This is the latest on the story we posted earlier today. Now reports are that there was no conflict over religion just over a female refugee which very likely had a religious basis anyway. Infidels don’t dare mess with Muslim women!
The North Sumatra Police have named 18 Rohingya refugees suspects for a fight, which left eight Myanmar fishermen dead and 21 others with injuries, at the Belawan Immigration Detention Center in North Sumatra, a police official said.
“They are accused of conducting collective assault and torturing. They face a maximum sentence of 12 years if proven guilty,” local police spokesman Sr. Comr. Heru Prakoso said Saturday.
According to police investigations Rohingnya refugees were angered when a female refugee was sexually harassed by the fishermen.
“We found no other motive. Thus, speculation that the brawl was because of religious differences wasn’t true,” he said referring to reports that the incident followed a heated debate between a Muslim cleric and the Buddhist fishermen regarding conflict in Myanmar.
The refugees came to Indonesia in search of asylum, while the fishermen were detained over alleged illegal fishing activities.
Look for a new wave of violence back home in Burma. And, let’s be sure these charming fellows stay in Asia and not in Atlanta!
Update: 18 Rohingya to stand trial in killing of Buddhists, here.
But from most news accounts you would never know that the Buddhists were hit the hardest when clashes broke out in a detention center in Indonesia. And, get this! there were 100 Rohingya to 11 Buddhists! Wait till that news gets back to Burma!
In fact, this is the Reuters storythat only indicates that eight were killed, but leaves the impression that the long-suffering Muslims (always the victims!) took the brunt of the attack. You would have to read carefully to know that the Buddhists were the illegal aliens, and the Rohingya are the more acceptably-labeled “asylum seekers” although in fact they are also illegal aliens arriving in Indonesia (see the photo).
Here is a portion of the deceptive caption on this Reuters’ photo: “Eight illegal migrants were killed after a brawl between Buddhist and Muslim asylum seekers from Myanmar, a police official said on Friday.”
Buddhists and Muslims have been clashing in Burma (Myanmar) and the mainstream media has been trying exceptionally hard to make the Rohingya the underdogs. See our Rohingya Reportscategory (137 posts!) and you will see what I mean.
However, AP spells out in more detail what happened when the two factions clashed in a detention center where they had been housed together. The out-numbered Buddhist fishermen were in detention for illegally fishing in Indonesian waters, the Rohingya are there looking for asylum.
BELAWAN, Indonesia (AP) — Sectarian and ethnic tensions running high in Myanmar boiled over far outside the country’s borders Friday, when Buddhist fishermen and Muslim asylum seekers from the country brawled with knives and rocks at an Indonesian immigration detention center, leaving eight dead and another 15 injured.
The melee broke out in North Sumatra province, where more than 100 Rohingya migrants — most intercepted off Indonesia’s coast after fleeing their homeland in rickety boats — and 11 Buddhists accused of illegal fishing were being housed together, said local police chief Endro Kiswanto.
He said witnesses told police the clash started early Friday after a Rohingya Muslim cleric [how convenient that they have their own cleric in the detention facility!–ed] and a fisherman got into a heated debate about sectarian violence that erupted last month in central Myanmar when mobs of armed Buddhists torched Muslim-owned homes and shops, killing dozens and forcing thousands to flee.
The argument apparently started after the Rohingya migrants saw photos showing destruction caused by the recent violence, said Yusuf Umardani, detention center chief. Insults were traded, and the cleric was allegedly attacked by a fisherman. When the cleric screamed, his friends jumped in to help. From there, the rumble broke out so quickly, security guards were too late to stop it.
“The violence took place so fast, and it was completely unexpected because they had been living peacefully here so far,” Umardani said. “Most of the dead victims suffered severe head injuries. Eight Buddhists were killed, and 15 Rohingya were injured.Three other Buddhists escaped unharmed, Kiswanto said.
Local police spokesman Col. Raden Heru Prakoso said 18 Rohingya detainees have been named as suspects.
