For the latest news on “faith-based groups” lucrative grants for Unaccompanied Minors’ care, see the Conservative Tree House/The last refuge

‘Sundance’ at the Conservative Tree House blog has been doing great research on the federal grants for the illegal alien children.  Thanks to several of our readers for sending a post from Sunday and another one from yesterday.

What a relief to know that so many bloggers and now ‘real’ reporters too! are catching on to the raid on the federal treasury by groups completely unaccountable to US taxpayers and pretending to do their ‘good-works’ entirely out of Christian charity (Hey, do you think Glen Beck has finally figured it out?).

Just a reminder: The “children” coming to a town near you are mostly teenaged boys!

From Sundance’ on Sunday:

Using information within the TAGGS system for Health and Human Services we are able to identify the recipients for Grants specifically designated for “Unaccompanied Alien Children”, or UAC’s.

With that data, a few more search tools, some time and a little more research, we are able to identify the locations of facilities throughout the country where the HHS grants are being directed and the UAC’s are being transferred/housed.   There are essentially two broad types:  Residence Care, and Transitional to Foster Care Services.

From the FY 2014 HHS Grants we can identify the communities where direct HHS UAC funds have been sent.    We can identify the specific facility, or the organization supporting the foster care placement.  If you live in, or close to, one of the listed cities below, the UAC’s transfers are already in your community.

Go to the website for more and to see the list, click here.

Then yesterday they focused on one of the “big three” they had previously identified (here).

A Texas Media outlet has just caught on to something we discovered and have shared with you.  Previously we identified the BIG THREE large non-profit corporations getting massive grants from DHS and HHS.   These were the “faith based groups” President Obama met in Dallas 7/9/14.

They are, listed smallest to largest:

      • #3  Bronze –   U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, and/or, U.S. Catholic Charities $70,000,000+
      • #2  Silver – Southwest Key Programs Inc  $122,000,000+
      • #1  Gold –  Baptist Child and Family Services Emergency Management Division (BCFS-EMD) $270,000,000+

Today we focus on one.  “Southwest Key Programs Inc”….

There is more, read on.

For all of our coverage over the last few years on ‘unaccompanied minors’ go here.

Secrecy and unaccountability is the problem!

I know some will argue that these “charities” can do a better job then if federal agencies were completely in charge, but that’s debatable.  For me, the problem is the secrecy in their operations and the total lack of accountability by these groups pretending to be private non-profits driven only by a religious charity motive and not accountable to any elected officials.  As I have said before, just try doing a Freedom of Information Act request for one of these arms of government—yes, that is what they are.  They will then hide behind their ‘private non-profit’ shield!

And, I don’t know about this Baptist bunch, but I can assure you that the other federal refugee resettlement contractors*** are always lobbying Congress for more refugees, for amnesty, and for more money (and these Leftists use your money to do their lobbying!!!).

***The contractors (we may have to start adding grant recipient big dogs Baptist Children and Family Services and Southwest Key Programs to our list):

Invasion of Europe round-up: UN bullies the West (so what else is new!)

Editor:  LOL! This is one way to deal with my growing backlog!

“No expense spared” as Saudi Arabia builds the world’s best security fence. The UN and its “humanitarian” lapdogs are silent.

~UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Socialist Antonio Gutteres opines that European financial support for Syrian refugees is no longer enough and that more countries (besides Germany and Sweden) need to open their arms to mostly Muslim ‘refugees’ and invite them in.

~They are breaking into Spain through Morocco, but Spain is not a welcoming place say Syrian refugees who want to move on to Germany, Sweden or France.

~Bulgarian “anti-refugee” border fence ticks-off the international humanitarian industrial complex.  But they say nothing that I know of about the best border fences in the world protecting Saudi Arabia!   We have reported on several occasions that S.A. rounds up, and deports, all those would-be asylum seekers who do manage to get into the “Kingdom.”

~Longer wait for Syrians trying to get into Sweden, is the slowdown on purpose?

