Justice Betty King: African refugees wasting their lives drinking and committing crimes. Herald Sun photo.
Justice Betty King says there have been numerous examples of African refugees coming before the courts for offences linked to excessive consumption of alcohol.
She says many young Africans appear to be spending their days drinking because they have nothing to do and are seemingly dispossessed.
Justice King said Boronika Gam Hothnyang, 25, not only wasted the life of William Awu when she stabbed him to death but also wasted her own life.
Both Hothnyang and Mr Awu, 26, had fled war-torn Sudan hoping for a better life in Australia.
Hothnyang stabbed Mr Awu, who was her friend, once in the chest as he sat passed out in a chair at her Dandenong home. [LOL! Australia has very strict gun laws, but knives are readily available—ed]
Justice King described the crime as inexplicable, but noted Mr Awu, a talented drawer, had earlier sketched Hothnyang in a caricature in which she was overweight.
The judge said the murder was a tragic waste of life that was all too common.
“It is a disturbing matter to note that you and the persons with whom you were gathered, including the deceased, are not the first, second, third or even fourth of similar groups of Sudanese or other African refugees that have come before the courts on serious charges which can be directly linked to the consumption of large quantities of alcohol,” Justice King said.
“All of this is such a sad reflection on our society that we have groups of seemingly dispossessed men and women who have been brought here as refugees with little or nothing to do except drink their days away.”
As is to be expected, NO mention of where they get the money to get drunk while they are doing nothing—-the Australian taxpayer. And, for their welcoming deed in this woman’s case, the murderer has three kids that will surely now be taken care of by—you guessed it!—the Australian taxpayer as she does time in the slammer.
For more on the problems Australia is having with refugees, asylum seekers and illegal aliens visit our Australia category with its 93 previous posts.
Help Marco Rubio decide—Tea Party or cocktail party?
If you care about immigration numbers being too high, see my post this morning at Potomac Tea Party Report, here. Everyone resettling refugees should be scared to death if 11 million illegal aliens get the right to work legally in America. Refugee unemployment is already sky-high! What happens when the competition for low-skilled jobs gets even worse?
We bring thousands of Cuban refugees to the US each year, does Rubio know how much job competition he will be subjecting them to?
Update April 14th: Another review of The British Dream, here. I’m planning to buy this book!
Just as the US is on the brink of legalizing an estimated 11 million illegal aliens (they aren’t all Mexicans you know!) and news reports in the last few days tell us that the borders are being rushed at the moment by people hoping to be inside when the great amnesty comes, a Brit comes out with a book that promises to give its readers pause about the folly of dramatically changing a country’s demographics.
This looks like a book right up my alley. I especially love it when someone from the Left basically says “oops!” about unlimited immigration.
Here is the review of David Goodhart’s, The British Dream, in the Guardian where the reviewer clearly is not thrilled with the thesis, but the review begins with these few paragraphs that caught my attention (emphasis mine):
Lots of people get their knuckles rapped in David Goodhart’s critical history of postwar immigration, from lazy Somalis and macho African-Caribbeans to inbreeding Pakistanis and standoffish Poles. But the main villains of the piece are people closer to home. In his article on these pages last Saturday, it was idealistic charity workers, 1960s liberal baby boomers and readers of this newspaper. In his book, it’s two slightly more sinister figures: an unnamed civil service mandarin and a media mogul, met at an Oxford high table.What they all have in common – for Goodhart – is that they feel as great an obligation to the people of Burundi as to those of Birmingham.
Goodhart’s battle against the liberal establishment goes back at least to 2004, when he wrote a piece for Prospect magazine inspired by David Willetts’s theory that welfare states only work in culturally homogenous societies (“to put it bluntly”, Goodhart wrote, “most of us prefer our own kind”). Two years later, he expanded his ideas about the need to reinforce national identity in a Demos pamphlet called Progressive Nationalism, whose recommendations included banning veiled women from public buildings, probationary citizenship and the reintroduction of a form of National Service.Since the 2010 election, he has identified himself, in his Twitter profile and elsewhere, as a “post‑liberal”.
Less immigration and more nationalism!
Now Goodhart has expanded his arguments for less immigration and more nationalism into The British Dream. In some ways, its tone is more nuanced than the pieces on which it’s based: his lists of “special thanks to” and “thanks also to” include a significant sprinkling of leftwing thinkers and activists. However his primary purpose remains to challenge what he sees as leftwing myths about immigration.
Read it all.
Now here is the description of the book at Amazon:
One of Britain’s most influential centre-left thinkers examines UK immigration policy and argues that there have been unforeseen consequences which urgently need to be addressed.In The British Dream, David Goodhart tells the story of post-war immigration and charts a course for its future. Drawing on hundreds of interviews with people from all over the country and a wealth of statistical evidence, he paints a striking picture of how Britain has been transformed by immigration and examines the progress of its ethnic minorities – projected to be around 25 per cent of the population by the early 2020s. Britain today is a more open society for minorities than ever before, but it is also a more fragmented one.
