“Mrs Clinton, (then) 62, spoke last year of her unlikely crush on Mr Miliband, 44.” Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1260660/Move-Miliband-Hillary-Clinton-special-relationship-new-man.html#ixzz3EiTH4IZZ
They did not study refugees resettled in the US, but I’ll bet they would opt for cold hard cash over stuff too.
The study apparently concluded that giving refugees money didn’t encourage alcohol consumption, drug use, or smoking (duh! most are Muslims who don’t have those infidel vices anyway).
The study also found that giving them cash was not a dis-incentive to work. Really?
Are “humanitarian” bucks going to fund Jihadists?
They don’t drink or smoke it up but I wondered if they might give some of their cold hard cash to fund more terrorist activity. I bet researchers at Yale didn’t ask that question!
Here is the article, read it yourself since I am out of time and energy right now!
I also wondered if the “refugees” might prefer cash to being resettled in your home town, but alas I assume they didn’t ask that question either.
Come to think of it, we might be able to save ourselves some serious money if we paid them to stay right where they are!
Temporary Protected Status for Liberians should have ended years ago, but now, thanks to Ebola, they will get a reprieve and stay for what will amount to another decade or forever.
I wasn’t going to post this story (I mentioned the possibility of the Ebola excuse, here already) until several readers sent it to me and I had some time to read some of the comments. People are generally becoming more educated (and disgusted) by these LEGAL immigration programs and loopholes.
Rhode Island Democrat Senator Jack Reed is the champion of Liberians in America. As commenter Pete F. suggests below, find his home address and pass it out to Liberians telling them that is where they can be housed and fed.
WASHINGTON (AP) — Liberian immigrants living in the United States without a visa won’t be sent back to the epicenter of Ebola crisis in West Africa for at least another two years, the Obama administration said Friday.
President Barack Obama signed a memo extending a legal protection called “deferred enforced departure” that continues a protection from deportation that has been in place for more than a decade.
The government first granted Liberians temporary protective status during that country’s bloody civil war, which started in 1991 and ended in 2003.
That original protection expired in October 2007. President George W. Bush then approved deferred enforced departure for the community.
Senator Jack Reed of Rhode Island continues to be the champion of Liberian migrants in America. We have written several posts on Senator Reed and Liberians over the years,here.
Comments that caught my eye—but there are about 90 more….
Here is one from Kolchak:
Sweet! This provides a huge incentive for Liberians to escape their country, get smuggled into the US and then claim they’ve been here for long enough to avoid being deported if they get caught. Paid ‘witnesses’ will vouch for them.
We’d better just hope none of them are sick.
Oh, I forgot to mention, most of them will be allowed to stay indefinitely. (This will be done by executive order late on a Friday afternoon when nobody is paying attention.) Those who become citizens will be reminded the Obama saved their lives and thus they are to be Democratic voters for life. [I don’t think they have to wait to become citizens to vote, I bet they are already voting!—ed]
Obama won’t send Liberians back for fear they might catch Ebola, but he’ll send 3,000 American soldiers there to possibly catch Ebola. How ’bout we send the Liberians back with some carpentry tools and blueprints to build their own damn treatment centers!
Pete F:
What we should do is get the addresses of every single Liberal that supports Amnesty and open borders. Give those addresses to every single Illegal that comes into our country, and tell them that these people will take you in, house you, feed you, cloth you, provide you with healthcare, etc.
This should also apply to Limousine Liberals such as Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Lady gaga, Bill Mayher, Matt Damon, and Micheal Moore.
Someone should write a blog just on Temporary Protected Status, the Diversity Visa Lottery and those Investor Visa programs that allow all the Middle Easterners in here to buy convenience stores—-all LEGAL immigration programs in need of being exposed!
I meant to write this post last week as the deal was coming to fruition and the human rights gangsters/no borders activists were screaming their heads off, but didn’t get to it and now I see that the deal has been sealed.
Immigration Minister Scott Morrison working to save Australia from the No-borders movement.
Australia is planning to allow some ‘asylum seekers’ who broke into Australia illegally to choose to be resettled in Cambodia.
The Abbott government’s immigration minister Scott Morrisongot into hot water some months ago by asking (or stating) this very important point:
Why do we assume that asylum seekers have a right to resettlement in a first-world country?
That is a really good point, if they are seeking freedom from persecution, what is wrong with Cambodia? Or, are they all really just economic migrants masquerading as persecuted people.
Australia’s refugee resettlement deal with Cambodia is a long-term arrangement that will start small but build over time, Immigration Minister Scott Morrison said.
The deal, announced on Friday and many months in the making, has been condemned by the United Nations’ refugee agency and human rights advocates.
Speaking to the ABC’s AM program, Mr Morrison said four or five refugees will be resettled in Cambodia in the early stages, but only time will tell how many refugees will make the move.
“And it’ll be based on the success of the program over time. And of course it’s a voluntary program,” he said.
He said it was a long-term agreement and Cambodia would determine how many refugees it would accept.
