I can’t take it! We are paying for their public relations campaign! 97% of their funding comes from taxpayers while they pretend that what they do is out of the goodness of their Christian hearts!
The nerve of these people sending out press releases with all this garbage about how much they love the migrants without mentioning that they are BEING PAID FOR THEIR POLITICAL ACTIVISM ON BEHALF OF ILLEGAL ALIENS AND REFUGEES, and how they are working with the government. THEY ARE WORKING FOR THE GOVERNMENT AND THAT MEANS YOU AS TAXPAYERS!
I would love just once for them to admit that they are federal contractors*** in one of these deceptive PR pieces that are gobbled up by gullible (or worse, complicit) media outlets. And, by the way, where the hell is the ACLU?
From Digital Journal:

BALTIMORE, July 18, 2014 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — As the humanitarian crisis of unaccompanied migrant children and families fleeing Central America and crossing the border into the U.S. continues, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service is working closely with government leaders, faith-based organizations and community partners to scale up its support and response efforts. “These children and families are leaving perilous circumstances in their home countries. They deserve safety, due process, and compassion,” says Linda Hartke, President and CEO of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service.
While the groundswell of love and support has largely been omitted from the continuing immigration debate, it has been deeply felt and noticed by faith-based and immigrant rights organizations across America in the form of people offering housing, wanting to deliver material goods, praying and advocating on behalf of children and families.
“The outpouring of support from Americans for the children and families at the center of the refugee crisis on our southern border continues to increase,” says Hartke. “In the past several months as the crisis has worsened, we have seen a surge in the number of calls from people who are volunteering to become foster parents to children in need. Many have told us that they ‘feel like God is calling’ them to take care of these children.”
Network of “heroic service partners” are all PAID subcontractors!
“We feel a special responsibility towards children,” adds Hartke. “They should be kept safe and be with a loving family. Our network of heroic service partners all across the country support children and new foster families with excellence and compassion, but more foster families are urgently needed.”
They are bragging about how many (hundreds!) of calls they receive from loving people, called by God, wishing to sponsor the ‘unaccompanied alien teens,’ so then why send out this new appeal?
See their “heroic service partners” (aka federal subcontractors) here. And, take a look at their posh headquarters building at Baltimore’s Inner Harbor while you are there!
LIRS and the US Conference of Catholic Bishops had been the largest contractors taking care of the illegal alien children, but have since been eclipsed by this Baptist gang out of Texas. It is dog-eat-dog out there in the world of “Christian” federal contractor competition! And the new Baptist big dogs seem to be getting more than their fair share of the chow.
If you want to let LIRS (really LIARS) know how you feel, especially if you are of the Lutheran faith, about the “refugee” crisis at the border, this is their lobbyist/PR persons contact info:
Press contact: Miji Bell
410-230-2841 mbell@lirs.org
Stop pretending to be a “humanitarian” “religious” charity! How about some honesty for a change!
See their 2012 Form 990 here (the most recent one available).
They had a total revenue of $41,757,518 and $40,417,752 came from government grants (you!).
97% of their funds comes from government.
Let’ talk about salaries for these quasi-government agencies (aka religious charities)!
They have 5 employees in the 6-figure salary range including CEO Hartke who made $214,237 in salary and benefits that year for her Godly good works. And, for the record, Hartke is not the highest paid of the head-honchos of the federal contractors.***
Hartke makes more per year than a Member of Congress and about the same as a Supreme Court Justice, but no one can scrutinize their budget because they are supposed to be a private non-profit!
I guess these Lutherans missed the message about Caesar’s money!
I apologize to long-time readers who know all this, but we are getting so many new readers every day who have never heard this before that it bears repeating.
See all of our coverage of ‘unaccompanied minors’ invading America here. And be sure to see one major publication that has the guts to report on the massive amount of taxpayer dollars flowing to phony non-profits.
***The contractors (we may have to start adding Baptist Children and Family Services to our list):
- Church World Service (CWS)
- Ethiopian Community Development Council (ECDC)
- Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM)
- Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS)
- International Rescue Committee (IRC)
- US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI)
- Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS)
- United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)
- World Relief Corporation (WR)