This is your typical Leftist ploy—start spreading a number around (like 20,000) and then 5,000 will sound like a reasonable compromise to the gullible!

From the Toronto Sun:
OTTAWA — The New Democrats and Liberals are pushing the federal government to swing open the doors and let in tens of thousands of Syrian refugees to Canada.
The Commons foreign affairs committee released a new report Friday with 14 recommendations for Canada’s response to the ongoing Syria crisis, including a call the Conservative government to “examine” its commitment to take in 1,300 Syrian refugees by the end of the year.
However, the two main opposition parties say Canada should go a lot further.
“The Government of Canada should significantly increase its commitment to Syrian refugee resettlement beyond the current pledge of up to 1,300, accelerate processing of Syrian refugees coming to Canada, and expedite family reunification for Syrian refugees who have relatives in Canada,” said the NDP in its comments.
The Liberals went even further in their supplementary report, quoting one witness who said “20,000 is very reasonable” as the total number of Syrian refugees that Canada could accept.
A report in March, here, says Canada had only taken 10 (ten) Syrians at that point. Like the US, something is holding up the flow—-is it because of security concerns? Most of the “refugees” are Muslims.
Interesting! Is the NDP Party trying to divert attention away from its own problems, here. They must be following the Obama play book—when scandals emerge, change the subject!
Addendum: This is our 132nd post in our Canada category, here.