~Italian police arrest Somali (Italian national) human trafficker. Italy has rescued 66,000 illegal aliens entering Italy by sea in the last six months!  20 Somalis among 600 illegal aliens rescued by Italian Navy this week.

~Turkey attempts to clear Istanbul of Syrian beggars living on the streets.  Turkey, a Muslim country, has been “welcoming” but the citizens there are losing patience now.

~Muslim immigrants turn Paris into war zone.

Notice a common thread.  Truth-be-told, Europe isn’t so welcoming to ‘asylum seekers’ because the illegal aliens trying to break in are almost all Muslims.  Not even Saudi Arabia wants them.

If Saudi Arabia can build a 1,600-mile-long fence, why can’t we?   Just asking!

For more in our ‘Invasion of Europe’ series, click here.


Phoenix Liberian gang-rape case dragged on for five years due to cultural unawareness of US legal system

Hey, how would you like to use that excuse if you were in trouble with the law, surely they all had American lawyers familiar with our legal system!

Result in most portions of the case—case dismissed.  No deportations!

‘Pungentpeppers’ spotted this update of a story we reported extensively back in 2009.  (Here are six posts dating from July to December 2009).  Why so many Liberians in America, they are “temporary” refugees, here.

The case involved 4 boys who lured an eight-year-old girl into a backyard shed and raped her.  Without going back and reading the old stories, I recall that her parents blamed the girl.  (Were they Muslims?)

And, isn’t this great news, after finding child abuse in the girl’s home, she is sent back to these same parents.

From Arizona Central:

Rape was led by a teenager who admitted guilt and was sentenced to probation.

The child abuse case against two Liberian immigrants whose 8-year-old daughter was sexually assaulted at a Phoenix apartment complex in 2009 will be dismissed pending their compliance with the state Department of Child Safety.

Maricopa County Superior Court Judge Bruce Cohen ordered that the couple, who were arrested in 2009 on unrelated allegations, meet with him three times over the next year to ensure that all child services requirements have been met.

After one year of compliance, the case will be dismissed, Cohen said.

Maricopa County Attorney’s Office spokesman Jerry Cobb said such agreements are not uncommon.

The parents were arrested in July 2009 after their daughter was gang raped at their apartment complex near 43rd Avenue and Thomas Road by four underage boys, police records show.

The case against the parents is unrelated to the rape, but signs of child abuse surfaced as police investigated the sexual assault, records show.

During the investigation, detectives found evidence of abuse that dated back two years, records show.

The Republic is not publishing the names of the parents to protect the privacy of their daughter, who was returned to her parents’ custody last week.

The four boys, who are also Liberian immigrants, were arrested following the reported rape, records show. Police said the boys lured the girl into a shed at the apartment complex and took turns sexually assaulting her.

One of the boys was taken to a juvenile rehabilitation center and placed on probation, records show. The other three were ruled incompetent to stand trial because of their lack of cultural awareness of the United States’ legal system, records show.

The case against the parents took five years to resolve, mainly because they were unfamiliar with the U.S. judicial system. The couple was ordered to be educated in American court proceedings, as well as other cultural differences, records show.

Additionally, the two speak a language so obscure that the court had to call an interpreter from Minnesota to translate the proceedings over speaker phone on Friday.

Note this last line about an interpreter—all of you towns and cities “welcoming” refugees (Athens, GA!) must be aware of the fact that you are on the hook for the cost of interpreter services for just about anything your refugee needs (including when they end up in our criminal justice system).  Imagine what this case cost Maricopa County!

By the way, Phoenix is a “preferred resettlement site” chosen by the US State Department, ORR, and their contractors.

No sympathy here for Catholic Bishops as Obama screws them with executive order!

Baltimore Archbishop William Lori isn’t smiling now!

Sorry for my choice of words in the title, but there didn’t seem to be anything more fitting then “screw,” which is what Obama (government generally) does to those whose hands are deep into the federal treasury.

