The newly elected Minneapolis City Council member, Abdi Warsame, has been a busy guy lately. On Friday he presented a resolution to the city council to proclaim July 1 ‘Somali American Day’ to celebrate the African country’s independence from Italy and the UK. (And we all know how well that worked out!). Then he lead a protest against Kenya.

From Somali Current:
Somalicurrent – The Minneapolis City Council voted Friday to mark July 1 as “Somali American day” in the city, which is home to many immigrants from the east African country.
The date holds significance among Somalis, who celebrate independence day on July 1 both in Somalia and the United States diaspora.
Abdi Warsame, the first Somali-American on the Minneapolis City Council, praised the resolution at a council meeting on Friday. A gathering of Somali-American men were in attendance.
“This is a very important resolution for me,” Warsame said. “And it actually came from the elders and the community leaders who wanted to highlight the contributions, the culture, the values of the Somali-American community, which is a large and growing population in the city of Minneapolis.”
The July 1 independence day commemorates when the Somali Republic was created by uniting two territories previously controlled by Italy and Britain.
Minneapolis Somalis protest against Kenya!
Meanwhile, as we know, Kenya is trying to save itself from Somali terrorists (remember the Westgate Mall slaughter) and Minneapolis Somalis are protesting against Kenya.
And, look who is denying that Somalis had anything to do with the Mall attack—Abdi Warsame—appropriately reported at Al-Shahid network:
Somalis live in Minnesota (USA) protested against Kenyan brutal arresting of Somali community in Nairobi, especially in Eastli village.
With especial interview to voice of America Somali service, Minneapolis council member, Abdi Warsame, who hails from Somalia, has told that hundreds of Somalis in Minnesota marched the streets for showing their refusal of Kenyan indiscriminate harassment against Somalis.
“We can’t bear this twenty first century that our citizens are harassed. I am calling Kenya to stop this brutal action. Somalis are not terrorists. They are not responsible the terrorist attacks in the country”, Abdi Warsame, the first Somali man who hold such post in American territory said.
If Warsame really wanted to help “his country,” he could return to Africa and help Somalia lift itself out of squalor and chaos rather than run his mouth from the safety of Minneapolis!
For new readers, Why so many Somalis in Minneapolis? Thank the US State Department and its contractors: Catholic Charities, Lutheran Immigration Services and World Relief (facilitators of Al-Hijra).