “vulnerable” immigrants is going to work in his favor, he is in dream land!  It might satisfy the immigrants-are-victims lobby but nothing short of closing our borders completely will satisfy most citizen voters.

* This post was getting too long, but I encourage all serious students of this issue to visit the AP story linked here because there is much more behind this whole scheme involving the US Justice Department (maybe even our old buddy Tom Perez is lurking behind the scenes somewhere? Gee, come to think of it, I wonder if he knew the “lawyers” at Loma International when he was a Maryland immigration activist bigwig?)

YES students say NO to going home to Muslim countries; seek asylum in Canada

How many of you have ever heard of this program—Youth Exchange and Study?   I hadn’t until I saw this story from the The Star (Toronto) yesterday about Muslim high school students invited to the US to help bring about “improved understanding” between cultures and instead many just hopped on over to Canada and asked for asylum—so much for taking their new found understanding back to their Muslim homelands!  And, so much for the US sending our brave soldiers to Afghanistan to secure THEIR country.

Indeed, so many students left for Canada that the US State Department has suspended the program.

Before I get into the story from St. Catherine’s that brought my attention to YES, check out the description of the  Kennedy-Lugar YES program* for students from Muslim countries.

And for more, have a look at this US State Department AFS-USA Cluster Coordinator Manual (I kid you not that is the title of some d*** bureaucrat manual—no wonder we are sick of too much government!).  Here is what the USDOS AFS-USA CCM tells us about YES (September 11th made them do it!):

The September 11th terrorist attacks of 2001 and the apparent negative view of Americans held in some regions, as well as the anti-Islamic or anti-Arab sentiment that gripped some places in the United States, brought renewed focus to the need for improved understanding across our cultures. Having long known that the benefits of high school exchange programs extend beyond the student into the community at large, the international education community responded to this call with an initiative to increase exchanges between the United States and countries with significant Muslim populations. 2003-2004 marked the inaugural year of the Youth Exchange Study (YES) Program. [emphasis is mine—ed]

Great huh!

Now here is the reality of what they created.  From The Star (Last stop on the Afghan railway?):

ST. CATHARINES, ONT.—While everyone around him opted for Indian films, Ali Javan, a young Afghan from Mazar-e-Sharif, fell in love with Hollywood.

In the fall of 2009 he arrived in the United States for the year-long Youth Exchange and Study (YES) program, an exclusive State Department initiative. Despite his fascination with American movies, the 15-year-old had every intention of returning to Afghanistan.

He felt that way even as more than a dozen of his fellow exchange students vanished that year, reappearing on the other side of the Peace Bridge as refugee claimants in Canada.

But Javan’s is not a Hollywood story. Too complicated for the big screen, his odyssey took him from Mazar-e-Sharif at the age of 15 to a school in Fort Wayne, Indiana, where he made few friends and never really settled.

Despite his longing to return to Afghanistan, he gave in to the pressure of his family to seek a better life and snuck into Canada like so many of the Afghan exchange students before him.

The defections since 2004 of scores of Afghans in the U.S. exchange program have now prompted the State Department to suspend the opportunity for a year.

The article goes on to tell us how Javan’s father in Afghanistan advised him to make a run for it and get to Canada.  He follows his father’s advice, and then we are treated to a discussion about how hard his life is in Canada trying to make ends meet while sharing an apartment with another asylum seeker all paid for with Canadian welfare.  Meanwhile, some young American is risking his or her life fighting for freedom for the Afghan people—maybe Ali Javan could go home and do the fighting himself!

Javan’s American sponsor is so disillusioned he has given up hosting the kids.

But before fleeing to Canada, Javan sat down to write a letter of explanation and thanks to his American host over the previous nine months, Terry Dougherty.

Dougherty, an IT administrator at Purdue University, had a soft spot for Afghanistan from the three years spent there in the 1970s as a Peace Corps volunteer. Dougherty also had a soft spot for Javan, who he remembered as “extremely talented artistically and very bright.”

But Javan was the third Afghan exchange student in two years to leave Fort Wayne for an asylum bid in Canada. Dougherty had helped place the first two, who fled in 2009, with local host families. Their disappearance, he said, “kind of took the wind out of my sails.”

Javan’s decision to flee ended Dougherty’s participation in the YES program.

