This is an interesting turnabout, it is usually European political leaders like Geert Wilders who have to live with the constant fear (under guard) that some Islamists will kill them. Now, if this story is to be believed, Muslims fear a rising tide of “xenophobia” as Europeans feel under siege and fear the coming shariah law, as Muslim migrants flood into Italy from Africa and the Middle East.

From RIA Novosti:
MOSCOW, September 12 (RIA Novosti) – Aicha Mesrar, an Italian councilor from a small city in northern Italy, has been forced to abandon her post and flee the country, The Independent reported.
Announcing her resignation, Mesrar said that she was proud of her work in the city council, and stressed that her leaving “is not the fault of the people of Rovereto,” but of some isolated elements.
“I cannot always live under escort,” Mesrar said, adding that “I’m not scared for me but for my children.” Mesrar has been under police protection for over two years, after receiving numerous threats in the form of anonymous letters.
Mesrar, 45, was born in Casablanca, Morocco, and moved to Italy in the early 1990s, becoming a councilor of the Democratic Party in the city of Rovereto in the Trentino region in 2010.
Mesrar was described by other local politicians as an active and effective councilor, spearheading several community initiatives, including a local community cooperative. Mesrar was the first woman to wear a veil at city hall.
Rovereto’s mayor, Andrea Miorandi, a friend and political ally of Ms. Mesrar, has also received threats for supporting plans to build a mosque and a Muslim cemetery in the city. He described Mesrar’s work as an “outstanding example of civic commitment.”
Bruno Dorigatti, head of Trentino’s provincial government, noted with sadness that “if [Mesrar] has to give in to intimidation and anonymous threats, it means that Trentino has yet to defeat the dangerous disease of intolerance.”
The problem of anti-immigrant attitudes and the related rise of nationalist and xenophobic feelings has been a significant problem in Europe for several decades, but has sharpened dramatically in recent years as the result of sharpening economic crises, rising unemployment, and instability in Northern Africa resulting in an influx of African and Asian immigrants.
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