Goodhart argues that an overzealous multiculturalism has exacerbated this problem by reinforcing difference instead of promoting a common life.The multi-ethnic success of Team GB at the 2012 Olympics and a taste for chicken tikka masala are not, he suggests, sufficient to forge common bonds; Britain needs a political culture of integration. Goodhart concludes that if Britain is to avoid a narrowing of the public realm and sharply segregated cities, as in many parts of the US, its politicians and opinion leaders must do two things. Firstly, as advocated by the centre right, they need to bring immigration down to more moderate and sustainable levels. Secondly, as advocated by the centre left, they need to shape a progressive national story about openness and opportunity – one that captures how people of different traditions are coming together to make the British dream.
I’m skeptical about that last part because many of the immigrants (not all, but most!) with “different traditions” have no interest in our Western dreams because they want to live with and act like their own kind!
Coincidentally another Brit, David Miliband, has signed on to run one of the largest refugee resettlement contractors in the US—The International Rescue Committee—and I sure hope he reads The British Dream real soon!
Update April 4th: A reader directed us to the comment section at this Union Leader story (I admit I hadn’t previously read them), but here is just one of many great comments. This one is from Jeannine Richardson and sums up the feelings of many:
Rick D’Alarcao [another commenter] – I think you and Ginger should offer to take in a few of these refugees if you think we need more of them. Put your money where your alleged “do-gooder” mouth is. Liberals are always do-gooders with other peoples’ money. That should be the motto of the Democrat Party.
Just a reminder, Ms. Richardson sent testimony to the US State Department hearing last May. We published it here. So please all of you send a statement to the State Department this year!
This story is a few days old now and I held it up because I have so much to say about this latest flare up in New Hampshire between a federal refugee resettlement contractor and the elected officials in Manchester and Nashua.
Unfortunately, this is going to have to be Part I of what I plan to say because I am out of time for my ‘charitable work’ this morning of bringing you the news about LEGAL immigration programs and problems.
Before I give you a portion of this news story, keep a couple of things in mind. These contractors have to operate in secrecy (some agencies are worse than others) because they know that once citizens fully get wind of what is happening, citizens usually object.
And, the other point that you should know is that once a resettlement agency gets a foothold in your city, they get PAID BY THE STATE DEPARTMENT to process in the earlier refugees’ family members. That’s why I call this seeding! It’s also known as chain migration!
Resettlement contractors have a huge financial incentive to keep the family reunification applications flowing, and they will sucker poor residents of a city with a guilt trip about keeping the families together. Most Americans are a soft touch and they know it.
By the way, there is no federal law that says they have to place the extended family within 50 miles of their other family members, maybe the State Department tells them that, but Congress never did. And, besides as this article points out, refugees will move anyway within a few months because they want to be with their own ethnic group.
Note location of Nashua directly south of Manchester. Concord has them too.
Here is the story from the Union Leader (Ready or Not, the refugees are coming). Emphasis below is mine:
The state’s refugee resettlement program is expected to spread from Manchester to Nashua in the coming weeks, with 50 refugees headed toward the Gate City. Officials in both cities are expressing concern over the plans.
“I was talking about my concerns with the head of the International Institute*, and the next communication I have from them is to say that they (the refugees) are coming, and we’ve found housing for them,” said Nashua Mayor Donnalee Lozeau.“I asked, ‘Where? When? Who’s coming? Are there any children?’ No one has any answers. The concerns I raised were real ones, and I feel like they weren’t addressed at all.”
The International Institute of New Hampshire (IINH) has been working for months to resettle another 200 refugees in Manchester, despite a sometimes frosty relationship with city officials. Mayor Ted Gatsas wrote a letter in 2011 to the U.S. State Department, which oversees the refugee program, faulting its “complete and utter lack of consideration for the local resettlement community.”
Citing the challenges the thousands of refugees already in the city face in terms of housing, education and employment, Gatsas later sought a moratorium on new arrivals, asking the Executive Council to withhold federal contracts to IINH and other resettlement agencies. The contracts were eventually approved.
Manchester Ward 3 alderman Pat Long, who headed a commission to study the refugee problems in Manchester, said he approached IINH officials months ago about the possibility of spreading out the 200 incoming refugees to other communities around the Queen City.
“There is a stipulation that resettlement take place within 50 miles of the local state office,” said Long. “The IINH office is located in Manchester, so we were asking that they look at other communities within 50 miles of the city as well. Nashua was one of them, and when I heard there were 50 refugees headed there, I thought at first they were part of the group of 200, but that’s not the case. The IINH has applied for and been approved to receive 50 additional refugees.”
“When we’ve questioned them in the past, the IINH always points out that these are families they are trying to keep together, that the refugees have family members here they are coming to be with,” said Long. “So my concern with this is, when the institute money runs out, and this group leaves Nashua, they likely have family here in Manchester. So it’s likely they will head here as well.”
