This is cool! Have fun perusing the Department of Health and Human Services OIG website for immigrants who ripped-off the US taxpayer and fled. Hat tip: Creeping Sharia. Many of the cases involve health care fraud which is surely going to get worse under Obamacare.
Here is a portion of just one of the profiles:
In January 2012, Yousef Kurdy was indicted on charges of health care fraud, aggravated identity theft, receipt of kickbacks for patient referrals, income tax evasion, aiding and abetting, and criminal forfeiture. Investigators believe that Kurdy fraudulently billed Medicare and Medi-Cal over $150,000.
In January 2012, an arrest warrant was issued for Kurdy, who indicated that he would self-surrender, but failed to show up for his initial court appearance. Consequently, he is considered a fugitive at large. Investigators believe that he may be residing in Syria.
LOL! Watch the crook return with a new name as a Syrian refugee!
Immigrant-perpetrated fraud is a side interest here at RRW and with the help of a reader from Kentucky, you can now help spread the news about scams and frauds run by those we “welcomed” to America at a new facebook page: Diversity’s Dark Side. ‘Like’ it here!
Diversity is beautiful alert! (Brought to you by failed do-gooder policies)
Blacktown City Council is a Refugee Welcome Zone!
It’s a news story about a rape—a gang of Sudanese refugee boys raped a girl from Western Samoa and now the suburb of Sydney in New South Wales is in turmoil againwith revenge on many people’s minds.
The article opens with a report of what happened and that one arrest has been made so far. We pick up with the sections of the story that report on efforts being made by those looking for “social cohesion” to calm the inflamed situation. Not a race crime they are quick to say:
Community leaders hope the arrest will send a clear signal that the matter is best left in the hands of the authorities. At a hastily convened meeting earlier in the week, prompted by media coverage, the new police commander for Blacktown, Superintendent Gary Merryweather, youth leaders, school principals and social welfare agencies discussed how to get the message out that the alleged crime was not a race crime.
”There is not more of race crime here than anywhere else” says Susan Vogels, chief executive of migrant services organisation SydWest. ‘‘It’s just that Blacktown seems to be an easy hit, we get the reputation for it, and it’s very wearing because of all the work we are doing to ensure social cohesion.’’
OMG! They think “harmony walks” will bring social cohesion! If one were allowed to do a comedy skit of just such a walk it would be roll-on-the-floor funny!
One immediate outcome of the meeting was the resumption of the ‘‘harmony walks’’ begun by Superintendent Merryweather’s predecessor, Mark Wright, several years ago, when regular fights were flaring between bored young men from rival ethnic groups in the Blacktown area. On Thursday, local police set out on foot with high-profile leaders from the African and Pacific Islander communities, weaving through places frequented by youngsters.
184 different ethnic groups live in Blacktown! They “find their way” to Australia from the world’s trouble spots!
Blacktown is the most heavily populated local government area in NSW. Its nearly 320,000 residents come from 184 different national and ethnic backgrounds. An estimated quarter of them are aged under 18. Some fleeing Syria’s carnage are starting to find their way to Blacktown.
‘‘They come from wherever the trouble spots in the world are,’’ says Ms Vogels, ‘‘and we try to assist them to become good, functioning citizens.’’
But she admits agencies like hers are ‘‘running on the smell of a greasy rag and that rag is getting less and less oil on it’’.
It’s about gangs—race not alwaysa catalyst—say gang members.
Two teenage Sudanese boys who spoke to Fairfax Media behind a basketball court in Blacktown on Thursday evening said their weekends were consumed by drinking and fighting, although race was not always the catalyst.
‘‘It’s all about who your boys are,’’ said Deng, 16, whose surname has been withheld. ‘‘You gotta defend the area. You gotta defend the honour of Blacktown.’’ Adam, 17, says: ‘‘There’s Bloods, Crips, Lalor Park boys, Bidwill boys.’’
Now, that bad ‘ol conservative government has cut the funds for pet programs (that obviously weren’t working!):
Among programs to have suffered is the ‘‘Comm4Unity’’ program in Blacktown, which runs singing and dancing competitions for young people at the Westpoint shopping centre, allowing hundreds of youths from different ethnic backgrounds to mingle and make friends.
Sudanese mother of TEN! I can’t keep the older boys in school!
In the park, four police officers were questioning a 15-year-old boy, the son of 40-year-old Asunta, who came from South Sudan seven years ago. She stood nearby, agitated, carrying a four-month-old on one hip. She has 10 children and it is hard, she says, to keep the older boys at school.
So where is the father of all these children?
From Malmo, Sweden to Blacktown, Australia, the lesson is—it doesn’t work! It is human nature to defend ones territory, culture and ethnicity and to fight for survival (now handouts from generous governments). Grand diversity experiments, where ethnic groups are forced into close association (even with harmony walks and singing and dancing competitions), only exacerbates the drive for survival of one’s ethnic or racial group.
The one group that seems to have a death wish is made up of white people!