And, here is the storyI was going to post last week from The Australian ( Charities call Cambodia refugee resettlement deal immoral):
Mr Morrison, who has lobbied for developing nations to share a higher burden of the world’s refugees, said the arrangement with Cambodia would be “an ongoing, developing relationship” to build the country’s capacity to offer protection to refugees.
Former Family Court chief justice Alastair Nicholson, speaking on behalf of a coalition of charities, described the proposal as “inappropriate, immoral and likely illegal”.
“It is inappropriate because Cambodia has no capacity within its social sector to take an influx of refugees. Immoral because these vulnerable people are Australia’s responsibility, and while we await the detail, it appears illegal in contravening Australia’s humanitarian and refugee obligations to vulnerable children and families,” Mr Nicholson said.
Mr Nicholson’s comments were endorsed by a coalition of charities including UNICEF Australia, Save the Children, Plan International Australia, World Vision, Amnesty International, Refugee Council of Australia, International Detention Coalition and Children’s Rights International.
The proof of progress is in the statistics!
The Australian government’s hard line position against open borders (against an asylum-seeker free-for-all) has put Australia in the category of only a few advanced countries whose “asylum seeker” numbers have actually gone down. See the recently released UN report we told you about here. It can be done, but most Western governments, including the US, have apparently no will to live.
Can you just imagine how ticked-off UNHCR Antonio Guterres must be at Australia! He likely fears that some other countries might grow a spine!
I suspect this opinion writer (C.A. Joseph Peters) from Ypsilanti, Michigan writing in The Eastern Echo is connected in some way to federal resettlement contractor US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants, but there is no mention of his affiliation and we are thus expected to believe he is just a member of John Q. Public.
Michigan is already in the top five states for Middle Eastern and North African (MENA) immigrant population. https://refugeeresettlementwatch.org/2014/02/26/what-is-the-population-of-middle-eastern-and-north-african-immigrants-in-your-state/
Michigan is the best candidate to accept Iraqi and Syrian refugees, not because of its railroads and factories, forests and rivers, or even because of its system of government, but because of Michiganders themselves. Of the many chapters of the American immigration success story, two of its finest – Polish immigration in the early 20th Century and Lebanese immigration half a century later – were written in Michigan. Michigan may yet write a third.
The situation is this: Iraqis and Syrians are fleeing in the tens of thousands, and Michigan is in need of people. Michigan accepting these refugees would not only be generous but practical.
Mr. Peters then goes on with a lot of the mumbo-jumbo about Polish and Italian immigrants as if they are the same as Middle Eastern Muslims in their world view. Then he talks about the Christian Middle Easterners as if that is all they will get from Iraq and Syria. In fact, they will get mostly Muslim refugees from Syria.
The U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI), a non-profit refugee aid organization, reported that of the more than 120,000 Chaldeans (Iraqi Christians) who made their way to Detroit almost half a century ago, more than half of them are now business-owners, now helping new Iraqi refugees get on their feet in their new state.
Peters: Michigan ought to “welcome” hundreds of thousands!
The crisis in Iraq and Syria is known well enough. Hundreds of thousands are fleeing. And Michigan, a state that has welcomed Middle Eastern refugees before, ought to welcome these hundreds of thousands who are feeling [fleeing?–ed] the region today, and encourage one generation of Middle Eastern Michiganders in preparing the next.
Michiganders need to bombard The Eastern Echo with another point of view!
Michigan is this year in the top five resettlement states,see here. A few years ago the US State Department, fearing Michigan was in overload, slowed the flow (Detroit News 2008) but it looks like that limited moratorium is off now!
Or at least he says he is Kenyan. We get a lot of “refugees” and other legalimmigrants who pass through Kenya, but are not really Kenyans. We don’t know how this one—Jacob Mugambi Muriithi—got here, but thought this needed to be posted.
3,972 supposed refugees came to us through Kenyathis fiscal year alone. Kenyans themselves are not considered eligible for refugee resettlement or asylum because their country is relatively stable (except of course if you are the Aunt and Uncle of President Obama!). Through what legal program did this Muslim get here?
In a bizarre coincidence, a fired Oklahoma City nursing home employee was arrested Friday after a co-worker reported he threatened to cut her head off.
Jacob Mugambi Muriithi
Jacob Mugambi Muriithi, 30, is being held in the Oklahoma County jail on a terrorism complaint. His bail is set at $1 million.
“We take these threats very seriously,” Oklahoma County District Attorney David Prater said.
The arrest came on the same day police in Moore revealed fired Vaughan Foods worker Alton Alexander Nolen beheaded a co-worker after he was fired Thursday. Nolen is a Muslim convert.
Muriithi was identified as a native of Kenyawho is living in Oklahoma City. He worked at Bellevue Nursing Home in northwest Oklahoma City, police reported.
The co-worker reported Muriithi threatened her while they were both working at the nursing home Sept. 19, a police detective wrote in an arrest warrant affidavit.
The woman was not identified.
She said Muriithi identified himself as a Muslim and said he “represented ISIS and that ISIS kills Christians,” the detective told a judge in the affidavit. The two had not worked together before.
If anyone finds out more about Muriithi’s immigration status, let us know!
By the way, we do take a lot of refugees with mental health issues as we have documented in our “health issues category.”