Diversity is strength alert!
After running over an 11 year old Hispanic kid in the parking lot of an apartment complex, Mabior Ding took off because he didn’t understand the language spoken by the boy’s people.
This case involved two taxpayer-funded interpreters—one Arabic and one Spanish.
The added expense to “welcoming” communities for court, health care and school interpreters is rarely mentioned as the Open Borders agitators including the refugee resettlement contractors push for more immigrants.
From Arizona Central (Hat tip: ‘pungentpeppers’):
A Maricopa County Superior Court judge sentenced a Sudanese man on Friday to 10 years in prison and five years of supervised probation in the hit-and-run death of an 11-year-old boy last year.
Mabior Ding, 33, pleaded guilty in March to manslaughter and leaving the scene of a fatal collision.
At his sentencing hearing, Ding told an Arabic language interpreter t

hat he had helped the child before fleeing but that he was frightened when the people around him spoke a language he did not understand. Ding said he apologized to the family at the scene.
Enoc’s aunt, Rosa Quejada, told a Spanish language interpreter that Enoc was a beloved nephew who had hopes to go to school, study and become an adult.
Ding used the terrible-childhood-in-Africa defense:
Judge Jeanne Garcia took into consideration Ding’s turbulent past when deciding his sentence. Ding grew up in Sudan, where he experienced a “tortuous” childhood.
If Ding hadn’t been drinking, Garcia said, the accident could have been avoided.
The 317 days that Ding has already served will be applied to his 10-year prison sentence. Garcia also required Ding to seek substance-abuse help.
One more criminal case a local jurisdiction is paying for. Shouldn’t the US State Department be chipping in to pay the bill for the trial and for Ding’s incarceration.
By the way, Phoenix is a US State Department preferred resettlement site.