What do you think?
I’ve been betting on Sweden, but some of my compatriots say it will be the UK. Other guesses?
The news from Sweden’s election yesterday would indicate that Sweden has just stepped-up the pace in the all important race over the cliff for western civilization. Or has it?
The Wall Street Journal reports that the Swedish Left wing has pushed out the Center right with Leftists angry that their welfare state is eroding. They worry that health care isn’t as good nor is education as it used to be, but this article laughably makes no DIRECT link to the enormous influx of Muslim third-worlders Sweden has “welcomed” and the decline in the ability of the social safety net to hold them all.
I suppose the big question for the Left is: do they want the welfare reserved for Swedes or are they sharing their goodies with the world (until they run out)?

Eventually the WSJ mentions the Syrians and the success of the “anti-immigration” party, Sweden Democrats, in the election.
The strong showing of the anti-immigration Sweden Democrats—whose share of votes climbed to 13% from 5.7% in the 2010 election—surprised pollsters. Their opposition strength in parliament also could force Mr. Lofven to recruit a center-right party to his coalition to ensure he can drive through policies.
Fifteen paragraphs in we finally hear about the Syrians (on top of all the other Muslims from places like Iraq and Somalia already flooding into Sweden). We told you about Sweden swinging wide the door to Syrians just when Obama visited last year at this time, here.
Last September, Sweden became the only European Union country to offer permanent residence to Syrians fleeing their devastated homeland and ahead of the election Mr. Reinfeldt asked Swedes to “open their hearts” to those seeking refuge.
He also acknowledged that immigration will strain the state budget in the short term, something the Sweden Democrats seized on for their campaign. They became the country’s third biggest party in Sunday’s voting. [LOL! short term? Where are they going to get the resources long term?—ed]
“Now it will be hard for the other parties to ignore us,” Party Leader Jimmie Akesson said.
For those of you watching Europe’s slide with bets on the UK going first, here are some stats from the Daily Mail yesterday (hat tip: ‘pungentpeppers’) that argue for your case.
The article is entitled: The changing face of Britain: A child in Birmingham is now more likely to be a Muslim than Christian.
Be sure to look at the adult to children ratio in each city.
Get it America!
Our extensive archive on Sweden is here. See also our ‘invasion of Europe’ series by clicking here.