Wow! Another ‘pocket of resistance!’
This is mostly about the ‘Unaccompanied alien children’ which I am shocked to report Catholic Charities (in this news account) is already calling “refugees!” They are NOT refugees until they are legally determined to be asylum seekers who have been granted asylum through an administrative or court proceeding! (These religious Leftists are pretty sneaky with the language they choose!)

From MS News Now:
JACKSON, MS (Mississippi News Now) –
“Over 200 young adults and children that have been sent to this state by the Obama administration and we have no idea where they’re at.”
That concern has shifted Governor Bryant’s focus to the Unaccompanied Refugee Minor Program. Catholic Charities Executive Director Greg Patin says his organization has been running it for more than 30 years now.
“They are certified by the office of refugee resettlement as refugees,” Patin explained. “So they are legally here in the united states and we help them acclimate to their new country.”
The Department of Human Services distributes the federal dollars to the organization to help with the program. [For new readers the money goes to these federal contractors***.—ed]
“Roughly 1.7 million dollars a year,” said Patin.
Now, the Governor has given this message to the Obama administration and DHS.
“I told them to stop every program dealing with refugee children until we can sort this out,” explained Bryant.
The religious leaders described their Thursday meeting with Bryant as “gracious and cordial.” In a statement they said the Governor has promised to carefully consider the situation.
“I’m not critical of these religious leaders,” Bryant said. “Catholic Charities doing a very good job and that’s a legal program. My concern is it will be taken advantage of by the Obama administration to bring hundreds more into that state.”
See our growing archive on “pockets of resistance” here. And, all of our coverage of the “unaccompanied minors” going back several years is here.
*** The federal migrant resettlement contractors which we have followed for years (Grant recipient big dogs (devouring federal cash) Baptist Child and Family Services and Southwest Key Programs are new on the scene in recent years.):
- Church World Service (CWS)
- Ethiopian Community Development Council (ECDC) (secular)
- Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM)
- Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS)
- International Rescue Committee (IRC) (secular)
- US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI) (secular)
- Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Services (LIRS)
- United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB)
- World Relief Corporation (WR)