Think about this dilemma for every Western country with trouble-making Somalis! The new Somali government doesn’t want them back!
See our post just about two weeks ago—Soul-searching in Scandinavia—about how Norway is getting tougher on the issue of Muslim immigration.
From Horseed Media:
Somalia’s government has refused to receive a number of Somali refugees who were deported back from Europe, an official has confirmed.
Abdullahi Gafow, Director of Immigration and Citizenship, said that six Somali nationals were ‘’illegally’’ deported back from Norway and they were denied an entry.
‘’We won’t receive any refugees who are forced or illegally deported. We have already sent them back’’
‘’ The Norwegian government informed us that they will deport them back by force, but we also told them that we won’t accept,’’ he claimed.
Earlier this year, Somalia’s semi-autonomous region of Puntland also refused to receive Somali nationals from the Norwegian government.
Human rights and advocacy groups have voiced their concerns on deportation of Somalis seeking for asylum, saying that it represents a clear violation of international refugee conventions.
Across Europe, tens of thousands of Somalis are in legal limbo, waiting to have asylum claims processed, or under threat of return to the war-torn nation t if their applications have been rejected.
See our extensive archive on Norway by clicking here.
By the way, we have been told the US is deporting Somalis, but I doubt the Obama Administration has put a single one on a plane.