….until a female student was allegedly assaulted when a Sri Lankan young man entered her dorm room in the middle of the night.
There are lots of news stories from Sydney about the incident that at first was not blamed on one of the illegal alien boat people Australia is swamped with.
Here is an early account from ABC Australia on the 26th of February:

There are claims security guards at a university accommodation campus failed to call police after a 20-year-old female was allegedly sexually assaulted last week.
Triple j’s Hack can also reveal that students are concerned the alleged perpetrator was an asylum seeker who was living at the accommodation, but that is yet to be proven.
The alleged attack happened at a Macquarie University student accommodation centre in Sydney.
It is only since this incident that hundreds of residents at the village learned there were 80 asylum seekers living among them.
This was an arrangement struck between the Red Cross and Campus Living Villages, the company running the Macquarie Student Village.
Students at the village say they believe most of the asylum seekers are Sri Lankan men.
No-one connected to this incident has confirmed the alleged perpetrator was one of the asylum seekers but the alleged victim and lots of campus residents are suspicious.
Yup! An asylum seeker was arrested and demands soon followed that the program of granting “bridging visas” be halted.
From the Newcastle Herald on February 27th:
Coalition immigration spokesman Scott Morrison has called for an immediate freeze on the provision of bridging visas for asylum seekers, after it was revealed a man released into the community on a bridging visa had been charged with indecent assault.
Mr Morrison said that a review was needed into the guidelines for how boat arrivals were released into the community.
He said that such a review must detail a “requirement” to notify police and neighbouring residents about people on bridging visas or community detention in their area and the establishment of “behaviour protocols … with clear negative sanctions for breaches of such protocols”.
Mr Morrison also called on Labor to suspend the further release of boat arrivals into the community on bridging visas and community detention, “in all other than exceptional circumstances”, while the review was under way.
He said the freeze should not be lifted until Immigration Minister Brendan O’Connor and his department could give the community a “clear guarantee” that there were safeguards in place.
His comments come in the wake of the arrest of a 21-year-old Sri Lankan asylum seeker, charged with indecently assaulting a student at Macquarie University last week.
Then here is the latest—this is fast—from The Australian on February 28th (LOL! tomorrow): Contract dumped!
A PRIVATE company that billeted dozens of asylum-seekers in student accommodation at two Sydney universities has terminated its contract with the Red Cross in the wake of an alleged sexual assault on a female student.
Campus Living Villages, a wholly owned subsidiary of infrastructure giant Transfield Holdings, had been providing temporary accommodation for the refugees on campus at Macquarie University and the University of Western Sydney.
This is crazy, I wonder whose bright idea it was to put young illegal alien men on college campuses?
And, by the way, I have other news about Sri Lankan boat people in an update from Canada—some are Tamil Tigers—tomorrow.
An afterthought: This is our 92nd post on Australia’s immigration/refugee problems, check it out here.