But, are they coming to yours?
An old Walmart store was apparently under consideration by the Office of Refugee Resettlement to house a large number of so-called ‘unaccompanied minors.’

From the Democrat and Chronicle (hat tip: Joanne):
Federal officials are no longer considering a former Walmart building in the town of Sweden as temporary housing for children who fled violence in Central America and are in the United States illegally.
Assemblyman Steve Hawley, R-Batavia, said in a news release Monday that after he raised concerns, the federal Department of Health and Human Services informed him that the site, which is near Brockport, no longer is on the table.
Hawley’s statement called the decision “the right one.”
“Brockport residents and upstate New York taxpayers can’t afford to be paying for the housing, health care and education of illegal immigrant children,” the statement said. “It’s important that we do everything to help these children, but Brockport is ill-equipped for such an undertaking long-term.”
Sweden Deputy Supervisor Robert Muesebeck said Town Hall received many phone calls from residents about the idea after it became public — most of them negative.
Muesebeck said Monday evening he had not been informed of federal officials’ decision.
“That would make a lot of our taxpayers and citizens happy,” he said.
Find out if the “kids” by the hundreds are coming to your town!
Here is the list of state refugee coordinators. Call yours and ask!
Click here for our complete archive on “unaccompanied alien minors” seeking asylum.
By the way, New York state is a favorite (welcoming!) refugee resettlement state for the contractors. Go here for our dozens of posts on New York.