…. Lozeau said she has many concerns.
“It’s not enough to bring them just because you have federal money and the OK to do so,” she said. “Without doing the proper due diligence work, you are setting them up to fail, and that doesn’t benefit anyone. [including the citizens and taxpayers of the resettlement city—ed]
* The International Institute of New Hampshire is a subcontractor of the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, here. USCRI is headed by Lavinia Limon, here, who ran the whole federal Office of Refugee Resettlement for Clinton. She revolved out of the government door and into the government contractor door!
For more information, type ‘New Hampshire’ into our search function for dozens and dozens of posts on problems there.
Watch for Part II about what you can do in your towns and cities!
Longtime readers know that writing about food stamp fraud perpetrated at mom & pop immigrant-run stores is my hobby along with my other charitable work of writing about refugee resettlement. Last night there was a breakthrough in the mainstream media when Bill O’Reilly had a segment on trafficking in food stamps and how much of your money is being lost through that form of fraud!
He had on an expert from the CATO Institute, Chris Edwards, who estimated that food stamp fraud is costing the US government $3 billion a year, far above the Dept. of Agriculture’s $750 million estimate. When I find a link for the segment I’ll post it here. O’Reilly seemed genuinely surprised at how the trafficking scam works. For new readers, ‘customers’ in possession of food stamps (nearly 50 million people now!) sell them to the store for usually 50 cents on the dollar—customer gets his 50 cents and the store turns the full dollar in to the feds for repayment. LOL! Redistribution of wealth anyone!
And, of course O’Reilly and Edwards never mentioned any connections to immigrant-run stores and probably never will—too politically incorrect to notice such a thing?
The second media breakthrough on a fraud story came yesterday also in this news account of a convenience store bust in Daytona. The news account actually told the reader where these alleged scammers are from! Usually readers are left to guess just where this supposedly LEGAL immigrant, with a non-American sounding name, came from.
From the Daytona Beach News Journal (be sure to read the whole story because these perps did a slightly different form of the trafficking scam):
DAYTONA BEACH — A Ridgewood Avenue convenience store owner and his son were arrested Monday after Daytona Beach police, state and federal agents raided his business in connection with a food stamp scam, a police spokesman said.
Bassam Sale Abu Diab, 55, a native of Israel, and his son, Matthew Bassam Abu Diab, born in the U.S., were each charged with three counts of misappropriating public assistance funds, making misrepresentations to a credit card issuer, obtaining property by fraud and communications fraud.
Bassam Sale Abu Diab “a native of Israel”
Daytona Beach police, Daytona Beach Code Enforcement, The U.S. Secret Service, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the Florida Division of Alcoholic Beverages and Tobacco, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and the Florida Department of Revenue served two search warrants Monday morning on the Diabs, said police spokesman Jimmie Flynt.
The raid Monday was the culmination of an investigation into the food stamp fraud that started in December. Search warrants were served at 4M Food Mart at 740 North Ridgewood Ave. and at the Abu Diabs’ home at 221 Gala Circle, Flynt said.
The execution of the warrants resulted in the seizure of $23,000 and a vehicle. A tally of the receipts show that at least $88,000 in Electronic Benefit Transfer transactions were made at the store, and the amount did not include the value of the merchandise the Abu Diabs bought at Walmart and Save-A-Lot stores in the area, Flynt said. [The amount of money ripped off here is smaller than many other food stamp fraud cases we’ve reported, some have reached upwards of a million dollars. They must have nabbed this pair early—ed].
The investigation focused on the illegal use of EBT (food stamp) cards. Investigations revealed that 4M Food Mart employees purchased the cards and paid between 20 and 40 cents on the dollar after using the cards to buy goods at Walmart and Save-A-Lot stores, police arrest reports show.
Abu Diab, the younger, used expletives on arresting officers
Sounds like these guys are cheapskates only returning 20-40 cents on the dollar, it is usually 50 cents, but when you read the rest of the story, it looks like their version of the scam does return 50 cents to the ‘customer.’
Also, be sure to watch the news footage about this bust, here, where Abu Diab, the younger, reportedly swears at arresting officers.
Wouldn’t you love to know how the senior came to be in the US, which of our highly-praised LEGAL immigration programs got him here. Maybe junior’s mom gave birth to junior here and then the old man was able to gain entry through his son? I guess it’s too much to hope for that a real investigative reporter would find out the immigration status of Dad. Nevertheless, we should be grateful that this reporter, Patricio G. Balona, told us this much.
LOL! I would not be surprised though to learn that this pair is Palestinian and the reporter could only go so far as to report “native of Israel.”
For more on food stamp fraud at immigrant-run stores, just type ‘food stamp fraud’ into our search function and I bet I have a hundred stories similar to this one spanning the last five years.
An afterthought: If you are on twitter help get this story out!