Last May the US Conference of Catholic Bishops called for the US to take in more Rohingya “refugees”here. Some have already gone to New Hampshire,here. Earlier the IRC (a federal contractor) began resettling Rohingya in Atlanta. That is where DeKalb County officials recently told the State Department—enough already!
There is a huge black market in food stamp (EBT) cards with little incentive to bring the fraud under control. One of the driving forces is the large corporations who benefit from each and every additional person who signs up for the taxpayer handout.
Note! No photo ID required. Photo: Breitbart
Who knew that those 95% of Iraqi refugees on food stamps benefited JP Morgan Chase & Co?
So, we have big business demanding cheap imported immigrant labor and big business pushing food stamp usage—almost makes me want to be an Occupy Wall Streeter!
Here is Breitbart on the Hannity expose’, andhere is another Breitbart report on one aspect of the program—our favorite part, food stamp trafficking:
As Schweizer (Government Accountability Institute (GAI) president Peter Schweizer), who appeared on the special with Breitbart News Executive Chairman Stephen K. Bannon, described, someone may take $150 in cash in exchange for a $250 EBT card. [Our experience is that the seller usually gets 50% or less.–ed]
While nearly 220,000 stores take EBT cards, only 100 federal employees have been tasked to monitor fraud. In addition, the USDA only monitors less than 10% of all food stamp vendors.*
As a result, there is no way to measure the amount of fraud in the $75 billion-a-year food stamp industry. Government bureaucrats have said in their defense that only 1% of the food stamps program is subject to fraud. [Estimates are much higher than 1%, but even at that wouldn’t you think that $750 million would warrant a few more investigations of the mom & pop run stores?–ed]
“It’s very easy to do because it is a card that is interchangeable,” Schweizer said, noting the government does not want to even implement photo ID on the cards so as not to stigmatize the EBT card recipients.
In GAI’s investigation, undercover EBT card users were able to trade their cards for cash at stores. They used the cards to buy cigarettes, beer, and condoms, and store clerks easily recorded those purchases as “food” purchases.
The fraud is not limited to stores in big cities like New York and Los Angeles. An investigation in Florida found two out of every three stores engaged in EBT fraud. Minnesota ranks fourth in EBT fraud and Wisconsin has many reports of EBT cards being stolen. [Stolen cards are replaced with no questions asked and the original card is still out there in use—ed]
Yet despite this evidence of rampant fraud, Schweizer argued there is no incentive to combat the fraudulent use of taxpayer dollars because those involved in the food stamps program do not want to destroy the profitable black market.
* It is very important for you to keep an eye on the convenience stores in your neighborhoods and tell local police about any suspicious activity.
For more on Food Stamp Fraud see our archive here—we have dozens and dozens of posts on busted immigrant-run convenience stores.
Update: Richard Falknor has a very good overview of the problems with the Food Stamp Program and calls on the Republicans in the House to do something, here, at Blue Ridge Forum.
So they are not fitting in real well because they have mental problems. It’s not that we brought too many into a feeble economy with few jobs? It’s not that they came with high expectations of streets paved with gold? It’s not that they don’t really want jobs they consider beneath them? It’s not that some of them were thugs in Iraq? (Unemployment among Iraqis resettled in the US is in the vicinity of 50% and 95% are on food stamps, here.)
But, their problem assimilating stems from torture. That is what the Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health is reporting,here.
Iraqi refugees face difficulties resettling in the US, which may be partially due to high rates of torture. This study determines the rates of torture experience, primary and secondary, among Iraqi refugees in the US; and the association to physical and mental health symptoms on arrival. A retrospective review was conducted in 2011 on the post-arrival health screens of Iraqi refugees resettled in Utah in 2008 and 2009. Measures included reports of torture experience as defined by the United Nations; reports of physical and mental health symptoms at the time of screening; and association of torture to the presence of symptoms on arrival.
Does this explain the case of those Iraqi refugees who tortured and raped a woman in Colorado a while back, here?
So, it’s a good thing Obamacare is around so we taxpayers can pay for the mental health treatments needed by the poor tortured souls.