Half a million migrants said to be massing in Libya; plan to get to Europe

Invasion of Europe series continues….

Cecilia Malmstrom, EU Home Affairs chief is a Swede (of course!). http://www.lgbt-ep.eu/parliamentary-work/barroso-ii-commission-malmstrom/

The headline to this story at The New Zealand Herald is “Europe shuns Syria refugees,” but I believe mine is better!  Don’t they call this burying the lead?

“Pathetically few” nations in Europe have stepped forward to offer a safe haven to desperate Syrian refugees, the European Union’s Home Affairs chief says, raising the risk that many more could die at sea as they instead embark on perilous journeys to seek sanctuary.

Cecilia Malmstrom’s warning came as the EU’s border agency, Frontex, reported a leap in the number of people detected entering Europe illegally this year, with Syrians making up the largest proportion.

Up to half a million people are also believed to be massing in Libya and preparing to cross the Mediterranean, a route which claimed more than 700 lives last year.

Yet despite promises of action from EU leaders, who last October were united in their shock after at least 350 migrants died off the Italian coast, there are few signs that this summer will be different.

Instead, agencies trying to save lives are having to contend with shrinking budgets, a political vacuum in Libya and xenophobic rhetoric from far-right parties which has seeped into government refugee policy.  [LOL! I wonder if these leftist reporters have a goal to work one of these words—‘xenophobic,’ ‘racist’ or ‘bigoted’—into every refugee story! Who wrote this biased sentence?  Charlotte McDonald-Gibson —ed]

It is always about xenophobia, and never because sensible conservative citizens of European countries know that they simply can’t afford the economic and social problems that come with open borders and a rapidly changing demography!

See more in our ‘invasion of Europe’ series by clicking here.

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