Just now, when I checked data for how many refugees we resettled from Afghanistan, I came across this data for which states took which refugees in fiscal year 2012. Although fiscal year 2013 ended on September 30th, 2013, I am not seeing the latest data.

I urge you to visit these Office of Refugee Resettlement state statistics to see from which countries refugees arrived in your state.
The top receiving states were:
Texas: 5,923
California: 5,173
Michigan: 3,594
New York: 3,528
Pennsylvania: 2,809
The states which received the least number of refugees were:
Of course Wyoming with zero and not even on the list (they have wisely stayed out of the program, so far!)
And, this is so interesting Delaware is not on the list either. Isn’t that funny! Senator Joe Biden was one of the chief sponsors of the Refugee Act of 1980 along with Ted (don’t-bring-them-to-Hyannis) Kennedy and yet Delaware took no refugees.
Hawaii: 1
Montana: 1
Mississippi: 8
Arkansas: 10
District of Columbia: 14
Photo is here.