Judy just now sent me the Bishops whining and moaning press release about King Obama’s latest declaration on gender identity and sexual orientation discrimination in agencies of the federal government (which includes federal contractors!).

And, by the way, since this is an Executive Order there is no opportunity to go to Congress for relief.

The US Conference of Catholic Bishops is, of course, a huge federal contractor.

[I thought I was done with the Bishops for today when I finished my previous post a short time ago.]

Do you think they and their Catholic flock will ever get it?  Once your hands are into Caesar’s money, Caesar owns you!  Jesus knew, why don’t they?

From the USCCB (where mixed in with a lot of indignation about “religious freedom” they demonstrate their abject fear of losing their taxpayer funding):

WASHINGTON–The bishop-Chairmen of two USCCB Committees responded with great concern to President Obama’s July 21 executive order to prohibit federal government contractors from what the Administration deems “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” discrimination and to forbid “gender identity” discrimination in the employment of federal employees. The problems the bishops identify in the order relate both to the flaws in its core prohibitions, and to its lack of religious freedom protection.


Today’s executive order is unprecedented and extreme and should be opposed.

In the name of forbidding discrimination, this order implements discrimination. With the stroke of a pen, it lends the economic power of the federal government to a deeply flawed understanding of human sexuality, to which faithful Catholics and many other people of faith will not assent. As a result, the order will exclude federal contractors precisely on the basis of their religious beliefs.


As a result, even contractors [big ones like us!—ed] that disregard sexual inclination in employment face the possibility of exclusion from federal contracting if their employment policies or practices reflect religious or moral objections to extramarital sexual conduct.

Read it all, but don’t cry for them, I’m not!  Core beliefs or money? Core beliefs or money?  Which will it be?

Faux conservative lectures America on the border crisis

“Conservative” columnist Kathyrn Jean Lopez is acting like a liberal—lecturing us in a guilt-trip laden rant on National Review Online.   I thought they were supposed to be conservative over there?

Ms. Lopez must know that the US Bishops and Catholic Charities are living off US taxpayer charity (aka our tax dollars). Disclaimer required when pimping for the Pope!

In her pontificating piece, Ms Lopez tells us that the Pope just wants us to give love and understanding to the border invaders.  (Hat tip: Paul)

‘Shepherd of the leading charitable organization in the world,’ she calls him.

How about they first admit that the US Conference of Catholic Bishops and Catholic Charities are receiving the majority of their funding to care for the “children” (and other refugees) from the American taxpayer through federal grants and contracts!

Here and here.

Surely the Pope knows that American taxpayers pay for their Christian charity! So he is in no position to lecture us!

And, surely Katheryn Jean Lopez isn’t living under a rock and has been following the news recently as the public is becoming increasingly aware of the greedy “religious” hands picking our pockets in the name of Christian and Jewish charity.

By the way, tell me! what is conservative about taxpayer dollars by the billions flowing to phony non-profits and “religious” charities that are completely unaccountable to the people who pay the do-gooders’ salaries?

I want the Bishops and the Pope to place a disclaimer on every guilt-tripping screed they write or is written for them by a supposed conservative like Lopez.  The disclaimer would go something like this:

The USCCB and Catholic charities are receiving (and have been for decades) the majority of their funding for their migration program as grants and contracts from the US government.

Then they can lecture all they want about “welcoming” and “protecting” the “children” (but few will listen!).

Ms. Lopez needs a disclaimer too!  Use secular media to spread the Gospel (here) she says!

One last thing, the US Bishops and Catholic Charities, as the leading resettlement agencies in the US, resettle more Muslims into America than any other resettlement agency contracted by the US State Department and use your money to do it.  (Just saying!)

For new readers:

All of our coverage of the ‘unaccompanied minors’ invasion of America is here.

The archive extends back several years and includes posts about the USCCB and Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service receiving federal grants for many years, prior to this one, to care for the “unaccompanied alien children.”

Be sure to see this post about the Bishops visit to Central America in 2013—did they set the migration in motion?  Last year, they were predicting 60,000 “children” for 2014!