Glad to see someone wised up in this sorry mess.

Read it all.

* Kennedy is dead but Senator Richard Lugar of Indiana is still kicking around the US Senate.  I plan to write to him and tell him it’s time to kill YES, keep Afghan young men in Afghanistan and save millions of tax payer dollars to boot.

Malta illegal alien pipeline still flowing to America I see

Longtime readers know we have followed this story from our early days of writing this blog in 2007.  Illegal aliens (ECONOMIC MIGRANTS!) arriving on the tiny island nation of Malta are transformed into “refugees” and shipped off to your town in the US.

Our US Ambassador to Malta during the Bush years started this precedent-setting scheme in motion.  (Here is just one post on Tea Party Molly.)   Legitimate refugees are to seek asylum in the first nation in which they arrive.  By creating this new model, we have opened the door to other countries asking that they too transit illegal aliens through their countries to the US.   Also, note in this story the role the UN is playing.  It was only a week or so ago that someone commented here that the US does not do the bidding of the UN.  Hmmm!

This is funny, go read this post from January where we learned that the migrant Africans really prefer the more generous welfare states of Europe to the US!   Little do the migrants know that there is fierce competition going on in the US to get their bodies to America so that federal contractors will survive financially (and Democrats will get more voters!).

Thanks to reader Charles for the latest pipeline news from Malta.   The first story below is from two weeks ago today and I should have posted it then because it ties in very nicely with the US Conference of Catholic Bishops whining about not having enough bodies to resettle for cash from you—the taxpayer.  Don’t worry USCCB because the Jesuits in Malta are sending more your way!

From the Times of Malta:

Nine refugees from Eritrea, Somalia and Ethiopia left Malta to begin a new life in the United States in the past week.
The United States has been actively engaged in refugee resettlement from Malta since 2006 and has resettled 654 refugees in this period.

The refugees will be resettled in several different cities across the US.

Ambassador Douglas Kmiec hosted a reception at his residence to welcome the refugees to their new lives in America. He remarked:

“The U.S. Refugee Resettlement programme represents a small contribution by the people of the United States to help alleviate the world’s suffering.

“This programme is a success thanks to the collaboration of the Malta government and the hard work of the staff at the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, the International Organisation for Migration and the people of the United States of America.

“It is hard to imagine a responsible programme dealing with migrants without UNHCR, IOM and dedicated non-governmental organisations like the Jesuit Refugee Service and the Emigrants Commission.

Once they arrive in the US, each refugee will be assigned a sponsor agency that provides initial services such as housing, food, and clothing, as well as referral to medical care, employment services, and other support during a transition period lasting up to two years in order to ensure integration and assimilation.

Readers, this last paragraph is incorrect, the transition period lasts only a few months and then the refugees are basically on their own with food stamps, subsidized apartments and health care (and desperately looking for work!).

Charles has sent us another news item from Malta yesterday!  Just a ‘small contribution by the US to alleviate the world’s suffering!’

Times of Malta:

Another 35 refugees from Eritrea, Somalia and Ethiopia left Malta for the US this week bringing the number of resettled refugees from Malta in the US to 689 since 2006.

The latest group of refugees will be resettled in several different cities across the US.

Chargé d’Affaires Richard M. Mills hosted a reception* for the refugees at the ambassador’s residence in Attard to welcome them to their new lives in America.

He remarked: “The U.S. Refugee Resettlement programme represents a small contribution by the people of the United States to help alleviate the world’s suffering.”

Once they arrive in the US, each refugee will be assigned a sponsor agency that provides initial services such as housing, food, and clothing, as well as referral to medical care, employment services, and other support during a transition period lasting up to two years to ensure integration and assimilation.  [Same disinformation as the previous piece—there is no ensuring integration and assimilation!–ed]

* We heard a while back that Republican for Obama, Ambassador Douglas Kmiec, was getting the boot (they say he resigned).  So, I am guessing that’s why the send-off party-giver has changed.   Here are two views on the controversial Kmiec:  no surprise that the Catholic Reporter says he is great, while Swampland had this to say.

Oh, and by the way, Germany will take 150 of Malta’s largely Muslim illegal aliens this summer, here.

For more on Malta, just type the word into our search function and I bet I’ve written maybe 50 posts over the years on the Malta illegal alien pipeline.