Commenter: Those who want a refugee program should invite refugees to live with them and pay for them!
Yesterday a friend alerted me to the extensive comment thread developing at this article in the Wyoming Tribune Eagle about Somalis moving to Cheyenne, Wyoming. I encourage you to visit it and check out the comments and maybe add one of your own before the thread disappears. This morning there were 63 comments and now it’s up to 72! ***Update*** Heck, now I see they have closed the thread, read it before it disappears!
But, it reminded me to look for a comment from someone posting as “Parallex” that I had seen a few weeks ago in response to the pro-refugee editorial (supporting Gov. Matt Mead) also in the Wyoming Tribune Eagle that says it all.
This is a refrain we hear all the time from sensible conservative local folks.
Here is “Parallax” (for the record I don’t know who this person is):
Those who support a refugee program should be required to:
1) Pay for it themselves.
2) Provide living quarters for the refugees in their own homes.
Those who oppose this program are not “bigots”. They ARE concerned about the cost and social issues that come with a flood of people from places like Somalia. I’ve seen it first hand. Conveniently supporters never mention this aspect of the issue but there’s no shortage of evidence for the problems this can create. What do supporters propose we do about these problems? Send government checks to the new ‘oppressed minority’?
If cocktail sipping Liberals feel bad about themselves and demand a ‘diversity’ program to assuage their guilt then they should also be the test bed… let these refugees live with those who demanded this program. Diversify yourselves, Liberals, and get busy paying for it while you’re at it.
Maybe Liberals just don’t know that they can sponsor a family or adopt a third world child with their own money?