Reader ‘sodiumpen’ sent us this comment and I wanted to be sure you saw it (because I haven’t carefully followed the newest federal illegal alien contractor Southwest Key Programs as well as I should have!). Sodiumpen posted this as a comment to our post from yesterday about Pittsburgh, here. Those Lutherans we wrote about his morning look like a ‘penny ante’ outfit compared to this one!
sodiumpen (emphasis added is RRW’s):
I always laugh when people talk about “non-profit” companies as being altruistic, etc as if they are some charity.
Most NPs have fatter salaries and greater perks than you ever find in the comparable private sector companies. Looks like this NP was in on and profiting from Obama’s “transformation of America” since the get-go.

“Austin-based Southwest Key Programs has received more than $368 million in government grants over the last six years, $356 million of which went to provide food, shelter and other services for unaccompanied minors coming into the United States. The nonprofit, which employs 2,200 people in six states, has undergone explosive growth in its budget during President Obama’s time in office, according to tax filings and federal spending databases.
Southwest Key Programs went from receiving just $670,800 in federal grants in 2008 to $31 million in 2009, Obama’s first year in office, according to the Office of Management and Budget’s online database. So far this year, it has received $122.3 million from the Health and Human Services Department’s Office of Refugee Resettlement.
. . .Critics say the nonprofit’s success at securing federal money shows that the Obama administration knew about the growing problem of unaccompanied minors for years and did not take appropriate action to address the issue.
. . .Southwest Key Programs also has close ties to a national immigration advocacy group which has a complicated relationship with the White House. The nonprofit shares two officers with the board of directors for the National Council of La Raza,*** the largest Latino advocacy group and the most aggressive in pushing Obama to curb deportations of illegal immigrants.
Dr. Juan Sanchez, who serves as president of Southwest Key Programs and made a salary of $338,000 in that role in 2012, is the uncompensated secretary of the board of La Raza, according to forms the organizations are required to file with the IRS. Anselmo Villereal, who serves on Southwest Key Programs’ board of directors, is the uncompensated treasurer for the Council.
Read the full article here:
***Don’t forget Obama’s Domestic Policy mouthpiece Munoz came from La Raza too! The corruption in this White House is blatantly obvious! Come on Congress do something!